Masters Running


Wonderful Wednesday 8/22 Runs (Read 375 times)


    Good morning everyone! Time to rise and shine and get that coffee pot brewing...


    I'll take some of those beans Mariposai. Nothing did very well in my garden this year. Even the tomatoes were "iffy."


    Like Opie, I had one of those near perfect runs this morning. Out the door at 4:30 in cool 54° temps and when I looked up at the sky, I saw hundreds of stars and a moon that looked so bright I could see the man in it smiling. 4.8 miles at an 8:34 pace. I haven't run like this since last spring, and I know it's because the temps are back where I like them. Everything just felt great this morning.


    Hope everything is great for the rest of you. Have a wonderful Wednesday!


      3 easy miles before the next round of destruction. 


      Every time another section of a wall or ceiling is torn apart, all we fine out is what is not the source of the water leak.  I want to find the problem, fix it, and then get rid of the house.  The other option is burning it to the ground, but I would never get away with it.






        I'll take some of those beans too, Mariposai!


        Glad you had a great run this morning, Jlynn.


        Dave, fixing and selling is always better that giving up and burning. Good luck finding the root of the leak.


        Heal well, Henry!


        Great shot of the Wilsonater, Leslie - he looks like trouble! Smile  I also never use an alarm clock - I have one built-in.


        We had overnight company and got to bed late, so I didn't get going till 4:40 this morning. Just time for a quick and delightful 3.2 mi. racewalk in 59F dry degrees.I've got the perfect storm of poison ivy (I never saw it, but it sure found me), and hay fever. My hay fever symptoms are the worst they've been in quite a while. Just another couple of life's little distractions...


        Enjoy your Wednesday!  -  Jay

        Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

          That's a tough one Dave.  Hang in there.


          I planned on a nice 25 mile Endurance Ride this morning, but 7 miles in I got a flat.  Dang.  2nd time in a week.  After fiddling around with that for a while and inflating the new tube with a CO2 cartridge, I headed home and cut my ride in half basically.  I wasn't sure what pressure the CO2 would provide so I wanted to check it and reinflate it at home.


          Maybe I'll do a 2nd ride later today to get the miles in, but probably not.



          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


              I wasn't sure what pressure the CO2 would provide so I wanted to check it and reinflate it at home.




            Bill, A little hint on saving yourself some headaches. After filling your tube with CO2, The next time you inflate your tire let as much of the CO2 out as you can. CO2 is a smaller molecule and escapes more easily so you will constantly battle low tire pressure if you don't.


            As far as cutting your ride short...Don't get hung up on tire pressure. There is more and more acceptance that running at 100 - 110psi or right at the max for your tire isn't always the right thing to do.


            And I stayed snuggled in bed this am so it'll be another RAW for me. These cool mornings are both a blessing and a curse.

            Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

              Good Morning!


              JLynne, I enjoyed the same bright sky and temps as you this morning.   Your pace is wonderful!!!  


              Oh Dave, I hope you find the source soon!


              Just out of curiosity Jay, what time do you normally go to bed?  I hope you are feeling better soon.    I have never encounted poison ivy which is just pure luck.


              Sorry about the flat tire Byll!


              I know what you mean about the cool morning temps Slo.   Sure makes staying in bed even more tempting.


              This morning I took B'Nellie out for 4 miles, much to Brinkley's dismay.    He was doing all he could to sneak out the door with us.  It is fun to see B'Nellie gather more confidence when we go out.   Today we even saw two walkers, and two runners with a dog.   When I got home Brinkley was looking at me with those sad, why did you go without me eyes, so I latched onto his collar and took him out for 1 mile.    He was happy then.




              "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
              It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                The next time you inflate your tire let as much of the CO2 out as you can. CO2 is a smaller molecule and escapes more easily so you will constantly battle low tire pressure if you don't.

                 Thanks Slo.  Makes sense!  I will do that when I get home tonight.



                "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                Marathon Maniac #3309

                  Good morning.....


