Masters Running


Monday, May 9 Runs and Assorted Workout-Type Activities..... (Read 584 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning!




    No run for me today – 45 minutes of P90X Legs and Back, 16-minutes Ab Ripper X.  I admit to skimping on some of the leg exercises because my hamstrings are pretty sore today from yesterday’s lower body workout.


    Happy Monday!

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

    Petco Run/Walk/Wag 5k

      thanks for the start Holly, and the reminder



      Haven't run yet today although am in running clothes and ready to. Had to get to DD2's early to help with the boys and her recover from relapse. She seems better this morning, and I hope it continues thru the day. Wasn't able to get out on the street until yesterday afternoon so mostly walked 2.2 mi in 94F Austin heat. Hit 98 at the airport...


      Have to call Atlanta Dr's Office again this morning trying to get the 1992 Echo Cardiogram that first diagnosed my with left ventricular hypertrophy so I can submit to the VA.


      Ya'll keep on keeping on! Hope to post later if I can get back to my PC or use DD2's Mac.

      bob e v
      2014 goals: keep on running! Is there anything more than that?

      Complete the last 3 races in the Austin Distance Challenge, Rogue 30k, 3M Half, Austin Full

      Break the 1000 mi barrier!

      History: blessed heart attack 3/15/2008; c25k july 2008 first 5k 10/26/2008 on 62nd birthday.


        Good morning Holly and all to follow. Hope all of the RA mothers had a great day. I played 18 holes of golf with my DH and DS#2, then was treated to a wonderful dinner prepared by DS#1 and 2 with a little assist from their stepfather. The best part? They cleaned up the kitchen and did all of the dishes after dinner was over. I took my glass of wine and went and sat on the patio until they were done Smile


        (((Leslie))) I hope you're feeling better today and glad you had a good visit with Shorty.


        I did 10 miles on Saturday and it didn't go well. I'm not real optimistic about the Cellcom next weekend. But, when you don't train properly, you can't complain about not running well. Lately it just seems like everything hurts and that has truly taken some of the joy out of running for me. This getting old thing ain't for sissies!

        Hope everyone has a great start to the week.


        MM #6177

          Good morning all! Feel better Leslie... interesting how when a person's undergoing a lot of stress, the body reacts by catching a cold or getting the flu... it's just a natural process of the body's wisdom to allow what shouldn't be there pass through and leave... might not feel good during the process but sometimes just knowing it's OK that you've gotten sick on top of everything else going on is really the way things should be... {{{Leslie}}}


          Oddly enough, after yesterday's amazing 10k race, my legs feel like they want to run today! So I think I might go out for a super easy short recovery run today. I have my pre-op appointment with the breast surgeon this afternoon. Tomorrow morning I see the plastic surgeon. I have a friend coming with me for both appointments just to have a second set of ears and eyes for all the information (MrOM has yet another business trip and is away all week). Surgery date is set for May 24. Onward and upward, indeed!


            Finally, a nice enough morning to run to the gym, workout, then run home.  5 miles running altogether.  (The gym is only a mile away but I took the long route.)


            By the way, salt isn't bad after all: "But now comes a Belgian study, just published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, claiming that healthy people who eat the least amount of sodium don’t have any health advantage over those who eat the most. In fact, they had slightly higher death rates from heart disease."





              Good morning. no run here either, normal Monday rest the legs day. I will probably swim at lunch. Nice day though. Maybe I will plant a couple of hardy things outside  after work.  Tomatoes will have to wait a few more weeks, but some of the greens can get started.  My gardening is very low key.   Not enough space or  time and too many chipmunks.


              {{{Leslie}} No doubt your body wants you to take a break.  I hope you feel better. lax is lacrosse




                I have running and assorted workout-type activities to contribute - mind if I play?


                I have kept my running log here at RA for a hanful of years now and it makes sense to simplify by hanging oput in the forums here rather than double posting.  I'm not much of a dailyposter anymore but I wanted to jump in early on a Monday and say HI to everyone. Lots of names here from the old country.....Tramps, Perch, Holly...Hi yall.


                Started out the morning with stretching and back alignment movments.  Pushups and Squats got the blood flowing. Will check back in with a running activity. 



                Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                  Good Morning.


                  Lots of great racing over the weekend - as usual by all you fine Masters!!   I hope that all the mom's had a great day yesterday.


                  I was out for 5 miles yesterday before having my mom over for brunch.   The rest of the day was just kind of ho-hum, but DH did get my scooter running, so we were able to go out for a nice ride. 


                  Hey BTY - good to see you here!!


                  2 weeks old today .....


                  "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                  It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                    Morning all -- got up for a Rosie run.  As we walked outside to start -- clap of thunder, bolt of lightning and a DOWNPOUR started!  I took that as a sign and went back to bed for 15 minutes.  I don't mess with electrical activity...

                    And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx



                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      BTY - hello!


                      Mary - looks like their coats are already beginning to change from cow to griffon...

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                        BTY, so glad to see you here. A while back I decided to simplify my life as well and started posting only here. It is perfectly fine to just post when you can.


                        OrangeMat, happy to see that you are going to the appointments with a friend. Good luck to you today. Great race yesterday, dear sisttahh.

                        Erika, 21 miles Shocked. How was mother's day dinner?

                        Holly, are you excited about your new job? 

                        Jlynne, nice demonstration of love by the kids!!!!

                        Sending dozens of butterfly hugs to Leslie.

                        Tamster, how did your run go this weekend. Sorry, I was not much here the last three days, but I was thinking of you and your LR this weekend.


                        No running for me, but I do have a gym date with my DH tonight.

                        Have a great day!

                        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                        Mike E

                        MM #5615

                          Whoa--I just noticed that runnerclay ran a marthon this past Saturday and scheduled to run two marathons this upcoming weekend AND it's his birthday, today.  Can all of this be right?  Wow!  Everytime I claim a new hero on this site, another one comes along!


                          (By the way, hermosaboy, when I heard the crack of thunder when I woke up, this morning, my first thought was, "I wonder how Rob and Rosie are doing."  Thanks for answering that question.)

                            Holly, that P90x sure is popular.  Did you know I was a pacer at the Surf City Marathon in HB last year?  If you want to go back, there's a free entry for you.  I was a 4:45 pacer and hit the nail on the head.


                            BTY, good seeing you here.  I guess Kick is officially dead.


                            I had a nice 4-mile recovery run last night but didn't post it.  Things were crazy at home with sending out DD's graduation announcements, etc.  She's valedictorian!!!  Today's a rest day for me.  I'll go to lunch yoga and send out good vibes as usual for you, Orange Mat.  Congrats on a great race!

                            "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me



                              Opie, congrats to your DD - she's one smart young lady. Where's she going to college?

                              Thanks for the puppy fix, Mary.

                              Hi, BTY, welcome to the dark side.


                              I had a very quiet Mothers Day, with just my two furry children.  DH is away for work, and DD is away at school.  I Skyped with DD and talked to my mom on the phone, and took the furry kids out for 5 miles.

                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                                Opie, congrats to your DD - she's one smart young lady. Where's she going to college?


                                Very close to home, OU.  I've always told her to dream big, so she was looking at schools like Vanderbilt for a while.  Ka-ching!

                                "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me
