Masters Running


Good Thursdays to you all (Read 511 times)

    Tammy, nice family picture at your son's 5th grade graduation.  hopeful, keep the puppy pictures coming.  perch, welcome to MI.  I'm not real familiar with Madison Hts but my daughter lived there for several years (near 14 Mile and Crooks) and, years ago, my sister lived there (near 12 Mile and Stephenson).  You mentioned running in Rochester.  That's rochrunner's neighborhood (obviously from his name).  fatozzig, kudos to your husband on his chores around the house but don't tell my wife about it.  Mike, glad to hear your trip is off to a good start.  holly, enjoy New Orleans.  I was there twice 40-45 years ago.  To date myself, both Al Hirt and Pete Fountain had places on Bourbon St.  I saw both of them in person.  There was some good jazz, some good food, and a few other places visited on Bourbon St.  I also experienced one night of Mardi Gras.  breger, I see that Charlevoix made a list ofthe prettiest towns in America.  OM, loved the Mt. Rushmore picture.


    Nice long runs for perch and hermossa.  Good job on the speedwork for derrick.


    The heat broke and this morning it was about 70°, there was a little humidity, and a light wind.  I got in 12 miles in about 2:02:30 for a 10:12 pace. 


    A good day and good runs for all.



      Hi all---been on the road for work a bunch, but trying to keep up here and everywhere.


      PBJ! Do you have time to go here?  Legendary Central New York spot. Liverpool High School produced some awesome runners back in the day. Jen Rhines I believe among them.


      Puppies! Love those photos and that's all we can talk about here at home. 


      Wild t-storms last night and this morning. I headed to the track at Smith---3 miles away in what I thought was a storm free patch---nope! hail, lightning, heavy rain---no locusts though----waited a bit for that to pass and then did skipping and high knee drils, and 6x400 (2:30 for each repeat so the fast part in 1:30-1:32 and the remaining time shuffe jogging until the watch said 2:30 had elapsed). rumbling thunder at the start of the last repeat propelled me to a 1:28 400 and I headed 3 miles home. 9 miles total. The storms kept the heat down this morning, but now we are at 88 with that cool air arriving tomorrow. Can't be bored with the weather!


      I know I am late to say this, but Maraposai! Don't ever gve up the running dreams. They are supposed to be stretches and perhaps a bit out of reach at times, otherwise they'd be practical thoughts and what's the fun in that? Dream big and always.


      Hope all continues well in New Orleans Holly. 


      Nice 12 miler tselbs!


      An amazing journey Mike---thinking of you and your son.

        Mike E. I hope your trip is going better than planned.


        I would post about my elliptical shuffle today but I am still in a coma.  Since I am in a coma I do not know if it was induced from the simple boredom of the elliptical or if I did it medically.  Assuming I ever get out of it I will let you know.  Sad


        I have mentioned in the past that my SIL trains Jack Russel terriers and owns (now) six of them.  The dogs are occasionally featured in ads and here is one that also happens to be on the net for those who want to know what her "star" dog looks like:  This one is called Baxter and you can see the best shots of him towards the end of the video.  The other dogs have been in other ads, but Baxter has been featured most often, has appeared on TV, in movies, and has won innumerable titles.  Too bad none of that pays much more than the cost of dog food!

        Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

        Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

            Too bad none of that pays much more than the cost of dog food!   the happy wraps come in people sizes!



          Too funny and sweet dogs! Jack Russells are super smart. My x-country coach in college had two: Eddy Merckx and Fanny Farmer. Awesome dogs.  I would like one of those happy wraps though....might help the stress levels and not as voluminous as a snuggie. Every person and creature just needs a hug it would seem.

          Marathon Maniac #957

            Howdy folks - just a quick fly-by here before we go in for the afternoon session...


            7 miles or so (estimate) this morning up and down the main streets of the French Quarter (amazing how many people are out at 5am in the big city), followed by 20 minutes on the arc trainer in the hotel's fitness room and a few squats/dead lifts (nothing too strenuous, just reminding the muscles who they are).  I have to work off some of this southern food.....


            I signed up for a two-hour walking tour this evening, supposed to see the historic and haunted sights.  I brought my camera just for this.


            I'll check back in later when I have time to read...


            Happy Thursday!

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

              Twocat - I've actually been thinking about one of those wraps for Hailey's storm anxiety.     Little Baxter is just adorable!  


              Every time I see CNY post something I think it is my post, with that puppy avatar.   If only I could run like Karin.   Smile


              "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
              It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



              Mike E

              MM #5615

                The kid is driving, now, so I got caught up on everything. Now that the road has straightened out I can, relax enough to post. We just have a couple more hours until we get there. I still have to find a place to stay. Yeah--hermosaboy--I never was good with family vacations. Alphred Hitchcock...manicans and birds are still scary to me because of him!

                  Cute dog, Twocat.  I've seen those commercials and have wondered if that thing actually works.  If so, I might buy four for Charlie Dog, even though he's not my dog. Roll eyes


                  MikeE is posting, so obviously his son's driving hasn't done them in yet. Wink


                  Nice run Tselbs.


                  1.25 hrs of core/strength training this a.m.  I had planned on going pool running tonight, but just as I was about to drive off to work, The Hub yelled at me.  One of my dearest friends called.  Her dad died last night.  One of those situations where it's for the best because he had Parkinson's really bad, but it doesn't make it any easier.  And she just had a hysterectomy on Monday and is dealing with side issues from that.  So I'll be going over to her house after work instead of pool running.


                  Oh - Last night and this morning I did some EZ PZ walking around the house sans crutches, and just one crutch here at work this a.m.  The foot telling me it's not completely healed, but it's not barking at me like a week or so ago when I tried the same thing.  Minor progress - it's what keeps me from maiming somebody.

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance




                    Good luck with the kid driving, Mike!  Tomorrow I'm taking DD in for her THIRD attempt to pass her driving test.  Roll eyes  I think she's improved enough that with any luck, she'll pass this time.  She hardly ever scares me when she's driving anymore...


                    It's [almost] cool enough that I decided to go for a RAL.  62° and partly cloudy.  But it's more humid than I'm used to, about 60%.  5 wooded  trail miles at 9:49 avg pace.

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                      Holly, that found sounds delicious!!

                      I want a happy wrap for bedtime....but it would have to allow me to get up to pee every hour or so.


                      oh dear Leslie - she is already home from the hospital after that procedure?  Used to be you were in for a week.


                      Tramps, it is one thing to convey information and even emotions through the internet, thank goodness smells can not be transmitted that way!


                      A sweaty sunny 64F, took it easy, 3 miles

                      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                      Avenger Doggie

                      protector of my dad


                         Add another item to the list of things that can go wrong on a run: a putrid deer carcass, festering in the swampy heat. 


                         Score!!!!! What went wrong? Did you have to have a bath after you rolled in it???


                        Don't bring ghosts here Holly!! I see what they do to Scooby Doo!!!


                        Me and Dad went run run run!! Dad was very slow today. I had to keep coming back to get him! There were lots and lots of critters to chase too! Dad kept sneaking down the wrong trail and I had to keep getting him. We saw lady slippers (they don't look like slippers) and a whole bunch of goose berries (they don't taste like goose).

                        Sniffing Butts, Tag

                          I forgot to comment on Tramps' post - Dead   Actually, Tramps, with all the talk of heat over the last few days, I was wondering how the ole gag reflex was handling things.  Big grin


                          Enke - It's amazing what they can do now.  Get Ready for TIMI  A lot of hysterectomies don't require full blown surgery anymore (i.e., cutting you open).  They go through the nether regions and do everything that way.  Really quite amazing.  They also had to mess around with other parts of her insides because of issues she's had over the years, including lifting her bladder.  So the poor thing has to have a catheter until she can retrain herself to go to the bathroom normally again.  I think this is only expected to take a week or two, though.  TMI Off.

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance



                            Happy Thursday!  Well I woke to T-storms and figrured I would run at lunch.. My 10 a.m.argument which I thought would take 1 hour took 2.5. There went my running slot.  Now still at work.... so I guess it has become a rest day.


                            I have one  court hearing tomorrow but otherwise will take the day to clean the house and get ready for  DD's graduation .  Somehow she has lost 4 books issued for World Literature.  I doubt she finished  many of them but we have to find them or pay for them. How the he** do you lose four books??


                            Hoping to do a long-ish run tomorrow some time.


                            Mike, I hope things are going well for you on the trip. Good luck in the races too.


                            Holly, enjoy New Orleans!


                            Karin, good running as always.


                            Leslie, that TMI makes me squirm...

                            i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                              Tramps... hot humid and putrid?


                              Lovin it here.  It was COOLER after work than before so I went for another run.


                               Nicer out (69° ) with low dewpoint (52° )!!
                              3 miles at 8:40, 8:22, 7:49
                              Then 4x hill repeats (it's a man-made sledding hill with paved path tot he top. Good view of Madison Heights from the top)
                              28, 28, 28, 30 secs Heart pounding repeats walking back down ca 1 min between.

                              Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                                Leslie, kind of like how they pull pituitary tumors out through your nose?  It must be NATIONAL GROSS OUT DAY.


                                lamerunner, I saw a woman at the library walk around to her passenger side door, and when she opened it, about 8 books fell onto the pavement.


                                When is Tammy's death, I mean marathon?

                                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."
