Masters Running


Mondaily, 9.25.23 (Read 40 times)

    TammyinGP and fatozzig company for a long run! I am so jealous. About that bus, fatozzig in general it is a bad idea to run into busses.  They are big, and usually easy to spot. When you see one, just run around it. It is a rare bus you can run through. Just saying. 


    Holly S. with that little time apart my DW and I would have divorced long ago!


    I am still looking for a way to battle O.L.D., so far so bad. Nevertheless, in my battle against that disease I spent an hour on the elliptical this morning.

    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

      Dave - so, you don't take DW for a trip away that long?


      "Huh?" he thought.

      I've been living with DH for 2 years, and only apart a few days.  I mean that literelly, we have probably spent only 5-6 nights apart.  I think living in an empty house would freak me out. 

      "Oh," he thought. Same for me, . . . for the first two years but I doubt it as I, . . . I mean my DW'd be like twocat after that..


      I am still looking for a way to battle O.L.D., so far so bad. Nevertheless, in my battle against that disease I spent an hour on the elliptical this morning.

      twocat - good luck.  

      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


        TammyinGP and fatozzig company for a long run! I am so jealous. About that bus, fatozzig in general it is a bad idea to run into busses.  They are big, and usually easy to spot. When you see one, just run around it. It is a rare bus you can run through. Just saying. 


        Holly S. with that little time apart my DW and I would have divorced long ago!


        I am still looking for a way to battle O.L.D., so far so bad. Nevertheless, in my battle against that disease I spent an hour on the elliptical this morning.


        +1 on having good company for a long trail run. I miss that.


        Almost 24/7/365 with DW since the start of the pandemic - amazingly 3.5 years and we haven't actually thrown anything AT each other (yet).


        DW & I are having to come to terms with battling O.L.D. too. DW has had other major medical issues over the decades and never expected to survive long enough to suffer from O.L.D. but now has added sciatica to the list, which is affecting her mobility, and memory issues that could be the early stages of dementia. I'm slightly younger than DW, but I can see O.L.D. creeping up too even though I'm still working full time and running daily on the treadmill - today's prescription was 3.4 miles completed in 32 minutes.

        Started running at age 60.

        AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

        AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


        Upcoming race: Four on the 4th 7/4/24 maybe.


          Evening masters. 20 minute hiit ride in the morning and a nice 4+ this evening. Weather here is beyond perfect. 

          lots going on in here today. Henrun thats a great attitude. When one door closes go open another. Super. 

          Karen. You should look at Merlin Solar as an alternative. You can shingle around them. Next hail storm and a roof replacement thats what we are doing. Ill probably install my own little microgrid battery storage as well. Lead acid and not lithium. Much safer


          calling it a day and great to read everyone’s posts. 


          "He conquers who endures" - Persius
          "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



            Busy group here today!


            I wish I was in Maine with the rest of you!  Or running in the redwoods with Tammy and Leslie!  But being in Colorado is okay too, I guess.


            I'm also battling O.L.D.  But still running, although with lots of hiking mixed in.  7 miles today over on a local trail system.  I went to see if the aspen colors were better than in the state park, but alas, it's just not a spectacular year for fall colors.

            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


              Sorry kids - I had the perfect post of all time at the end of the Sunday thread and I did not hit "post" but restated my desktop instead.



              overheard in the elevator: while two geezers were ensconced on their regular picnic table up on the lawn at a nearby park for the daily feeding of the pack of squirrels that await their daily visits, two Canada geese came up looking up at them for something too just as the wife of a middle aged couple walking their dog passed by on the walking path suggested to DH, "look at the geese and all the squirrels" but DH wasn't interested in stopping, . . . until, all of a sudden, they heard a perfect "Aflac!" from the geese aka old geezer no. 1.


              This was traumatizing to read.  Over the weekend, my emotional support duck, Aflac, was arrested for selling quack.



              SteveP I wonder if those on the receiving end of your emails, first call to everybody in their office, "Hey guys! I just got an email from SteveP. Fifty bucks says it includes a story out of Alice and Wonderland."


              One fella said that he has printed my emails to show his kids.  One gal said a "complaint letter" may have saved her life.  I'm not very sure what that entailed.  However, I don't write a letter while angry.


              Dave59 - Sunday was a prime condition for viewing the Northern Lights as low as the 42nd parallel......except for clouds.


              Leslie/Tammy team up!!!!!


              It's been nearly 75 years since Bigfoot was last seen in Dave59's area.  One was spotted a few miles down the road from me 30ish years ago.


              There was a wolverine photographed in Michigan's thumb area in 2004.



              Rochrunner - As opposed to aging gracefully, do the best you can on any given day.  The rag tag band of misfit athletes have been through a lot together.  Don't forget we're here for support.


              There will be a day I cannot do this anymore.  Today is not that day.


              Stumpy - Good luck with the house.



              The weekend was a whirlwind.  Saturday started with soccer games with two of the grands. There was a party for, now three-year-old Magnolia.


              Sunday, 9-year-old Norah was dropped off for the day and overnight.


              DW, Dunkin and I took her to a race my cousins put on in memory of my uncle who passed from prostate cancer.


              It was billed as a 5K that is 4 miles long.


              They allow kids on bikes and hoverboards to enter and start at the same time as everyone else on a crowded course.  My opinion isn't very polite.


              Norah was a trouper. though she screwed around a lot.


              I did not discourage it.




              A friend of mine designs video games and I wore a shirt he gave me.




              I did 3.2 miles on Monday, the online PT and the message gun.


              Marathon Maniac #957

                Sorry - typo - DH and I have been living together twenty-eight (28) years..

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                  Sorry - typo - DH and I have been living together twenty-eight (28) years..


                  This may not have been the only tpyo this greta group has seen.



                    At the current time, either Cindy or I have to help her father every day with medicine so we take separate trips. Eventually we'll work something else out but for various reasons this is the best setup for now. Her father wants to stay in "independent living" and we're trying to make that work for a long as we can.


                    We've spent lots of time apart over the years. Cindy had a job where she traveled around the world and she once worked for over a month in China. I was home with the kids but even when I worked on an office I had the flexibility needed to handle things.



                    Marathon Maniac #957


                      Holly S. with that little time apart my DW and I would have divorced long ago!




                      I know, I keep telling him that, but he just won't leave!  


                      Steve - I love the pictures!  That Norah is growing up too fast!

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
