Masters Running

A bit about yourself (Read 2408 times)

    Hi yall. I'm Ricky and 43. Started running Oct. 1 of '06 with a dream to chase down the soft PRs set as a teen. I had 40 lbs to drop, and I did that in 6 months time. I joined RA in Jan '07. I didn't waste much time dropping my paces to get where I am to date. (In quality I trust) I'm on a mission from God. He has blessed me, so I shall not sacrifice the gift! For now, I'm in rest mode, recovering my first-ever marathon.(Rocket City) Happy to meet you guys.


    —our ability to perform up to our physiological potential in a race is determined by whether or not we truly psychologically believe that what we are attempting is realistic. Anton Krupicka

      I'm from VA, too. I had toyed with the idea of trying the Marine Corps Half, but I see that registration is closed. I would like to train for that distance anyway.

        I'm from VA, too. I had toyed with the idea of trying the Marine Corps Half, but I see that registration is closed. I would like to train for that distance anyway.
        Jem, If you're anywhere near Charlotteville, and looking for a great race, check out the Charlottesville 10 Miler on March 29.
          A little bit about myself . . . I’ll be 42 in February (still can’t believe I’m “that old”) I’ve been married for 20+ years No children, but 5 male, black cats Am a refugee of CR and am so very glad we’ve brought over the 40s on the Run thread I finally decided to get my life and health together about 6 years ago, and lost 20 pounds with Weight Watchers and the gals from the The Firm workout DVDs. I started getting bored after about 4 years of the DVDs and was looking for a change. Coincidentally, in about July 2006, a good friend of mine began talking up running to me about the same time the doctor told my husband he was a prime candidate for a heart attack. He and I began walking in the early morning hours, he soon quit, and I slowly moved on to running. I vividly remember coming back one morning and telling him, “I ran all the way to the video store and back!” And shortly thereafter, “I ran all the way to Henderson Center and back!” Since that time, oh so long ago, I have entered various short road races and completed my first half marathon this past November at the Big Sur Half Marathon. However, I have fallen in love with trail running. I’ve participated in two trail running events through Pacific Coast Trail Runs (Pirates Cove and Salt Point) and have completed various personal runs with my friend, with our most spectacular being an 18-miler in the Trinity Alps. My goals for this next year are the Pirates Cove 30k in March (Sausalito, CA), Forest Park 50k in May (Portland, OR), Salt Point 50k in July (Jenner, CA), and the Bizz Johnson Marathon October (Susanville, CA). If I can accomplish all this in one year, I can accomplish anything. Cool

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance


            Hi. I'm evryday. 48years old. Currently running around 25mpw. Training for late April Marathon. It'll be my first. I really enjoy posting on a daily, love reading other's Race Reports, and learning from others.
            Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
              My name is Lou. I'm 50 years old and I've been running for 2.5 years. I used to play indoor soccer and brag that I never ran more than 40 yards at a time. When I blew out the second knee, I floundered around for a while, then finally listened to my wife who had been trying to get me to run since we started dating 14 years ago. Now I have four marathons, several half marathons and a handful of other races under my belt. My wife and I train very early in the morning, trying to finish our runs by 6am, so start time depends on the planned distance. Sometimes that can be a grind, but normally that only happens during training cycle peak, for a few weeks, at which time I may back off a bit to avoid the overtraining syndrome. Nice to meet you!

              Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

              Barefoot Rick

              Barefoot Runner

                Well, today is my birthday. I'm 52 years old. I have a website called - I run barefoot ... well, at least the last 10,000 miles or so and the last 33 marathons. I love the Lord Jesus and am not ashamed of the Gospel because it is the power of God for salvation! Big grin Oh yeah, and I like chocolate chip mint ice cream Smile
                Romans 10:15 - How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!