                  Nice photo yesterday were flyin' 


                  My new job is going well, and last night the owner asked if I would help him with all four of his collision centers....all within a comfortable driving distance for me. The pay is not quite what I'm used to, but not working was driving me nuts....the pay will works itself out with time.


                  Sorry with what I'm about to say, and you can skip it because it's pretty know me, I share the very good things, and bad (just being myself)


                  The dreaded happened to me, and I'm sick about it. You all know about my relationship with Donna and how well that was going, and how happy I was. We loved each other dearly and looked forward to our future together, and talked about that all the time. Well, last week I was at her place and everything was wonderful with us - I most certainly thought so. Wednesday we had lunch outside in her back yard and she shared with me how much she loved me, and how she couldn't imagine life without me and how happy she was.....I agreed and told her the same all the time. I looked at a calender on her fridge and she had 10-11-13 wrote down as a possible date for us to get married, and I was happy about that. Two Saturdays ago while I was mowing her yard she came outside and she said she was close to moving to my city, so we could be together all the time.....we were already buying items for my place to make it more comfortable for her too.  It was time for me to leave to come home so she could spend 2 days with her son, as that was the arrangement we made. As I was about to leave we held each other and she almost couldn't let go - me either. We both said we loved each other, and off I went to home.


                  Thursday morning I got a text message from her saying we were done, and she didn't love me. I thought she was joking, but she wasn't. She blocked me from her cell phone, so I have no way of really talking to her (she won't respond to my emails) She did call me Sunday morning and said she had a bad cycling accident on her new road bike we bought, and I asked to come see her because I care so deeply for her. She said absolutely not, and she didn't want to see me anymore. She was very cold towards me, and I was shocked. You may ask if there was a argument / fight or something - no, we never argued one time. I honestly had NO clue she was going to do this. She canceled our camping trip last weekend, and we had lots of fun plans made.


                  She had surgery on her clavicle yesterday, and she said she did not want me there - period. That really hurt my feelings because I care and wonder how she's doing......that's killing me not knowing. 


                  I just don't understand her saying how much she loved me one day - then she doesn't the next day....that's not even possible is it ? She is my oh so beautiful sweetheart, and this hurts and my days are so empty without her.  FINALLY, after 12 years of being single I found the ideal woman for me, and us running together all the time was my dream come true. She's done running for a while, and I feel bad for her.


                  I wish I were the kind of guy that could get mad and tell her to shove it, but I'm not that way at all - just can't. It's amazing how wonderful and blissful being in love is - but horrible how much a broken heart hurts. I give up, and I will just be a single runner guy...but I still love her so much. I know with time I will be fine, and I would imagine with time she will miss me and remember how wonderful our relationship was, and will want to try again. But RA women.......please tell me that would be a mistake on my part because of how she handled this. Also please....tell me to quit trying to contact her, as that's not good for me and getting over her. Plus if I ignore her, that will show her I'm moving on.....


                  If she would just talk to me and express her reasons and feelings, maybe I could except it better - or maybe not I guess ? I have a big heart, and  after being careful for some time, I really let myself go to love her with my whole heart with no reservations at all. She said she did the same for me.....


                  I'm sorry posting this on the daily, but it helps expressing myself to my caring RA guys friends just tell me to forget her. Yeah, that's easy for them to say. My boss and his wife knew how upset I am, and they told me to take today off with pay....great people.


                  I'm going to take off on a long run soon, but even that's hard because I miss not running with Donna, and it's doesn't seem right not having her by my side.


                  I guess I'm better off by myself, than experiencing this again. I still have Donna and myself as my face book profile picture, and can't seem to change it....but should I know.


                  Again I'm sorry.......have a good day everyone



                  Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                    Yay Jlynne!  I'm ready for 54 degrees.  Sorry Timbo.


                    Erika, about your post last night, I know what you mean about going out uphill and back downhill.  Many of my runs are like that.


                    Today I get to go to Pilates class after work, then a 6-mile easy run.

                    "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me



                      Just a hunch, but how are things between you and Donna's son?  Her son should be the most important thing in Donna's life and if her son has issues with you (or any man) in his mom's life, she may be backing off for that reason.



