Masters Running


Monday, November 7th Daylight Daily Thread (Read 653 times)


    Good morning, folks. Everyone adjusting to the nice daylight this morning?


    CNY—congrats to the kiddo. 

    Wonderful to hear of Tom’s pain free run.  I’d be resetting the clocks more often, if I were you.

    Tammy and Carolyn—here’s the obvious holiday gift for your husbands.  

    Carolyn—did I send props on your race?  Worth doing twice, if I did.  PR!  Woo hoo!  Hope the foot feels better, though.

    Did I read correctly that Ribs is locked and loaded and driving cross-country?  Didn’t I see that movie? (Perch had the right idea.) Scary stuff.  Nice racing though, and 2nd AG!  You and Mary Keittany both headed out too fast, though.

    Enke—I like you.  But the Bangels?  There’s no accounting for taste.  Wink

    Great to see the Pro racing, even if he’s doing a “Where’s Waldo?” RR. 

    Thanks to LaVieEnRose for finding the Pro.  (You have too many great screen names.  I’ve been listening to Madeleine Peyroux who does a nice version of that song.)  Ed Moran.  I looked it up.  Cool.

    Henry and Marj are in the money again!  Nice racing.

    Mari—great training run!  But what the heck is that climb at mile 9?  Were ropes involved?


    Easy 7-miler for me.

    Be safe. Be kind.


    Rose Colored Glasses

      0528. 39F. Foggy. 3.3 miles. 30 minutes. Shortest run in a long time. Felt good. 

      Monday Monday.



      Good morning, Tramps and the rest you RArunners! 


      MTA: Love the beer glasses, Tramps!

      "Anytime you see the word "inflation" in the news, replace it with "record-breaking corporate profits" and you'll get what's happening."


        Man...I gots lots of catching up to do.


        My project is installed and has been up and running for a week. During back to back 80 hr weeks my running really suffered. Following the daily was out of the question.


        I had my first weekend off in 2 months. I enjoyed it with my Mom, my youngest DD and DS at his campus for family weekend and I managed to run a 9 miler on Saturday followed by an 18 miler yesterday. That was a nice confidence booster for the lack of running of these last few weeks.


        Today was a recovery effort 5 miler.


        Take care everyone and I'll spend a little time going back to see what all y'all have been up to.

        Marathon Maniac #3309

          Good morning Smile


          As with Tramps, I don't think I mentioned Carolyn's 1/2M race. WTG on a 6 minute PR....even tho you said it wasn't that big of deal. That's a big deal missy Wild Thang, flater course or not  ! You're really pretty too....Mike, not so much Smile


          As usual, my quads are very very sore, and just walking up my stairs is painful....well, walking down hurts more actually. I think Steve - Perch says the same thing after a marathon. I don't know what to do different I guess, as this marathon was almost perfectly flat, so it wasn't the hills causing this like other hilly races. Maybe when I get my races finished with, I need to hit the weight room this winter and do some lower body / legs exercises ...I would much rather just run though, and not worry about strength training.


          Hum, I'm kinda in a quandary now. I just finished a marathon - and have a tough trail marathon in 4 weeks. I need to "somewhat' take it easy for around 10 days to 2 weeks to recover. Well then, it's already time for a 2 week taper again. Question....I don't really need another long run do I - another 20 plus miler lets say in 2 weeks. I assume my marathon last Saturday will carry me through, and I can just concentrate on my speed and lots and lots of hills.


          Sound reasonable...or any suggestions ?


          Great thing a good RA friend told me not to long ago.....with all these marathons and ultras close together, I don't have to have long training runs - my races are my long runs Smile


          I was thinking about my marathon Saturday, and I was at 1:49 at the half and felt really good. I could have really pushed hard, and had a 1/2M PR that day....hum, just something to think of if I can find one to run soon.


          Have a great Monday Everyone



          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


            I also have a lot of catching up to do! You all have been busy, and have been getting in some great races and runs!


            We got back from KY last night after a successful business conference (Louisville) and a brief visit with friends (Lexington). The visit included a 5K on Saturday morning - Bob ran and I racewalked and we finished together. We also saw a stage production of Young Frankenstein (wonderfully funny!), did some bike riding and hiking, and went to Keenland for breakfast and to watch the horses being prepped for the sale that starts today.


            This week includes all the final prep for Sunday's Seacoast Half Marathon (including hosting a racewalking clinic on Saturday), and trying to work through the myriad of details so DW and I and our staff can move our business to our new digs late next week. We also have our wrap-up meeting from the 10/29 Great Bay 5K, and are working to finalize the scoring for this year's Seacoast Road Race Series (in which about 500 people will have earned custom jackets by completing 6 of the 8 races in the Series). Oh yeah - there are also all those leaves in my yard that want to be raked to the mulch pile out back...


            5 good miles at tempo pace early this morning. 35 degrees, and quite refreshing.



            Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


              A Slo sighting!!  Glad you're 80 hour weeks are over. This is a permanent thing, right?  GB Marathon registration opened last week. Are you coming or looking for a new adventure?


              Nice racing by Mr. Tim, Spareribs and Carolyn this past weekend. Hopefully, Spareribs has packed his weapons away for the next race Smile Tim, how's the dating schedule looking for this week?


              A beautiful picture of Claire yesterday Tom - and great news on the pain-free run. Hope there's many more just like that one!


              Leslie - you're a good friend. Can I come and drink wine at your house too?


              Tramps - thanks for reminding me how much I enjoy that website.


              5 miles this morning in clear, star-filled skies and a nice temp for this time of the year at 42°. It was one of those mornings that you're so glad you get out of bed to enjoy the quiet solitude of running.   I even passed some walkers and another runner at 4:45.


              the football team at the high school I work for won a huge upset last Saturday and if they can pull off one more this weekend, they'll be playing in the state championship. Speaking of football, how 'bout them Packers? Big grin

              Marathon Maniac #957

                Good Morning!


                I meant to tell RCG - nice to see you posting again!


                Slo - welcome back!


                Jlynne - you asked about DD's height, no she hasn't caught up to me yet.  She's about 4'4" - I still have nearly 10" on her....for now....Smile


                No run for me today, just some light core and upper weights.


                We got a call last night that DD's basketball practices are to start today.  Of all the time availabe during the week, her practices are scheduled right on top of the only time commitment we have going right now - her group guitar lesson.  Sadly, we'll have to forego the last 4 lessons in the package.  We decided we would still try to finish the lesson book on our own, though.

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                Marathon Maniac #3309

                  Tim, how's the dating schedule looking for this week?



                  Tonight and tomorrow night - Donna.....running dates and dinner 


                  Wednesday or Thursday - Jodi..... running, dinner and long walk


                  Friday, Saturday, Sunday - