Masters Running


Bye, Bye Irene! Monday Master Runs and Clean Ups (Read 476 times)

    Thinking good thoughts and prayers for Dr. J, CNY's running partner and dear friend.  I hope she comes through easily and makes a full and speedy recovery.  She is Blessed to have you with her, Karin.  Thinking of you as well.


    I'm glad that Irene turned out to be a big rain event and nothing more than that.  For those of you cleaning up and/or waiting for your power to come back on, hang in there.  One day/hour at a time.


    Hurricanes are weird storms.  In many ways, they are Major Stress events.  You watch the weather forecasts and the news and hope nothing happens to you and yours.  The stress can be worse than the storms sometimes.  Often they are rain events - like it sounds like Irene was.  Other times you barely get an inch of rain.  Sometimes they are major wind events and these can be the worst.  Not many structures can withstand 150 mph winds or more.  Sometimes they're small - as Hurricane Andrew was.  It demolished much of South Miami but only 25 miles north, we got very little of anything.  Irene was 800 miles across, so it could have been much worse had it been more than a Cat. 1.  (Not to diminish what Irene did to many of you.  No Hurricane is fun.  But some are disastrous and take many lives.)


    My last 4 weeks of running have logged 44, 46, 53, and 58 miles.  Over 200 for August.  So, not surprisingly, my legs are tired and I'll be taking a good cutback week this week.  (Right on schedule.)  4 miles recovery yesterday and another 4 miles recovery today.  Hopefully the legs will be feeling better tomorrow.


    I asked for some HM training tweaks over on another Coaching running board and got some ideas of how to tweak my HM training plan in these last 6 weeks.  Several of the suggestions were "optimistic" but I'll see what I can do.



    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


      Skip—great racing even though the weather was nasty.  Congratulations on the PR!

      Perch—my MIL lives in Richmond now and they got power back yesterday; hope your DD gets hers back soon.

      Holly—nice long run yesterday.

      CNY--Disturbing news about Dr. J.  I hope the recovery continues to go well.

      Mari—Ouch!  Hope the ankle heals up quickly.  Nice to get a house call from your doc, though!

      lame—glad to hear Irene wasn’t too much of a burden.

      Leslie—shoveling mole hills?  That’s a new one on me.  Did you pile them up together to make a mountain?

      Erika—kitty with a conehead.  The indignity!  Hope she’s okay.

      Caroyln—Congrats on your longest run ever…and what a profile!

      Byll—nice mileage this month.


      Nice cooler and drier day here, which those of us still without power (and AC) will appreciate. Easy 10.2 @ 8:48 for me.  Pfitz has this as a recovery run (after a rest or cross-training day?) with  6 in the a.m. and 4 in the p.m. but who’s got time for that?

      Be safe. Be kind.



        PreCautions is probaly right,

        given the WeirdA$$ Weather lately.






        poolrun and weights tomorrow



        .................good running guys.......

        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

        King of PhotoShop

          Bill, share with us some of those tweaks.


          Just 3.3 slow recovery on the dirt this morning and a full flex workout at the Y.   Spareribs

            Thanks for the kudos on my race yesterday.


            Impressive run profile Carolyn!  Congrats on your new distance record!


            Great month for you Byll.


            Easy 3.6 mile recovery run for me.  First quarter mile was tough but then things started to loosen up.  By the last mile, I felt pretty good and even better after the post-run stretching.  Certainly some fatigue but the run took care of most of the soreness.


            Gorgeous day here - may take Molly out for a spin a little later.


            Enjoy your day friends!



              Bill, share with us some of those tweaks.

               Nothing too surprising I suppose.  Most suggested I add some speed work:


              CV workout such as 7 x 1/2 mile or 6 x 1000m repeats.

              Or replace the 4 mile continuous tempo run I've been doing with 5 to 6 mile repeats.

              And move my 4 mile Tinman Tempo workout from midweek to the weekend "LR".


