Masters Running


It is Super Saturday, folks!! (the 7/23 daily) (Read 465 times)

    Enke--you need to start dreaming about finding bags of money.

    Holly--school supplies in July?  I bet the kids were thrilled with that.

    Tom--antiquing?  Just shoot me.  Wink

    OM--you've got great commitment to that walking; it's really time-consuming.

    Perch--what a drag!  But I always knew you were young at heart.

    Tammy--rafting sounds ideal in warm weather.  I'm envious.

    Denise--nice 9-miler!

    Welcome to Virginia, Skip.  Fortunately, you got a little less brutal weather today.  BTW, you wouldn't like the copperheads I occasionally see in our yard and on our road.  They're only a couple of feet long but, supposedly, they pack a punch.  Conversely, we get huge black garden snakes that are easily 5 feet, but they're harmless (except for startling the @#&% out of me when I almost step on them) and actually keep the rodent population under control.  Ah, the South.


    The heat index was officially 123 here yesterday.  123. It's hard to wrap my head around that. Roll eyes

    Rescheduled long run to tomorrow, so a rest day for me.

    Be safe. Be kind.

      BTW, you wouldn't like the copperheads I occasionally see in our yard and on our road. 


      Okay.  Well.  Not sure I'll be going to Virginia anytime soon. Shocked  Skip, I hate snakes, too.  The cats brought one in the house one time and I just about flipped.  It was totally harmless, but so what!!  Nope, not a snake kinda gal, at all.


      Perch - I was confused just reading about the race.  Can't imagine trying to run it.  Maybe they should've used popsicle sticks. Big grin


      Thanks for the continued support, folks.  It really does help when my head starts spinning and feels like it's going to pop.


      6 power walking miles this a.m. with a group of women doing the Team in Training.  Karen was subbing as their coach, so I tagged along.  Had a really nice time and managed to work up a decent sweat.


      OM - I hear on you on going bonkers.  Took me about 1:50 to do 6.1 miles.  Ugh!  But it beats sitting on my butt getting fat. 


      Okay - Off to get some transcription done.  I've been lucky in getting some somewhat steady side work.  I'll put in an hour or so then call it a night.


      Later -

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance


        Hi gang!


        Taggy... your story made me smile!




        Posie... good luck tomorrow!!


        Hang in there, Leslie!


        Skip & Leslie, I'm with you on the snakes.... yikes!


        10 lovely miles this morning on my favourite trail with a dozen friends.... despite heat and humidity, the deer flies (they went for the tall guy) and the nettles (ouch).  Most miles since my 50k attempt.  Capped it off with a beer in the river after...ahhhhhhhh!

        .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!



          Perch, congrats on winning the 0-19 AG!  Sounds like a nice consolation prize for such a messed up race. Smile  I guess you look pretty young.


          Tramps, I agree with you on the antiquing (is that a verb???)


          I'm not afraid of snakes, but that rattlesnake I saw two weekends ago  that coiled up and rattled at me scared the %*&*&% out of me. As did the stick I saw on the same trail a few days later.


          Only 3 miles yesterday and 4 today.  Yesterday was a fun trail run but I had to get home to cook dinner. Today I had time to go longer but it was hot (OK, only mid 70's but that's hot for here) and the dogs were being anchors.  I considered dropping them off at home and going for another lap but when I got here I lost  my motivation.  Tomorrow I'm getting out early for a long trail run before it gets hot.  It's usually in the 50's in the morning here so I'm looking forward to it!



          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


            Perch, many races mess up one thing or another, but your race today took care of a lot of errors! I bet the conservation of stoopid stuff will step in and make your next few events flawless. Nice job on the 0-19 AG, btw. Big grin


            ^5 to Denise for her longest run in a long time! Good for you! Oh, I got my hair cut this morning... I really miss Faith!


            We've got a fire just 20 miles south of here that sent up an impressive smoke plume today! Darkened the sky like it was much later than the 3 pm hour it actually was. I was shopping with DS1 and when we came out of the store if felt like evening! DH and I drove up to the top of the summit behind our house and tried to see the source, but by then it had blown around quite a bit and was just smoky all over. It's one of those weird things where it's close enough that the smoke doesn't settle down low, so it's not real smoky here (although we can smell it), but there's ash falling here which is really strange. Perfectly formed spruce needles, falling from the sky. 


            I did get out for just 4.2 miles of easy effort running this afternoon. Felt good to get out there and wanted to run more, but I've got that 16.5 mile hilly trail race tomorrow... I've learned that overdoing it even a little bit the day before costs me big time on this race, so I took it easy and short.


            DH washed and waxed my car today... it looks beautiful, but is covered with ash now! Angry

              Enke, I think you should watch "Snakes on the Plane" on DVD tomorrow.  Bill, I know what you mean, but I'm on a cutback week!  Paul & I had a great race yesterday up in Tulsa (I got 2nd AG), and tonight I had some family business in the city so I went to one of the lakes and ran 13 slow miles.

              "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

              Marathon Maniac #957

                Perch – how aggravating, but great running on your part anyway.


                Skip – great picture!  Sorry about the wasp sting, though.


                Denise – great run for you!


                Tramps - I know it seems early for school supplies, but school starts here 8/17, and that will be here before you know it, and DD wanted to get out there while the lunchbox selection was have no idea how important this decision is for her....Roll eyes

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                  DD wanted to get out there while the lunchbox selection was have no idea how important this decision is for her....Roll eyes

                   Heck yeah!


                  King of PhotoShop

                    Just checking in to say hi. Family and I are in Rehoboth, the Delaware shore.  Weather is the same here as it is back home, just more humid, but we are at the beach and there is always a nice breeze.  Swam a half mile yesterday in addition to my run, and the plan is to do that every day here.  Woking in Philadelphia on Friday, so that will cut my vacation a bit short.  I'll check in later this week.  Hope all is well with everyone.


                    Leslie, may I just add that you are a very strong woman and a decent, good person.  At some time in life everyone has some trouble, and I admire your courage in dealing with it.  Please keep doing what you are doing.  Everyone is in your corner.    Spareribs
