Low HR Training


MAF and walking (Read 70 times)


    I started Maffetone a couple of weeks ago and my heart rate exceeds my MAHR whenever I "jog" for about one minute.  I can keep it in the recommended training range (122-132) as long as I am walking.  I decided to try this method because I can't seem to break through the 9 min/mile pace.  My resting HR is very low, 48bpm, but running at 9min/mile it averages around 163 bpm over distances ranging from 5k to 15k.  I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if so, how long it might take before I can "run" again.  Thanks!

    Slow and Steady

      When I first started out doing MAF training, my walking pace was faster than my MAF pace. But at walking pace my HR was too low, so I had to swallow my pride and "jog" - while getting passed by walkers!


      But after a few months, my MAF pace quickened by 2 minutes per mile, and I was actually able to jog properly. I'm hoping at some point to even be able to call it a run! Smile


      I started Maffetone a couple of weeks ago and my heart rate exceeds my MAHR whenever I "jog" for about one minute.  I can keep it in the recommended training range (122-132) as long as I am walking.  I decided to try this method because I can't seem to break through the 9 min/mile pace.  My resting HR is very low, 48bpm, but running at 9min/mile it averages around 163 bpm over distances ranging from 5k to 15k.  I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if so, how long it might take before I can "run" again.  Thanks!

      Eric S.

      Trail Mix ||| dailymile ||| RA log

      Goals: 50km, 50-miler, 100km, 100-miler


        I've been training in MAF zone exclusively for most of this year.  I do a run walk hybrid.  I am very comfortable with walking on runs since before getting into MAF training I used Galloway method with success.  My goal is first health, second play, third is training enough to race respectfully.  MAF training has allowed me to train injury free and enhances my health.  That said, there are many outside variables that hugely impact my MAF pace.   A large one is environmental.....temperature is largest.  Summer in lower alabama is very hot and humid and I have trouble running longer than a minute before walking down my HR and the drift kicks my butt after 40 minutes corresponding with rise in body temp and loss of cooling mechanism    That said, hydration is another large factor that is at play.  Of coarse route and hills affect the pace.  Wind is big also.   Here is another one...sleep, cumulative fatigue and life stress.   Dr. Maffetone includes all these and more in his books, articles etc..   Diet is another one although is fairly controlled with me.....no sugar, starches, grains or processed foods for me.   Real whole foods all the time and running without any supplements ever and long runs fasted to max aerobic fiber development.  Footwear and efficient form are big ones, the latter is constant work in progress for me.

        My humble advice is to stick with it and be patient.  I believe that low intensity training should be our rule with some strength training thrown in .  Keep long term goals in mind daily....running when you're retired and older is mine.  Adding life to years is the goal.

        Niel R


        Consistently Slow

          Staying close to Maff  has kept me healthy. Staying healthy lead to 300 miles in October.Ran 24 of 31 days.

          Run until the trail runs out.

           SCHEDULE 2016--

           The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

          unsolicited chatter



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              As well as the other advice, I'd add to check if running fasted versus running relatively recently after eating affects you.

              I usually run fasted, as I run in the morning before breakfast.

              Recently, I've done a couple of runs an hour or so after eating. My MAF pace sucked!

              Really had to slow down, almost to the point of abandoning the run.


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                  Not related to LHR

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                        Consistently Slow


                          Run until the trail runs out.

                           SCHEDULE 2016--

                           The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                          unsolicited chatter
