Masters Running


Tuesday September 13th...been a while since I started a daily thread :) (Read 529 times)

Marathon Maniac #3309

    Good morning all,


    I had a pretty good confidence building run late last night...latest and longest I have ever ran after work before. I didn't even start until after 7:00 pm, and didn't make it back home till almost 11:00 pm. 23 miles - 3 hours 28 minutes - easy 9:03 ave pace. Very beautiful too running towards a full moon running to a little town called Selma Indiana, down a highway with plenty of rolling hills...I love running down long stretches of highways where you don't have to stop for cars - lights, and such.  This was a good run, and gave me some confidence ramping up miles for my fall races. My weekend runs TOTALLY sucked - I mean bad - and I started doubting myself, and I adjusted myself mentally to finally get the job done. Once I turned onto the highway heading out of town, I knew I had to do it because this is a out and back route...I do that on purpose sometimes to force myself to run a certain long distance. My back felt just ok, but got very very tight about the last 5 miles or so...actually felt more like tight muscles this time. I didn't take any money with me for water, and I didn't stop for any, and boy....I was very thirsty last night and got up many times to drink water. It was 86 degrees when I started, but kept getting cooler the more the sun went down...but was rather on the humid side tho. I actually covered 24.5 miles, but I got stuck by a train 1.5 miles from home, and after waiting my legs didn't wanna run anymore so I slow shuffled / walked the rest of the way home  


    I didn't realize this till this morning, but I hadn't ran longer than 12 miles in at least 2 months, so this run was a real stretch. My HR was fine the whole way, but my legs got awfully tired the last 5 or 6 miles, and I just pushed on and tried to concentrate on good running form and trying to relax.......was super nice to be home, that's for sure. I made some brown rice and chicken once I cleaned up, but no food sounded good what so ever, but I made myself eat some. I never want to eat after long runs, and food doesn't sound good till hours later, but I know it's important to get some carbs and protein into the body after big efforts. I think this is pretty common, yes ?


    The legs don't feel too bad this morning, and will shoot for 10 miles tonight, with make 30 plus miles in two days (that was my weekend plan - but I sucked)


    I love night time running :-)


    Hope everyone has a great day,



    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


      Hey there Timbo...I kinda envy that run. Not the no water part but being able to go out at 7 and run until 11.


      I had planned on running last night but got out of work late. When I got home DW was just taking a roast out of the crock pot...the smell of that tender beef put any running ambitions right to bed.


      The we made homemade Strawberry Ice Cream...Yummy


      Tim...I'm registered BTW...if you didn't catch that yesterday.


      Hermerocallus...good luck with that 5k. I have a whole new level of appreciation for putting on a race.



      Marathon Maniac #3309


        Tim...I'm registered BTW...if you didn't catch that yesterday.




        Yes I did notice that Steve...heck, until last night, I didn't even know if I could run a 5K, none the less a trail marathon - LOL


        Very much looking forward to running the Tecumseh Trail Marathon again...the right way -  point to point .




        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


          Thanks for the kudos for tri-wife, yesterday.  I passed them along and she got a kick out of them.  She’s doing really well and I’m continually impressed by her determination, not to mention having dropped 30+ pounds!  The iron-distance tri comes up at the end of October, so that’ll be the huge challenge. 


          Tim—quite the run!  But 23 miles without water?!

          Twocat—meant to acknowledge your 9/11 tale. Scary.  I know lots of NY folks and have heard some amazing experiences.  My DW was in DC that day and the first I heard about the incident was an e-mail from her saying something like, “I’m okay; looks like another plane hit the Pentagon.”  Huh?!

          Tall—good progress on your time trials.  Knowing you, I’m sure that time will come down steadily.

          Sarge—nice half, especially for just sneaking it in as part of your training.

          Tom—how did the “attempt at golf” go?

          Mari—hope your trip east goes well!

          CNY—nice to hear of Dr. J’s progress.

          Heme—great pic of you, Marge, and Henry!

          Tet—maybe I got the nomenclature wrong since I only relate to the running distance but this “half” is a 1.2 swim + 58-mile bike + half-marathon.  And, no, the possible running PR is in the full iron, since she’s only done one marathon.

          Opie—yes, thank goodness for the moon, otherwise it’s so dark in the morning now!

          Carolyn—Wow!  That’s quite a line-up of folks to meet!  (Tell us more.) I’m not sure if I’m more impressed by the Olympians, Nobby, or our own Eric the web-god!  I didn’t even realize they were in your neck of the woods.  Congrats on the AG hardware!  Those hills pay dividends.  (Funny that DH was worried, but understandable if you don’t follow the culture.)

          And a Wannabe  post.  Cool.  I lurked through your Nobby/marathon adventure.  Impressive.

          Walt—great to hear from you.  Any interesting projects these days?


          Glad to hear the speedsters (lamerunner, Erika, Karin) are having no problem with the new Boston sign-up system. (Hey, where are the fast guys?  Rob?) 


          Pfitzer doesn’t have many tempo miles (which worries me a bit) but today was a tempo day.  I did 12 miles total with 8 at tempo pace (7:14).  I did them a little too fast, I think, since I was running on fumes by the end.  I also cheated and got a “Gnat Snack”® break about halfway through, coughing and spitting. Tight lips  Still, a solid workout and I feel it.


          Weather guy says “crisp autumn-like weather” headed our way late this week!  Smile

          Be safe. Be kind.

          King of PhotoShop

            Nervous wreck over my 20K on Saturday.  I've been working toward this race all summer and now in the last week I feel like I'm almost afraid to run.  Today's 5.5 turned into 4.5 because I got that feeling in my foot that's caused by some nerve under the toe where you feel like your sock is all bunched up under your toes, only it isn't.  Changes your gait and everything.