              One guy suggested I do 3 x 3200m at HMP with 400m recoveries, followed by 4 x 200m at mile pace with 200m recoveries.  I can barely understand this one, let alone do it.  (There are some seriously fast runners at this other site.)


              Basically they're all trying to make HMP feel easy (which it decidedly does not right now).  A good goal I think ...  Below is a link to the actual thread if anyone is interested in the actual working.





              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

              Marathon Maniac #957

                Byll - what is a CV workout?


                5 recovery paced mles for me this morning on the TM watching I Am Number Four.  I'm hoping to do some core and upper body work tonight.


                Happy Monday!

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                Marathon Iowa 2014

                  Who knew that speedwork can make you a faster runner?


                  Still no power at the PBJ residence thanks to Irene (since 2:30 am Sunday morning).  Thankfully, the gym was open, so I was able to shower and shave this morning.  Also lifted, stepped, and ran 7 miles through various debris fields this morning.


                  We had 1/2 of a 100 foot maple come crashing down in our front yard around noon yesterday.  The good news - it fell to the north.  If it had fallen to the east - it would have toppled the power lines on the street.  To the west, it would have gone for my house (probably would not have reached it though).  To the south would have damaged a neighbor's yard.  Only two Christmas trees were injured in the fall.  Very fortunate.


                  At around 2:30 pm yesterday, I went out, axe in hand, ready to disassemble the fallen "giant".  A neighbor walked by with his dogs, and he offered me his chainsaw.  After dropping off the dogs at his home, he commented to his wife that I was trying to "George Washington" the tree.  He got the chainsaw going, and attacked the tree where the trunk was still attached.  Within seconds, his chain got wedged between the fallen tree and the standing trunk.  I apologized, and he walked off with chainsaw in hand, but chain lodged in the tree.


                  So out came the axe, and I managed to get all the branches separated from the trunk and hauled into the woods in back.  The tree shifted when I removed one of the branches, and the chain was freed.  PBJ Jr. brought it back to the neighbor (who was surprised to see it).


                  I still have to cut up about 50 feet of trunk.  Anybody want some uncured maple firewood?  Will trade for use of a chainsaw (unless I'm feeling a need to wack something later).  Take care all.


                    Byll - what is a CV workout?

                    "Critical Velocity, which is the pace you can sustain for approximately a 40 minute race effort.  I believe the term originally came from the swimming world in the 60s or 70s where coaches used the term to define swimmers' paces for a 20 or 30 minute maximum effort (some coaches prefer 20, others prefer 30).  Tinman was the first in the running world to identify this pace for runners, but many on the Internet have tried to poach the definition for themselves without proper attribution to him.  Tinman calls this pace the best "bang for your buck" workout pace to most effectively elevate fitness.  In other words, faster training paces will elevate speed, but not stamina, while slower training paces will elevate stamina but not speed (and slower paces also require a longer time input, which can be problematic due to the volume limitations on runners due to pounding).  Faster and slower paces are of course also vital to a complete training program, but CV pace is a pace that does it all and can be used nearly all year round with no adverse effects."




                    For most of us, a 40 minute race effort is somewhere between 5K and 10K pace.



                    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                      Good afternoon. Good riddance Irene. We got off relatively easy; lost a big chunk from a tree but we were able to clear it out of the driveway, and no one was under it when it fell. Major flooding up north. The major roads in ski country are closed still.


                      Usual Monday rest/swim day here. 1500 yards swim in a  very crowded pool. I will be glad when the lunch schedule gets back to normal.


                      Critical velocity is a great term; sounds faster than it is. I think my tempo intervals are in that range usually.


                      {{Dr. J}} and {{CNY}}


                      {{Alaska kitten}} with the undignified cone head.The Siamese trio sends their regards

                        Poor Conehead Kitty!  I've only had to do that once with a cat.  It was not fun.


                        Tramps - I could've made a small mountain with the dirt.  Then this morning there was a brand new mole hill!  Angry  My cats are not doing their job.  Although it really wouldn't matter.  We've killed moles before, and within a day or two a new one has taken the dead one's place.  It's a battle you just can't win.


