Masters Running

A bit about yourself (Read 2408 times)


    CR refugee-poster? KR poster- definately 52 running about 2 years slow- but steady-sometimes excessive currently in 40-50 mile per week bracket run on dirt almost exclusively running is my newest passion JJJ
    Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.

      Me....well running about 6 years now..always injured in some form or another. Currently battling PF and AT (going on 7th month now). When I can run, I run slow but I love to run long. I learned how to swim to keep me from going bonkers this time around....but running is still my first choice. Thanks for starting this group. Liz

      Trails Rock!

      Head Procrastinator

        Hey Triple J and Liz, good to see you here and thanks for starting this. 51, been running since 2002 Never seemed to be able to get over 10 miles for a LR without getting injured. Then in 2006 I had surgery to remove a tumor in my lung, good news it didn't spread but they took my upper right lobe out. Since then I just have not been able to get back to running much.I give new meaning to the word slow. I still do run but my new love is cycling. I started seriously in September and by the 29th did a century.Of course that is way more weather dependent then running. Last time I rode was Thanksgiving day. I am thinking of getting in the pool this winter, I swam competitively as a kid. Who knows, maybe I'll do a tri next year. Barb
        ~ My Profile~ The avatar is happy BOC wootcats
          Thanks for this thread. It is fun I am single, 56 years old I have been running since 2003 but took a more "serious" approach to it when I found Boomers and used that for accountability. To show the growth (in miles) it has been 2003 - 58 miles 2004 - 86 miles 2005 - 192 miles 2006 - 505 miles 2007 - I am currently at 964 miles and want to get to 1010 which would be twice as much as last year. I ran my first half marathon and first full marathon this year. Speed is not the name of the game for me, but I do enjoy the miles and the way I feel.

            Soon-to-be 44 year-old running since age 10, though I did little competitive running during my 30s. Posting on B&B as DaveinAA since Dec. 2005. 8 marathons, with a PR of 2:54 long ago; best time as a master is 3:15. I was injured twice during 2007 while chasing a fast mile on the track, and am still recovering from a torn Achilles tendon I suffered a few steps from the end of one of those races in August. As a result, I've spent a lot of time in the pool, and I'm thinking about doing some tris in 2008. I'm also really looking forward to the Ragnar relay in AZ in early 2008 with many of my Boomer friends. On B&B I've found friendship, laughter, much running wisdom, and virtual training partners who help me get out the door on days I'd rather sleep in. Hopefully we'll hang together somehow, somewhere. Dave
              Hey all. I've been running for about 1.5 years, found CR last fall before my first (and only) race. I'm 51, homeschooling mother of a large family. Last summer I got my miles up to about 30/week, then strained my achilles. It's better now, but I'm running about half as much as I'd like. I'm still hoping, and even have a detailed plan, to get back to 25 miles/week. Remains to be seen if ankle and family obligations will allow me to get there. I'm not a fast runner, but absolutely love what it does for me, mentally and physically. I've mostly posted in the newbies/boomer thread. Hoping some of my pals will join us here. This is giving me a fresh opportunity to get to know you all. One thing you have in common is persistence, one of my favorite virtues. Smile Jem

              Marathon Maniac #957

                Oh MORE forum to keep up with...eventually my boss will notice how little work I’m getting done lately. But anyway... I’m 42, began running when I was 32 about 1-2 miles, 3 times a week. I’ve never been a fast runner or much of an athlete or anything, but around 3 years ago, as I was approaching 40, I began running more, around 25 mpw, and discovered the B&B forum. Reading and posting on the B&B, I was inspired by those (you) wonderful folks to run more and race and such. Ran 2 marathons this year, and discovered that if you put in enough miles, almost anyone can get to be a better runner.

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                  Hi Folks, Happy to see a group for us older folks! I’m 46 and have only been running since August 2006. I ran my first marathon last month in Richmond. My focus for 2008 is on improving my HM times. I am trying the FIRST plan to train for the Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon in May (shooting for a 1:51 finish, current PR is 1:57). Nice meeting you all!

                    Hi all - BTY - "Better than yesterday" wouldn't fit in the registration box Embarrassed (BTY barely fits in his clothes this week, come to think of it) Running regularly since New Year's Day 2002. CR poster since August 2005. 43yo married male. I run for fun and fitness, and get in a few races a year. Have raced from 2 miles to 10k. Have run a couple of HM's in which I was the only runner - tribute runs to my dad during the local Relay for Life in '06 and '07. I have a lot of room for improvement in the 15k and over - less than impressive times in the races I've entered in those distances, but not sure if I have the time or the commitment level needed to get those race times more in line with where they "should" be. Am training with a particular 10k in mind in April, will get a few 5k races and one 4-miler into the schedule during the build-up between now and then, and am looking forward to getting back to bicycle communting right after that - logged 1,987 miles on my bike this past spring-summer-fall. Probably the main reason I'm struggling to reach 600 miles run this year instead of the 1,200 I'd set as a goal. And I like to talk about myself, did I mention that? Roll eyes And I'm addicted to one-click smilies. No
                      Hey va...I was at Richmond and so was Vista. 45, ran a little bit off and on through the 90s, stopped but started up again about 2 1/2 years ago. Hanging out with the folks on CR was a good education and soon had me running more consistently. I'm trying to keep a 40 mpw base and decide what I want to do next.

                      Be safe. Be kind.



                        Hi, I see a lot of familiar "faces" from coolrunning. I'm a CR boomer refugee, too. I'm 50, and I started running about 2 years ago . I'm not fast but I truly enjoy the gift! I live in the mountains of Colorado, and work as a chemical engineer down in the flatlands near Boulder/Denver. I get the best of both worlds - in the winter I can run at lunchtime in town, and in the summer I can run at home where it's cooler. Spring and fall it depends on the temp. and the daylight hours. I am truly blessed to have such beautiful places to run! I run about 25 miles per week, and have done a 5K and three 10Ks. I'm not way into racing, as I don't like crowds, but a few small local races a year are kind of fun. I'm thinking about a half marathon in 2008. I'm married and have a 14-year old daughter. She's on week 3 of the C25K, and I'm thrilled! DH isn't a runner but is semi-supportive of my running, although he doesn't get it. Oh, and I have two dogs, and they definitely get it!

                        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                          Hi all,I am a 41 yo male in the begining stages of my third running career (since August). Ran in cross sountry and track in HS then nothing until I reached 30. Ran the Chicago marathon in '99 then never ran again until August 2007. I am increasing my milage regularly and ran 40 last week. hoping to log a lot of slow miles over the winter then work on that speed thing in spring. Bob

                            Hey va...I was at Richmond and so was Vista. 45, ran a little bit off and on through the 90s, stopped but started up again about 2 1/2 years ago. Hanging out with the folks on CR was a good education and soon had me running more consistently. I'm trying to keep a 40 mpw base and decide what I want to do next.
                            Hey Tramps, I think we may have "met" already. Are you the same Tramps who responded to a post on the Richmond Marathon message board about the Stonewall Jackson 20 Miler? If so, that was me asking about it...small world...
                              Yep, that was me. Smile Glad we get to meet again. Vista is from Roanoke. I'm near Fredericksburg. You were....Charlottesville?

                              Be safe. Be kind.


                                Yep, that was me. Smile Glad we get to meet again. Vista is from Roanoke. I'm near Fredericksburg. You were....Charlottesville?
                                Yes, I am just outside of Charlottesville. Are you running in the Marine Corps half?