Masters Running


Tue April Fools (Read 662 times)

    Nothing for me today except strength workouts (and stretching of course) at the rec center. I've been really busy at work this week, which is always the case when I'm about to go on vacation: everything that has been running smoothly starts blowing up! BTB: Really sorry to hear about your injury. It sure makes mine seem minor by comparison. I hope you can get it under control soon! Holly: Sorry about your trials and tribulations with selling and buying a house. But these things have a way of working themselves out for the better. CNY: I know it's your DS there, but your avatar is starting to make me feel chilly whenever I see it. Does he play baseball at all? Good runs to everyone today!

    Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

    "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

      Happy running today even if it is foolish time! Yes, someone (Spareribs?) please explain the origin of this special day. I have to get a mammogram today. For some twisted reason I always get appointments on Valentine's Day, but this year the clinic was booked so I got April Fools Day! Shocked Last year I asked the technician: do you do this to men? She said, oh yeah we mammogram men, but it's really hard to do them too because they have a lot of chest hair so it's hard to image the tissue samples. Then she showed me the scary implement in which they use to pin the guys down. YEOW. And you guys thought you had it bad at the urologist. You can't even cough. Tongue Today's plan: get through the mammogram, then go for a nice dirt path 5 mile run in the hills. P.S. Spareribs, we just like the way you tell a story P.P.S. Holly you will eventually get there on the house deal. It will work out for the best but I'm not sure about burying a statue to make it happen Confused

      I Can Go The Distance

        Good Tuesday Morning All, To many others have beaten me to the punch with April Fool's posts, so I will have to be truthful about my run today. Ran at 6 am at the track. The temp was about 53. I did 5 miles in 48:12 (9:39 pace). I have two more weeks of pure endurance runs and then back to weekly interval and tempo runs. I am actually looking forward to getting back to speed work. I am getting bored with just doing easy runs. Have a great day all! Bruce

        "Don't give up, don't ever give up." Jim Valvano

        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

          sunny 65F ezpz 20 xt Smile joudan

          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

            Your wish is my command Rochrunner! There's the kiddo at a Little League picnic in New Britain, CT. All the teams (coaches-pitch through juniors) were bussed to a Rock Cats game on the hottest day of July in 2006---it was 103F in the stands that day, but the kiddo was cheesing for the camera as usual! How's that? Big grin It was time for an avatar change indeed....April 5 is the last game of the hockey season and then we are going to a Rock Cats game on Sunday with my husband's parents (76th birthday present for my FIL). They are just back from watching the Tigers play in Florida (MIL is from Michigan) and they can't get enough! CNYrunner

              On the way out of the gym, someone commented that I had awesome legs. Unfortunately the comment came from a 70+ year old man. Sigh. I'll take it though, compliments are few and far between these days! Nice guy, I stopped and chatted with him for a bit, it's great to see people still active at that age.
              I wonder if that's what the youngsters at the gym think when I chat with them "nice lady, great to see someone her age still active" Confused yesterday was a rest/slug/coachpotato sloth day - well, that is after working all day, making dinner, overseeing ds's homework, chatting about his day, cleaning up, playing a few board games, geting him into bed, etc. But after that - total slug! Today I'll get in a run during the lunch hour, then maybe another walk this evening with the dogs.


              King of PhotoShop

                The origins of April Fools' Day are obscure. The most commonly accepted theory holds that it dates from 1582, the year France adopted the Gregorian Calendar, which shifted the observance of New Year's Day from the end of March (around the time of the vernal equinox) to the first of January. According to popular lore, some folks -- out of ignorance, stubbornness, or both -- continued to ring in the New Year on April 1 and were made the butt of jokes and pranks on account of their foolishness. This became an annual tradition, supposedly, which ultimately spread throughout Europe. The weakness of the calendar-change theory is that it fails to account for an historical record replete with traditions linking merriment and tomfoolery to this time of year dating all the way back to antiquity. Okay, that's from a simple Google search. Now on to running. Dale, are you hurt, or just resting? Great dialog among Perch, Breger and CNY this morning. I love to see these kinds of discussions as they help us all. Perch, let me add to your erudite comments regarding DOMS and that is to remind everyone that while this "phenomenon" occurs, it should not be taken advantage of for training unless you have a substantial base and you really have a reason to incorporate two days of speed. You cheat, or fool, the body when you do those back to back efforts. The Saint decided to walk today, as she has a ten-miler tomorrow, so I met her at the dirt track and she did 4.2 and I jogged 3.3. There has been no more mention of the cake incident from yesterday and I am sure not going to bring it up. Spareribs

                One day at a time

                  Holly, I'll be hoping that you find an even better house to buy! At least you know what you need to fix now. VERY foggy this morning, so I didn't want to run on the roads. 4.2 miles on the treadmill, in 46:15. It was really hard for me, maybe because it was my 6th day of running in a row. I'm glad tomorrow is a rest day, before my planned 9-mile run on Thursday. Happy April Fool's Day! Maybe I will think of a trick to play on my kids...

