Masters Running


40s 50s 60s+ On the Run - w/e 04/010 (Read 544 times)

    "Victory isn't defined by wins or losses. It is defined by effort. If you can truthfully say, 'I did the best I could, I gave everything I had,' then you're a winner." (Wolfgang Schadler)


    OM and Stumpy - Great jobs on HMs yesterday.  OM - I'm so happy it was an enjoyable experience for you!


    Cindy - Ew on the vole screaming. Dead


    Arla - I had to read over your post a couple of times.  I thought you were indicating you'd run a 20-mile trail run.  In my head, I was already driving to Fresno to kick your butt. Big grin  And how cool for Mark's wife to get him a medal! 


    Ev - The Hub's main complaint about today's prep is the fact he can't eat.  He's very sure he'll be starving all day.  I told him to go buy himself  some of those pre-jello cups before the excitement begins, then handed him the pack of baby wipes I have for the long trail running days. Shy


    Yesterday I sat on my butt as much as possible.  The right hip is taking the brunt of the stumping around, and it's pretty achy.  I'm very happy that I'm conditioned in my upper body and legs.  Some of the things I end up doing single-legged would be a whole lot harder if that leg wasn't so strong.


    Today was 45 min of stationary biking (my butt couldn't take anymore) and 15 min of core.  Where my bike is sitting, I had a hard time getting on and off without putting my full weight on my left foot.  I keep getting weird zingers through it and I can't get my foot comfortable.  I'm gonna have to figure out where to move the bike to (it's a very small workout room).


    One of my boss' daughters is fascinated by the fact I'm on crutches.  She calls me Crutchy. Blush


    Have a good week ~

    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

    Trail Runner Nation

    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

    Bare Performance


    Queen of 3rd Place

      Stumpy - WTG on the half! Not a bad time, either!


      Leslie - sounds like you're keeping to a pretty good workout schedule, hope the hip doesn't get too achy. Bet you're going to have awesome arms when this is all said and done.


      Got my final email from the AR50 RD, which of course marks the beginning of the tweaking period. Spent a couple hours poring over all the information. Then did a bunch of gardening, which included lifting several sacks of mulch, so now my back is sore, even though I tried to use good lifting technique. Angry At least now there's something to feel tweaked about. Gonna call it cross training and call it a day.Gotta run and check the Sacramento, Folsom, and Auburn weather forecast for the second time today. Clown


      Have a great Monday, all.

      Ex runner


        Got my final email from the AR50 RD, which of course marks the beginning of the tweaking period.


        Big grin    And quit doing yard work and heavy lifting until this is all over and done. Evil

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance


        Queen of 3rd Place

          Big grin    And quit doing yard work and heavy lifting until this is all over and done. Evil


          Yeah I'll have to see about maid service for the week, too. Joking 

          Ex runner

          Top 'O the World!

            How do you NOT do yard work this time of year!?  ~ oh yeah, don't have your own taxes done! Blush 


            Did I say congrats to Esther & Kevin?  if not, Congratulations on your HM's!!


            Was supposed to do 12 yesterday...did 5 instead. Left quad is def unhappy about something...feels like I did a whole bunch more lunges than I did...maybe the hills (which are feeling stronger!), maybe the "Mairead brake" as there are lots of small furry creatures to check out - I have her attached to my waist by a 12' lead (darned leash laws!) & lately she's been jumping off trail to check out said furry creatures, which is an immediate 100lb tug of war! Maybe a bit of running w/Doug which results in me pushing just a tad faster than I might normally... Oh yeah, my speed drills have been lacking...just working on getting the distance & doing a small bit of "training cramming" do to the fact that I did not put my foot down regards my work schedule a whole month prior...


            Got about 4" of snow by yest early morning! Back to warmer weather & wind today! I see it as a rest day today...maybe some bicycle time - depending on the wind!

            Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

              You guys crack me up!  And I look away for a bit and we have two great 1/2 marathon finishes!  Way to go OM & Stumpy.


              This running with friends thing is very rewarding in the long term, but can also be a challenge to balance.  My best friend and triathlon partner in crime has been told not to run....dealing with what may be a pretty serious degenerative spinal/nerve issue.  So she wants to walk the run portion of our tri this weekend.  I'm obviously going to do that with her and know it will bring blessings to both of us.  She has stuck by me plenty of times when she could have probably done better in some of our races without me.  I know that there will be other tris, but I think she wants to do all of them together.  I hope and pray that the spine specialist will give her the OK to do that, maintain an active lifestyle, and treat it without surgery.  But I had also thought this was my year to go "all in" on the tri thing.  I've been training more consistently/getting faster and stronger, got the bike, wetsuit, etc. that I had always hesitated to get before.  Finally felt like I was "getting my groove on" as far as all that went.  So I have to admit it's hard to let go of the dream on that right the same time struggling to accept the situation with my FIL.  But accept we will, count our blessings, we will, and focus on what is the most important....good friends and family....we will.     

