Masters Running

A bit about yourself (Read 2408 times)


    Thanks Ileneforward! {{{Recovery vibes coming back at your hip flexor and left shoulder!!}}} Congratulations on 9 marathons since 2004. Awesome! What charity are you running Boston for?
    Sockoni, I am collecting funds and running for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. (I guess Dark Horse finds my avatar too disturbing. I will try to find something else.) Smile


    Runners run

      Sockoni, I am collecting funds and running for the Multiple Sclerosis Society.
      This is wonderful!! If When I reach the point where I'm good enough to enter a race, I'd like to invest some of my running efforts into those that benefit charities. Hopefully with the Crim next year I'll have my first opportunity.
      (I guess Dark Horse finds my avatar too disturbing. I will try to find something else.) Smile
      Hey, you know what? If you're lucky enough to have it, then show it off! Wink Big grin

      The Jogger

        Hi I'm Roy c I have been running nearly 3 years but although slow I manage to clock over 1,000 miles a year. I live in the UK. It's great to log on and recognise people from there avatars Yes like Rose and Illene Tongue This looks like it is the new home for Boomers, I just couldn't get on with the new place but this seems fine. Roy
          Tanya, good to meet you. I've only been running a couple of years so I really appreciate folks like you who bring lots of experience and know-how. You log some serious miles. Also, I laughed at your "why do I run" statement in your profile. Good one. What kind of writing do you do?
          Hi Tramps, I write for Townsend Press--an educational publishing company that focuses on reading materials for college-level developmental readers. For the past year, I've mainly been writing biographies (Harriet Tubman, Houdini,Jackie Robinson) that will appeal to adult developmental readers. In other words, adult content written at about a 6th grade reading level. I'm glad to bring experience here, though "know-how" is questionable! I "know how" for me, though maybe not for others.. Wink However, 30 years has accumulated an astounding array of mistakes and injuries in addition to successes, so I can at least (hopefully) help others avoid some of those errors.




            Roy, glad you found us...looking forward to more tales of you and your woody..... This place sure has grown quickly since the demise of CR. I love the log here and can't wait for Eric to make it Garmin compatible. To all the group members new and old....your willingness to share your experience here in the masters group enriches my running...thanks

            Trails Rock!

              adult content written at about a 6th grade reading level.
              Hi, Tanya! My posts here mostly consist of juvenile content written at an adult level. So you and I are sort of complementary. Dark Horse
              I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
                <limping>>.........pshew, glad to be here! Hope you old RAers don't mind so many of us invading. Most CRers are really friendly and helpful with decent manners. In person, they're lots of fun. Mrs. SR is a peach, so we all put up with Spare Ribs on her account. Oh, about me, however, hmmm....I'm 53 and mostly run marathons. My dog, Frank, used to earn a living racing but now just lazes around the house, takes daily strolls and travels with me to as many marathons as he can, where he enjoys hanging around the finish line. For an example of this behavior, see page 189 of the Jan/Feb 2008 issue of Marathon & Beyond. grins, A</limping>
                Masters 2000 miles
                  I'm so new here I'm not sure I'm allowed to say "welcome." Ah, what the heck....Welcome! Old friends like Aamos, Roy and cfli, and new ones (to me) like Fran, Sockoni, JVol44 and many more. Tanya---interesting niche of writing. Now that we know you're a pro we expect great things from you here. Wink

                  Be safe. Be kind.

                    Oops, my fault; double-post. Embarrassed

                    Be safe. Be kind.

                      ......well, what the heck//......I'll check in too.............. ........57-years old,,,,,,runner for 38-years,,,,,,,,been running HeavyHands for the last decade or so..... ,,,tearing up a lot lately, but still Love to Run....... .........I am sometimes the ''Voice of Reason'' for these miscreants.......which scares ME more than it does them....

                      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                        ......well, what the heck//......I'll check in too.............. .........I am sometimes the ''Voice of Reason'' for these miscreants.......which scares ME more than it does them....quote> that's what you think! Wink hi TW Big grin hi Sockoni, hi Tanya! hi Roy, hi Aamos! yippee.
                          Thanks for the welcome Tramps and Hi dg3!
                            I started running Feb. 2007. Dr. told me to excercise for stress. I started out walking and after 3 months decided I would give running a try. In the fall I found CR site & found many nice people & lots of running tips. I have 4 girls all grown. 3 of them are triplets. I also have 3 grandchildren 2 boys & 1 girl. They are a joy! My husband is a great supporter of my running. He has Parkinson's & would love to run but can't. He rides his bike to each mile marker in races & encourages me. Before he got sick he coached several sports over the years. I have only run 5K's. I ran some in the spring but during the summer it was just to hot. So didn't run races Again until Sept. Oct. I am very slow but love the atmosphere at races. I would like to run one race a month this year & maybe try a 10K in the fall. I would also like to volunteer at some races as I know how much I appreciate the water stations when I'm running. You all are great! Vicki

                              I liked the idea of a name change suggested by Dark Horse. It's time to stop focusing on the glass being half empty (my hair is gray) and see things in a better light (I have hair to keep my head warm in the winter.) So I am trying out Silent Rebel. A nickname given to me by my sister-in-law. She can explain it better than me but it has something to do with not following standard/accepted procedures or not doing what I am told. That is probably more normal in this group than anywhere else so ironically, the name fits here less than other places. What other group has people running in all kinds of weather, when told not to, and in sickness, etc.??? But I'm going to try it out for a few days.




                                I scrolled through this thread and realized I hadn't posted. Must be my age-I'm even oder than Ilene (who claims she's older than everone here)-I'm 73. I'm a retired shrink and have been running for over 34 years. I used to be fast. I've run 39 marathons (my fastest-3:05), the last 2 years ago in Boston (for a total of 10 Bostons). I live on the Boston route (near mile 22). Lately I've been focussing on half marathons and do pretty well since most runners my age don't enter races over 10K's. My DW, Marj, as most of you know, has been racing for about 6 years (shortly after we married). She's getting faster and faster while I get slower and slower (of course, she's 11 years younger than me Big grin). We both enjoy cycling and met on a cycling tour. During the winter I was an avid downhill skier, but have cut back considerably-I now ice skate about once weekly (part of my Canadian heritage). Good to see all these familiar names.