                    What did Tetsujin post?? 20? never know what's up with him... I really like all the discussion about different paces and the application of training methods... I try to incorporate some of it but some of you guys get pretty specific and technical. Makes me feel like I just go run. Oh well, so far it seems to work for me. I suppose if I really wanted to improve I'd hire a coach, but that certainly isn't going to happen and if I tried to run any more than I do already I'd be looking for a new family... We do what we can do, I guess. Tim, glad you liked the ice bath! I really wanted to do one after my 21 on Sunday but I was pretty cold at the finish, and as soon as I was out of the shower life took off and wouldn't have had time anyway. I really do look forward to doing it in the trash can this summer... Shy BTB, what an ordeal. At least you got a compliment... But I feel like Tammy when I'm in the weight room with all those kids, and they kind of look at me like, how neat that old lady is still doing that! Ha. Holly, hang in there. Sounds like they were out to see what they could get you guys to do, now they're going to move on to the next seller to pick on. In a buyers' market, this sort of stuff happens. I think you're smart to take advantage of what you've learned, fix/update what you can and draw the line at what you won't do. Now you've got the inspections so you can be proactive with the next offer you get. You can say, "we know x, y, and z might need to be updated or replaced, but we've accounted for that in the selling price and that's it." Might work. The Saint is, indeed, a saint. High School soccer meeting last night... the roster had our son on the JV team after he'd been told he was varsity. Coach said all the seniors made Varsity (or were cut, no options), some juniors and only a couple sophomores (DS1 is soph). So I figured, ok, he's in this for training anyway to be ready for the comp season starting soon. We paid our minimal fee for the JV shirt (varsity has to pay for full uniform and warmups), got the lecture on not missing practices and I went home to make dinner. DH calls me a little later and said there was a big mix up and when they realized who our kid was, oh yes he IS on Varsity and you need this uniform order... Ok... so it's soccer every night from 6-8 thru April I guess...Gonna be a busy month. (momma's pride shows that DS1 is one of only a couple sophomores to make varsity team... Big grin ) 30 mins stationary bike last night, 5-6 tonight sometime... not sure when, where or how...


                      Holly, get a small statue of Saint Joseph, and then bury it upside down in your front yard. Trust me, your house will sell soon. Smile


                      Runners run


                        Quote from BTB: "On the way out of the gym, someone commented that I had awesome legs. " Dear Mr. BTB, This statment is usless without pictures. Please post some right away so that we can all assess whether you have awesome legs or not. This is, after all, a professional running board and we welcome the opportunity to advise other runners. Truly yours, runningindc

                        Trails Rock!

                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          Holly, get a small statue of Saint Joseph, and then bury it upside down in your front yard. Trust me, your house will sell soon. Smile
                          Big grin Big grin You and Roch...(shaking head)...Thanks for the chuckle, Ilene.... Smile

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                            Holly, get a small statue of Saint Joseph, and then bury it upside down in your front yard. Trust me, your house will sell soon. Smile
                            My mom's a Real Estate Broker and does that all the time for her clients...

                            And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx



                     continue the pace/tempo/threshold discussion for training....Spareribs makes a great point about base and base building. I am lucky enough to have a monster base and a coach who coaches me for free. My last real break from running was more than five years ago due to non-running related surgery. I was off the roads for almost six months. Since then though I have been running and while I have reduced mileage between major races, the base is still moving along. It's never ideal for me to push a fast workout up too close to a race or the previous hard day, but this week's schedule is like that and I do feel good. BCMorant said something about being bored with the base miles and I hear you and indeed you can't run fast unless you run fast....but the bread and butter runs are so key too. Erika, you needn't get technical. Your workouts include zippy days, hills, recovery days and all that. It's a personal preference approach and we are experiments of one. In the spirit of full disclosure, I should say that when I was in college I was a subject of a study along with my cross-country teammates. We were tested for four years on VO2 max, ribcage width, fat composition etc. Our coach was getting her MS in exercise sports science. It was totally cool and fascinated the science geek in me. That said, I just don't want to go there now even though I am positive I would learn a great deal (and the new soon to be released Garmin that looks like a real watch may have to go on my birthday gift list....I digress). I guess what I am saying is that if you have a plan that incorporates pace changes and different distances and elevations, you will have variety and that's key if you want to test your race pace. There is also a beauty in just running and letting your mood guide you. You will be pleased with your performance in Boston. I enjoy this board so much for all the great advice and sharing. CNY

                              Renee the dog

                                Great reading today -- I LOVE reading about the approaches to running. I've been a lifelong coached athlete, but only running for 3 years, so I'm not much for the school of thought of "Just go out and run". I appreciate everyone sharing their viewpoints, training plans, etc. I'll be heading out in 30 min. with the dog, husband and kids to the beach. Check this out: I have a foot cramp. No worries as long as I don't have shoes on. Shoes -- and cramp city. Soooo, I'll take my Garmin and the dog and see if I can run on this foot barefoot on the beach. I run 1 day a week that way in the spring/summer/fall, so I guess today's as good a day as any to start my spring running plan. If it doesn't feel OK, I'll scratch that and schedule it into next week. Big grin Anyway, I'll have a nice little cool bath there with the ocean temp at 47 F. Good runs to all!

                                GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                                GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!
