Masters Running


Saturday!! 7-16-11 (Read 421 times)


    Had a quickie this morning. 2 miles with the dog.


    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      I had a longie this morning (for me)....6 miles with the deer flies. They had some of me for breakfast!


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



        In keeping with the Michigan theme, I got in my "long" run also, 10 miles before the heat wave begins.  No dogs or deer flies, but I did see an unusual number of rabbits out this morning.



          ...had a splashie this morning............24min poolrun......


          dave// find anything that works on deerfiles??

          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

            Even though I don't have any races on the horizon I decided to run a Medium Long Run today.  Mainly because I like to keep my condition when I have it.  15.4 easy-paced miles at 9:21 pace.  Avg. HR 139.  I even did a bit of a Fast Finish with the last 2.5 miles at Marathon Pace.  Happy with this one.  Felt good throughout.  I may get to 50 miles this week - assuming I run a little tomorrow.

            We have Bats in the Belfry in MI.  They're going to fly away with a good number of my Greenbacks.  It's a good thing I like SteveP and the Dog.  Bats aren't on my Happy List right now.

            (BatDog, I'd throw that baton with you any time!)



            "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


              no quickies, longie's or splashie's for me. . . .yet. . . . will get in a run in about an hour or so though, after the pups are done with their morning play time and come back in the house to nap.


              we had some nice overnight rain and it smells so good out there this morning. Will spend some time in the garden today. I still have lettuce and peas to pick.


              have a great weekend!



                Bill, there are a number of ways to get rid of bats. There are only a couple of weekends I'm not available. however, if you would like a hand, I'd be more than happy to head north. 






                  Hello folks!


                  Send the bats here Bill---they'll eat our mosquitoes and this year they are carrying harpoons.


                  Ran 8.4 miles this morning at 7:40 pace---another advantage of doubles is that the morning run at 6:30 am was in cooler temps---58 degrees and very little humidity. IRC!!  It will be more like 90 degrees and humid when I run 4 miles tonight with the kiddo. He wants to get used to the heat a bit since his first x-country meets of the season will be hot. All good and run number two will be at 9:30 to 10:00 pace.


                  Hudson wakes up between 5 and 5:30 am as well Tammy----the birds are tweeting, it's lighter out, the horses next door gallop into the upper pasture next to our house and the neighbor's chickens start clucking then too. A regular ruckus outside, so we are all up. He did pretty well at puppy school his morning----hand signal commands for sit, down, and heel and lots of practicing recall and attention to his name. It's a small class---a 1 year old german shepherd named Sirius (the dog star), Cocoa and Mocha the sister labradoodles---10 weeks old and 12 week-old Hudson. The cutest of course! We have homework for next week!

                    Happy Saturday my friends!!  4.6 miles for me this morning with a few people from my running group at a hosted run .... so much fun.  Small group today because a bunch of people went up to Stowe VT for the 8 miler - long way to go for 8 miles but it is part of the Grand Prix series.


                    just feels good to be out enjoying the gift again!  wishing you all a wonderful weekend!!Cool


                    p.s. good job in puppy class Hudson!!


                      Morning, Gang -


                      12.58 miles today in 1:06 . . . . . . bike miles, that is.  And boy howdy did I have a blast!!  This was the first time I'd ridden a bike on the road in years.  TriKev and Shadowrunner over in the Predawn  Forum had suggested 10 miles for my first time out just to be safe, but once I got out there I realized I was in better shape than I had anticipated.  I have had wrapped up in my head that my fitness level has gone south over the past three months, and while it's definitely not at the level it was preinjury, I don't think it's decreased as much as I thought.  Although I retain the right to take back that statement when I am actually able to begin running again. Wink


                      Anyhoo, in an effort to keep the foot happy and not put a ton of pressure on it, I stuck to relatively flat or not horribly undulating road and also kept the gears cranked to the hardest whenever possible.  My starting and stopping leaves a lot to be desired, but at least I didn't crash!


                      And now that I've downed a bagel and coffee, I need to my rear in gear, get cleaned up, and run some errands.  My buddy, Karen, is coming for dinner tonight for fresh grilled salmon caught yesterday, grilled Romaine lettuce, roasted Brussel sprouts, carrots, beets, onions, and garlic, coconut jasmine rice, fresh-baked (by someone else) bread, and fresh strawberries for dessert.

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance


                        Glad your bike ride was good Leslie - what time should I come over for dinner?


                        Karin - thanks for the tips on doubles - appreciate your wisdom.


                        I was supposed to go short today but ended up running 9.72 - same flat route as yesterday albeit at a slower 8:06 avg pace.  Except for when some lady passed me on her bike and said "Wanna race?" - She was kinda freaked out when I responded "OK" and matched her speed for a couple hundred meters.  Was rather warm out there and humid.  The online weather said 85F but the thermometer in the shade on my balcony said 94.  Either way, it was hot.  I need to do a better job of making easy days easy.


                        Enjoy your day folks.





                          Howdy, masters! 


                          I ran a 10k trail race this morning put on by the Colorado Masters Running Association.  You don't have to be a master to run their races and the guy who won was some young punk in his 30s.  It was a beautiful but hilly and technical trail and I finished in 1:09:40, good enough for 4th in my AG. They give awards 5 deep so I got a  medal.  Not sure how many total in my AG but at least 5.  Then after the awards ceremony I went out for another lap to make it 10 for the day.  Actually the lap ended up being 4.44 miles so it was 10.64 total.  A bit hot at the end, JTWILI.


                          Mariposai, how was your 10k?  I only had to drive 45 minutes to mine, as it was down toward the bottom of my canyon in a county open space park.


                          Tammy, enjoy your weekend home alone with the pups!


                          I remember taking Tazzie to puppy class...   she wasn't very good. Too excited by all the other dogs to pay any attention whatsoever.   We called her wildchild, which is where my user name comes from.

                          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                            Tammy, if you need some company...


                            Wildchild, congrats on the hardware!  I don't think I've ever been in a race with awards 5 deep.


                            I just got back from doing a 12-mile wave run on the treadmill.  Mentally, it was tough at times but otherwise it went great!  Miles 1 & 2 were easy, about 10:42-11:00, then I caught the wave with MP @9:31. My actual, not goal MP, is 9:37, but if there's not an exact match for my desired pace on the treadmill, I always go to the next fastest setting available. The HMP miles were @8:34 (actual HMP=8:40). Mile 12 was SLOW.

                            "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me


                              Hudson sounds like such a good student! ha, wildchild - now I know. here I thought it was because YOU were a wildchild. Let's just say that we've nicknamed Bella "spunky monkey" for a reason . . Roll eyes


                              5 mile run for me this morning. with a few 3/4 mile long hills. that felt good.


                              Opie Wink




                                ha, wildchild - now I know. here I thought it was because YOU were a wildchild.


                                Yeah, in my dreams I am.  But in real life I'm an Ivy League engineer. Joking

                                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.