                  Hi yall. I'm Ricky and 43. Started running Oct. 1 of '06 with a dream to chase down the soft PRs set as a teen. I had 40 lbs to drop, and I did that in 6 months time. I joined RA in Jan '07. ...... For now, I'm in rest mode, recovering my first-ever marathon.(Rocket City) Happy to meet you guys.
                  Man, I checked your log, mega mileage for a yearling. Ahh, to be young again Congrats on Rocket City. My DS2 lives in Huntsville AL Bravo, jjj ETA: Happy Birthday Rick!
                  Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.
                  Coach Jeanne

                  Speculum Wrangler

                    Another CR refugee here.... I'm 49 and started running/joined CR in 2002. I've done the Columbus Marathon 3 times and am still trying to beat Oprah. I'm a running coach for our local Marathoner in Training group - I'm slowing down a bit this winter while my PF heals. Next thon will be Big Sur in April (Fatozzig - I'll be running this one for fun and the experience... I'lll probably need to pick your brain for strategies). My goals are to take plenty of pictures, talk to the grand piano player, and finish before the 6hr cut-off. I even have a Virginia connection: I grew up in McLean, my family now lives in Richmond and Louisa. I ran the Ukrops 10k this spring and helped my sister finish her first marathon a couple of years ago. Both sisters and BIL are members of the big Sportsbackers group in Richmond. I lurked at CR more than I posted, but still felt that I was part of the B&B family. I've been here at RA for about a month now and am finding the locals to be quite friendly and welcoming. Jeanne in Ohio


                      Man, I checked your log, mega mileage for a yearling. Ahh, to be young again Congrats on Rocket City.
                      Thanks. I feel like 24. I swear to God I do.


                      —our ability to perform up to our physiological potential in a race is determined by whether or not we truly psychologically believe that what we are attempting is realistic. Anton Krupicka

                        From CR Boomers... Ardmore, OK... 54.. Ran a bit in HS.. Started again at age 40.. Done some marathons.. Next one is Houston.... Have FUN... Tim, Ardmore, OK.
                          Another CR refugee here.... Next thon will be Big Sur in April (Fatozzig - I'll be running this one for fun and the experience... I'lll probably need to pick your brain for strategies). My goals are to take plenty of pictures, talk to the grand piano player, and finish before the 6hr cut-off. Jeanne in Ohio
                          Jeanne - I only ran the HM. But yes, you need to take your camera. It's one of the most beautiful areas to run! And if you can, take the time to spend a day or two driving up and down the coast. It's absolutely gorgeous. From Mendocino down the coast the Cambria. Gorgeous, would take a couple of days, but well worth the trip. I grew up in Cambria. Very beautiful place, as well. Re the race - if the Marathon is run even half as well as the HM, it'll be a great time. If you check out my blog, I did a race report on it. Later!

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                            Well, today is my birthday. I'm 52 years old. I have a website called - I run barefoot ... well, at least the last 10,000 miles or so and the last 33 marathons. I love the Lord Jesus and am not ashamed of the Gospel because it is the power of God for salvation! Big grin Oh yeah, and I like chocolate chip mint ice cream Smile
                            Happy Birthday to Rick if you're out there! Hope you had a wonderful day Smile
                              Wow.......quite a few Virginia connections here. It would be fun to stay in touch and do some races together sometime. The Richmond Marathon was my first too. I live actually in Lynchburg and there is a Ten Miler here every September that I run in. The Charlottesville Ten Mile race in March is an interesting thought. I have also looked the Virginia Beach Marathon in the spring as a possible target race. There is also the Virginia Creeper Race (I hope I got that name right) where JJJessee lives and always runs. Tramps has run that one. This really is neat and I am loving learning about everyone's running background.
                                I'm also a CR refugee, although I don't participate a lot in the daily threads. Shy My favs are reading race reports and learning from others about running. I'm 46, and have been running since March of 2005. I have run 11 marathons and a 50 miler since then. Right now I am recovering from a stress fracture on my 2nd metatarsal Cry, but am hoping to get back to the mileage very soon. Smile I recognize some of the CR people here like Tramps, way5yom, barefoot Rick(Happy Birthday!), Hally, JJJesse, Vista, BTY, DaveinAA, WRFB, and others. I't's good to see you all!!! I like the feel of the site and forum here - kind of cozy. The training log here is fantastic!!! I like how easy it was to tranfer over from CR. Very nice!! John