                        {{{Continued Prayers for Dr. J ~}}}


                        Went for a 41 min walk this a.m., including some hill climbing.  Felt good to unwind the legs, but was blowing and coughing the whole time.  Got the OK from the boss to go home early if I start feeling really poopy today.  Will try to get in as much walking as possible this week, then start back in on the core/strength training next week, unless I start to feel better.  Watched an infomercial for the Insanity workout DVDs.  Got me motivated again.

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance



                          PBJ--now that's your neighbor's own fault; poor chainsaw mechanics, I'd say. You've got to read the tension in the wood and anticipate how it will shift as you cut.  If the tree is already on the ground, often an undercut is the best first step to release some of that tension; then you return with a cut from above to finish the job.  On the other hand, "George Washington"!  I like that.  Big grin  If I was closer, I'd be there in a flash.  I'm hoping to pick up some free firewood locally.


                          "Critical velocity"!  That's a good one.  Sounds like something NASA needs to calculate to ensure liftoff.  I'll add that to "general aerobic" and a bunch of other terms I don't really understand.


                          On the other hand, maybe we should try inventing useful pace terminology--or formalizing terms we already use. We could write a book.

                          • "Morning pace."  The pace at which one travels from bed to the coffee-maker.
                          • "Meh pace"  The pace one runs when you'd rather be doing something else.
                          • "Sproinky pace" Relatively quick pace achieved rather unexpectedly.
                          • "Canine recognition pace"  The pace achieved after one realizes the neighbor's pit bull is loose.

                          "Run lots; mostly easy; sometimes hard." These days, I'm emphasizing the first two.  Wink

                          Be safe. Be kind.



                            I'll add to Tramps' list:

                            • "Tired canine" pace - The pace when one is pulling one or more tired dogs behind them like anchors
                            • "Canine fartlek" pace - The pace when one or more dogs are pulling the runner ahead quickly due to friend or foe spotted ahead

                            I'll add my best wishes for a speedy recovery for Dr. J.


                            Erika, sorry about DS's kitty!  Something similar happened to my dog Ladybug about a week ago - she cut her leg, but we never figured out how. The vet said the wound had been open long enough when we brought her in that he didn't want to stitch it, so he just gave her antibiotics and left it open. It still looks nasty but it's healing OK.


                            PBJ/George Washington - cutting up a 50' fallen tree with an axe sounds like a lot of cross training!    Glad the tree cooperated by falling in a good direction.


                            Planning my usual trail run after work. 

                            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                              Glad Irene left everyone mostly ok, sounds like a lot of rain and blown down trees but not much else. Sorry about the flooding for those dealing with that. What a mess.


                              Tramps, I'm with you. I can't think about this stuff too much. Some of those Tinman workouts just have me confused. My running time is also my thinking/mind-wandering time so if I try to do something detailed, I end up forgetting about it anyway.


                              Wildchild, I can just see your run the other day. That was so much fun last week. Can't believe it's already been a week, actually. And I hope Ladybug's leg is healing up; that did look icky.


                              Thanks for the well wishes for the kitteh. She looks so sad. Drinking and eating are challenging activities when you have a cone on your head. We were wondering if we could cut it down a bit so she could eat more easily, but probably won't. Midnight seemed very confused by the cup in his water bowl... but that was the only way I could think to raise it up so she could drink. Poor kitteh. Yesterday started out so happy and bouncy and zipping all over the house. Now she just looks miserable. Sad 


                              No run planned today, but will head to the gym with DH soon. I might try to fit a short run in tonight, but don't really see the need. I'm in the odd situation of wanting to run long this weekend, but not really caring about mileage during the week (usually long runs are on peak mileage weeks). Sure is nice out though...

                                ...I like this List.....



                                WhaThaHell Pace.........the pace at which one injured one's self and then trys to figure out WhatTheHell one was thinking....

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