              Progress Trumps Pefection

              MM #6177

                Carol, I totally understand your conflict there. So tough to decide which is more important: supporting your friend or following your dream. Both are more important. All I can offer you is to have faith that you'll know the right thing to do when it's time.


                Hey, I'll offer up my congrats to Stumpy here as well, woohoo!! And for those of you who would like to see a little snippet of what my race was like, click here. Piece of cake!


                OK, the rest of the photos are here. Smile

                Queen of 3rd Place

                  Cindy - "Mairead brake" - funny! I would bet that something like that would throw you off. Hope your quad is better tomorrow.


                  Carol - I think you can do both, you could pick a goal race and tell your friend so she knows well in advance, and I know she'll be proud of you!


                  OM  - loved the pics and you're very fashionable! Big grin


                  Where'd all the guys go?


                  Back is feeling much better today, will be more careful the rest of this week, looks like I'm going to get some warm weather runs in, doing an easy 5 today.

                  Ex runner

                    OK, the rest of the photos are here. Smile


                    Your head band is awesome.

                    Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                        But accept we will, count our blessings, we will, and focus on what is the most important....good friends and family....we will.     


                      Reminds me of a poem or saying that I've heard.  "I slept and dreamt that life was joy.  I awoke and saw that life was service.  I acted and behold, service was joy."  Not sure the author.


                      Sometimes It's tough to sacrifice for others.  I don't do it near often enough.  But the times that I have, I haven't regretted them. 


                      Don't let go of the dream, Carol.  It'll happen in time.  And when it does it'll be greater than what you had dreamed.


                      It's easy to say, but not so easy to do.  That's what makes it so awesome.

                      Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                      MM #6177

                        Glad you liked the Buff, Ev. Though I'm surprised you were able to see it. That peace sign one, that's my favorite, and I was going crazy Saturday night trying to find it. I wish they made a yellow smiley face one, I'd be all over that. Smile

                          Carol - You'll figure out how to do what you need to.  Just a few weeks ago, I was in a quandary as to how to deal with the fact that I was faster than Karen, which was weighing on me during our LRs.  A few days later, there ended up being an opening in our conversation where we got to talk about it, and it all worked out well.  She was very supportive of the fact I was faster and wasn't feeling like I was "leaving her behind."  Your opportunity will arise.


                          OM - Fantab pics, girlfriend!!


                          Arla - Glad I don't have to come there and smack you around. Wink


                          Ev - Love the quote.  Thanks.


                          May I whine a little?  Today was a day of frustrations:


                          Frustration #1 (Leftover): Last night was one of those "it's a beautiful night for a run" or a walk - or anything.  Heck, I'd even go for a ride in a motorized wheelchair at this point.  The novelty of the crutches wore off a long, long time ago. 


                          Frustration #2: Today was a rest day as I had to take The Hub to get a buttectomy.  That went fine, but let's just say the drugs they gave him did not him a kinder, gentler Hub.  In the half hour it took us, after leaving the hospital, to get him something to eat and drop him off at home, twice I gladly would've opened the door and shoved him out.  double Evil


                          Frustration #3: I move my foot around at the ankle so the muscles don't seize up on  me.  In wiggling the toes a small bit this afternoon, a sensation shot through the bad part of my foot that made me instantly nauseous.  It actually made me tear up a bit. It's still not feeling "right."  I I've been up crutching around so much today, my foot is swollen.  I  need to sit with it in the air and eat something really fattening.


                          Okay - I just need to sit with it in the air . . . . Blush


                          Whine is over.

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                          Queen of 3rd Place

                            Leslie - aw, ((hugs))! What a shitty day! Hope you can do something nice for yourself tonight. And thanks for not smacking me around, I swear I'm being good now. Cool

                            Ex runner

                            Top 'O the World!

                              {{{{{Leslie!!}}}}  it's still fresh! the "wiggling to keep things loose" isn't quite so important as rest right now, K? (R.I.C.E.)  & a glass of wine/margarita just might've been the ticket to occupy your taste buds whilst icing & elevating said foot! ~ dark chocolate with a good red wine or a nice salsa & chips w/the marg  Wink  


                              Nice, cheerful pics, Esther! Cool  looks like you had a fabulous time!


                              Hey Ev! Whadya do with the rest of the guys? or did they go off partying w/o ya? hmmm, that's can hang out with us gals ... we just like a little music to go with our wine  Wink 


                              Carol - I agree with Ev.  & your last statement is dead on! You have a great time with your friend this wknd!! Smile  have faith that everything will be where it's supposed to be!


                              Arla - Good Luck & have fun this wknd!! You're resting right now, right!?


                              Quad is still feeling tweaky - in certain movements...gonna go out for a few easy ones here in a bit....still have 25 days to dial in the first one, so I have time Wink

                              Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group


                                Quick post whilst I can.

                                Nice going to our half marathoners last weekend OM and Stumpy!

                                Good luck this weekend Arla! I'm sure you're going to do very well!


                                Last run was on Sunday, 20m @ 8:57's. Last 2 days 12+ hrs at work each.Gawd I need a vacation!  Should be out there again today. I hope!






