Masters Running


Friday, November 18 Runs and Giggles (Read 589 times)


Rose Colored Glasses

    Hey Tetsujin... here is my photo at the finish of the Gateway to the Pacific marathon in Elma, Washington. July, 2005.





    Oh darn. I don't know how to post pictures.

    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

      yes, rosie, that's the one along with another one of someone's self-portrait in a mirror that confirmed my aamos and divechief had been assuring me would eventually happen. We miss you. I think you should add BC to the rocket's list. Incidentally, two years later, maybe because he wasn't very pretty, my barefoot friend from California did the same thing at the Gateway finish, . . . but didn't get up for more than 90 minutes. Is there one of the Rocket getting you up?


      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


        So very sorry to be gone from the "male model" thread...I had my ideas, but I shall keep it until the next time.

        Tamster, you rock!!!  Those firefighters do look great Shocked, but not my type...Clown.


        Well, I was up at 4:45 this morning for my semilong run, at 5:09 the earth shook as I was trying to put my yaktracks on my tennis my surprise we had a 4.6 earthquake (now, if you live in CA you will not think much of it...but an earthquake in Omak?. 

        We, the Omakians are rather happy to have made it to the news!!!! Big grin



        After the earthquake I went out for a 9 miler before work. Then it was work, then it was a few minutes of "me" time during lunch!


        Now it is time to get ready for a busy social weekend!


        Can we talk about "man model" next week?Wink


        Congrats to Mustang Sally for passing her exam...I am sure it s huge big deal...she is just too humble to admit! Give me a glass of that wine,sis.

        Tramps, wonder bread, really? I may need to go back a little more back....such as when was it that white flour started being "the choice of flour" in this country?". The premise of my presentation  is the benefit of whole grains and nature made foods as a wellness plan. I am also doing a research on Crisco Dead.... Now, why did I accepted the invite to be the keynote for this gathering? A nutritionist I am notBlack eye, but passionate for wholesome nutrition and wellness I am. Call me crazy.


        Ohhh, so I can be like barbie's sister, I went to the gym tonight to work on the upper body strength!

        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


          Tear it up Sally!!!!

