Masters Running


Monday workouts & runs - 7/11 (Read 563 times)


    Wildchild, check your messages!!

      I've been sort of busy so I haven't been posting too regularly, but I have been reading.  You are all an inspirational lot.


      I ran 12 miles Saturday morning and probably ran this a little fast at 8:54 per mile.  That's only 15 to 30 seconds slower than my (likely current) MP.  Tried to tell myself to slow up a little but never listened.  Smile  A couple of times I got passed by Speedy Tony who, during one of his slowdown parts to run with me, told me he was doing a "leisurely" 30 mile training run.  Then he would pick it up and leave me in the dust.


      Geez.  Some people.  A 30 mile training run at what was probably 8:00 to 8:15 minute per mile pace - on a Very Hot and Humid day.  (I was pretty beat after my 12 miler.)  I don't know what distance Ultra he's training for - it will be his first - but whatever it is he is going to do Quite Well.  Roll eyes


      6 easy-paced miles this morning.  Felt good and kept the HR down in the Easy range.




      ETA:  I had a nice long dissertation about Wave Runs ready to Post, but decided not to post it because (1) I'm not a Coach and (2) I'm slow.  What do I know?

      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        Back from vacation and staying in the running swing. 6 slow and easy this morning.


        A couple of pics from vacation at my parents' cottage, where we missed out on the world's largest kilt run.


        View from the deck

        Crosby Lake, Ont. Canada


        Cycling in Perth


        DW cycling in Perth




          ETA:  I had a nice long dissertation about Wave Runs ready to Post, but decided not to post it because (1) I'm not a Coach and (2) I'm slow.  What do I know?

           You may not be a coach for someone else, but you are a coach to your own body, so please post your dissertation! We all want to learn more about this!


          Carolyn, my run yesterday was part on road, part of trail, and 7 miles on gravel. I am still glowing with the aftermath. Per garmin, some of the downhill parts I was hitting a 7:14 pace here and there, but then of course the average pace was still not that fast due to the constant up and down of the terrain!


          Craneium, great pictures! It seems like you had fun!

          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


            if anyone is interested, here's a relatively short slide show of the pictures taken on the course at SOB this weekend. Most of them are of Max King, Erik Skaggs and Jenn Shelton of course. and sadly, our own Johnny doesn't appear in these shots, but I bet he looked just as good!




            I am so lovin' those running in the snow pics! That looks like FUN!!



              Good afternoon.  Hot afternoon in the Northeast, about 90!  Sweaty five miles this morning and a 1500 yard swim at lunch.


              Busy few days lately. Family visiting and did my first triathlon on Saturday ( well not counting the prior incarnation of this one once about 25 years ago). 1000 meter open water swim, 12 miles on bike and 5k run. plus the transitions.  Open water swims a lot different from the pool...  started off by getting a cramp in my left leg, for no good reason, also started swimming too fast  in a crowd of others and got all flustered then finally decided to ease into it. So pretty shaky until the first marker then pretty solid. Transition to the bike too forever...  my inexperience was clear here.. Bike leg was hard. I have not biked much at all the last couple of years and I felt it. Also, at the steepest point of the uphill, my shoelace ( I just wore my running shoes) got caught in the bike chain ring, pulling the chain off the bike and nearly pulling me off the bike. I had to get off, untangle the shoe lace, put the chain back on and get going again. Ugh.  Bike time abysmal.


              Second transition better and I passed lots of people on the run part but still a slow 5k  i guess that happens when you swim and bike right before. Very hilly run too!


              It was fun, sort of, and good thing to do with my sister. if I do another, I must do more biking beforehand. My lack of biking training  hurt me a lot on the bike leg and probably also caused the biking to tax my legs more than necessary.


              yesterday was a tired hot hilly 8 miles.


              Good runs for Erika and Mariposai! Nice pics Cranium. Were you in Scotland?


              Great job to Robin's DS on his race too. It is always fun to watch the next generation.

                Thanks Tammy!

                "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me


                  Thanks Tammy!


                  I thought you might like those Opie. I even started writing "here ya go Opie  Wink " . . lol. . . but opted not to single you out. guess I sort of just did though eh


                  so you wanna come out here and run this one next year??



                    so you wanna come out here and run this one next year??


                    I do!  I do!  Wink  Thanks for the link, Tammy.  Man, puts last year's snow to shame.


                    Great pics, Cran.


                    Congrats on the tri, Lame.  I'd drown in the swimming part and crash on the bike part. Roll eyes

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance



                      yea Leslie!! I'll get to meet you next year then!


                      and I'm pretty sure I'll run Avenue of the Giants in May and that is right in your neck of the Big Tree Forest too. maybe we can meet up .


                        I think I could handle a vacation there in the snow when it's 110 here!

                        "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

                          Hey, how cool to see SkipAZ drop by! Nice racing for you and your son, you guys are speedy! Skip, you still doing ultras? I sorta blame you for getting me interested in that, you know. Well, you and Leslie. Wink


                          Erika - I'll take partial credit for that!  My race schedule has a local 50K up next at end of Aug, hopefully JFK50 miler in Nov.  No 100 this year but I'd like to do either Rocky Raccoon or Javelina Jundred in 2012 (leaning towards the latter - want to join me? Posie?? Holly?? Leslie?? RA Masters Ultra Meet-up???  It's a good first 100) 


                          Tamster - thanks for the SOB link - I'd like to do the 50K some year but not sure if next year is one.


                          Lame - Congrats on the Tri!  I probably wouldn't make it thru the swim.  (Although I thot I heard the pool calling to me today...weird)


                          Posie - I like your avatar w/ your marathon buddy!  What a fine looking young man.

                            Craneium looks like a very neat place.  When do you invite the whole RA gang?


                            Opie no snow!  No snow!  I will take hot over cold any day!  No snow, no snow, no snow . . . Smile


                            It is late here so this is just going to be a fly by.  Well that is fine since back at the end of the daily nobody sees you post!  Joking  I saw my PT today and complained about my ankle being swollen yesterday.  She probed around and thinks there is some tissue that wraps around where the top of the foot and leg connect.  So she taped my ankle up again in that area to get the swelling down.  Then she ordered me to keep my pace up down go slow at this Saturday's race.  What kind of racing is that?  Confused  Oh well, I guess the only kind I can do.

                            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                              Dave, -  I too have crank windows.  I chuckled when my friend had to spend $1000 to get the motor on the electric side door of her minivan fixed.


                              I used to have a sweet playful kitten, but once she was spayed, she turned into a PBJ "angry bitter cat".  Then again, I could be anthropomorphising.


                              Jlynne, that is a lot of marriage years.  You should be proud.


                              Byll, if it is one thing I've learned, it is that running is much more of an art than a science.  I don't think you have anything less important to say than a coach.


                              Lamerunner - well you did it!!  Seems like a lot of lessons in there but I bet you sign up for another soon.


                              Cranieum, Perth, Ontario I take it.  Picturesque old farm fences and a glassy lake.  Nice.


                              Twocat, another race already???  Trying to keep those female PT's in good company I see.  Wink


                              Well, SRD, and had a ride to do today - I love my little old ladies and men, they teach me so much about aging gracefully.  My last little old lady was legally blind, but did that stop her?  Oh no.  Her garden put mine to shame.

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                                ...hi skip//........don't be a stranger, we missed you.....




                                Cool pics craneium//....that looks like a Gorgeous Place to Run.





                                go On Sale in September.

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