                      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                      King of PhotoShop

                        I'm sorry Tim.


                        Opie, I can sure appreciate why you wouldn't know the answer to that question! Everyone would think you had seen the movie. But it was in all the news back then. Her name was Marilyn Chambers.


                        You can sure learn a lot from other people here. SLO is smart.


                        Got my 6 in this morning, and have another 3 this afternoon.  Seems to be getting easier for some reason.  I think planning the two-a-days was the right call.  I remember Breger being concerned when Tinman scheduled his long runs in two parts because of the FL heat and it didn't do him any harm.


                        In what year did Roger Bannister break the 4-minute mile?  Spareribs

                          Tim - My first thought, too, was it has something to do with her son; however, the way she has appeared to handle things is heartless, in my opinion.  If she doesn't want to talk to you, I don't see anything to gain by continuing to do so, but if it was me, I'd probably write a letter asking for some sort of explanation and expressing how deeply I've been hurt.  If you do that, re-read it a couple of times before sending so you don't say anything you will regret later.  If she doesn't respond to the letter, you know you've at least had the opportunity to say your piece.  Hang in there, Tim.


                          Dave - I agree.  Don't burn, sell.  Hope you find the water leak soon.


                          4 miles this a.m. with bathroom issues at the end.  This may be TMI, but too bad.  The whole bathroom thing is becoming a real problem.  It never fails that I get about 1-2 miles from being home and it hits with a vengeance and there is nowhere to go.  The lone grocery store closes their bathrooms between 5:00 and 7:00 for cleaning.  I'm either going to have to make one mile loops around my house (ugh!) or take Imodium before going out because this absolutely sucks.  . . . . . on the other hand, if I could some up with Runners' Depends . . . hmmmmm . . . . . . .

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance




                            Sweet run, Jeanne!

                            Dave, might be hard to burn the house down with all that water leaking...

                            Jay, bummer about the poison ivy and hay fever! 

                            Holly, I loved your picture yesterday!  Classic.

                            Timbo, I'm sorry to hear about Donna.  Didn't she break it off with you once before?  Just wondering if this is a pattern with her. If so, not a good one.

                            Leslie, you don't have any nearby woods?  Or even ornamental shrubbery?  Wink


                            I had a beautiful 6 mile trail run this morning before work.  I saw dozens of baby turtles on the trail, about the size of walnut shells.  Very cool! 


                            I'm starting taper for my next marathon on Labor Day - have I ever mentioned I hate tapering?  Joking   It's not making me too crazy yet - next week will be worse, and then I'll start checking the long range weather forecast.  MikeE knows firsthand how much I like tapering... I probably drove him nuts.

                            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                              Leslie, you don't have any nearby woods?  Or even ornamental shrubbery?  Wink


                              Weekdays - People's front yards.  . . . . I guess I could dig a whole in an alley . . . . .

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance


                                I know I have been AWOL this week.  Just busy at work.  I have to get a paper done and it is not happening fast enough.  No, this post is not helping!  I would do some shout outs, and I have been reading the daily so I have some idea what is going on, but even this relatively short post has me feeling guilty.


                                biketm your story is so sad that I just wanted to say I feel for you.


                                Running:  I finished first in my AG in last Saturday's local whacky race distance race of 8.4 miles.  The race series has "series points."  If you end up in the top three in series points in your AG you win a t-shirt.  I have never won one.  (You can also get a t-shirt by finishing among the top three of your gender among those that have not won one that season.  I have never managed to get one of those either and doubt I ever will.)  But with my win (thank goodness for having the speedy people not show up!) I now rank third in total points.  There are two races to go.  We will see if I can stay in third.


                                Yesterday I ran 16 with 12 at MP.  I tell you doing 12 at MP during a marathon seems pretty easy, at least at the start!  But doing 12 all by your lonesome!  Boy do I find that difficult.  I guess it is why I do so few MP runs.  Same for tempo runs.  I just find them too taxing for some reason unless I am in a race.

                                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->