            It's almost like taper phantom aches and pains.  I WILL run this race well.  Spareribs



              It's almost like taper phantom aches and pains.  I WILL RACE this race well.  Spareribs




              Hey Timbo...If you got plans of drinking beer and hanging out then my plans are to spend Friday and Saturday night. I am planning on throwing an invite out to all on our race committee...we have a few ultra runners. This would be right up thier ally. Regardless of what the others want to do my plans won't change. Down and back was too much for me.

                Ribs- I have no doubt that you will have a good race.


                Timbo-You amaze me at the mileage you can put in at the drop of a hat. Apparently you do not heed the advice of the world's most interesting man on your long runs.


                4 easy miles at 5:00 this morning. DW is turning me into an early morning exerciser, which really helps when my schedule is hectic. Volleyball match toniht against SUNY Oswego...Go Cardinals!

                  Ribs - You're gonna do GrrrrrrEAT in that race!


                  Nice run, Timbo.  Might want to carry some water next time. Evil


                  Yum - Crockpot roast!  Yum - homemade strawberry ice cream!


                  Turned off the alarm at 5:00, woke up at 5:45. Roll eyes  So much for a double workout.  But I did get in 40 min of walking/running.  Alternated walking/running the first 30 minutes (5 min intervals of each), and walked the last 10, including climbing The Hill.  I keep telling myself my fitness level will return.  The Hill, however, thinks otherwise at the moment.

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance


                    Spareribs, breathe.  Relax.  Repeat.


                    Speaking of crockpot roast, I made some this morning.  For 21 years now I've been making it for DW.  You think she would learn how by now.  It was what I made when she first came over to my house.  You think she would also learn to quit insulting the cook by putting ketchup on it.  She grew up putting ketchup on everything so I've cut her some slack.


                    DD is coming home to do laundry tonight, and for once in her new and improved college life, she actually let me know instead of me finding out 2nd hand.  I can't wait to see her, even though we just did at church Sunday.  She's started working in the nursery there and still works part-time at Sonic.


                    Going for a short, easy run soon.

                    "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

                      ...ribbs//........I've been there,

                      see if

                       you can Cover the Distance,,,,,,,,,,if you can, just Show Up and Run,


                      You've got Nothing to Prove...


                      ,,,,,GoodLuck on it.




                      .........24min poolrun

                      ..............hiking tomorrow

                      .....................3rd streetrun Thurs..........ohboy,ohboy



                      ..............good running guys

                      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        Quick fly-by on a 15-minute lunch…


                        Tramps – belated congrats to your tri-wife – nicely done!


                        Mariposai – enjoy!


                        Spareribs - nervous?  About a race?  Pshaw....I don't believe know you will kick their butts on Saturday....(and so do we)....Smile


                        Up at 4:15 am to get up with the in-laws before DH drove them to the airport.  Instead of getting a longer run in, I opted to go to work an hour early, and will likely stay an hour late before heading over to watch the last half of DD’s soccer practice. 


                        Tomorrow there’s a two-hour delay to the start of school, though, so I will get in some extra miles then.


                        3.1 miles for me this morning in 62 degrees, followed by 15 min upper body weights.

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                        Avenger Doggie

                        protector of my dad



                          Avenger Dog - loved your pictures. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?


                          Dad only lets me have vanilla. Everyting else must taste like deers. I think I would like Blue Bunny.




                          Avenger Doggie - Has anyone ever checked you for ADD?  You are one special pup!  And I'm counting down the days to when I can, well, not lick Shorty's face, but give him a big ole kiss and hug!



                           I've been checked for fleas. Math makes me SADD. I've been checked for worms too.


                          Mrs Tramps goes way fast.


                          I hope golf was fun TomS. I would chase the balls if you want.


                          Hi Husdon! Do you chase critters too?


                          Nice pictures Lamerunner.


                          That sounds like it was great fun Wildchild! I'm scared that Ladybug and Tazzie had to stay home.


                          Run run Ribs! Run run run! When you hear, "On your mark! Set! Go!", nothing else will matter.


                          Me and Dad went to some trails and went run run run! I got to eat lots of black berries too! Dad gets rexctied because I don't leave him any. If he was faster he could get some.

                          Sniffing Butts, Tag

                            Hey All,


                            Nice long run Timbo!  Chuckled when you mentioned you got railroaded - you must be in Indiana!  Please bring some water next time.


                            Ribs - what Opie said.  You'll do great.


                            Did 11.7 this morning, half on the Canal and half up in the Serengeti.  Was nice.  Thot of Posie many times as the monarchs were abundant this morning.  Pushed up the hills hard for Dr. J.  Think I've earned my monthly sports massage scheduled for this afternoon.


                            Disturbing news after the run but could be much worse - my BIL just reported to Afghanistan today for a 6 month assignment.  Had just checked into the Embassy in Kabul a few hours before the Taliban attacked.  It appears he is safe and hopefully will stay that way.  Having somebody you know in the middle of all that puts a different spin on it.



                            I look my best blurry!

                              7-11 wow! I used to walk after I put my kiddos to bed at night. I might have to do that sometime. I love the dark too. That was quite a step in mileage though. You're scaring me! Stay healthy. Hi everyone! Carolyn inspired me to post. I am going to sneak back in here more often. Today I am exhausted and a little beat up from travel, too much excitement and lots of high altitude hilly trails. I will bike and maybe do a short jog after I take my daughter to have her braces taken off. Big grin

                                Hey Avenger Doggie - wanna come chase birds with me?!




                                (smart enough to hack into moms account!)

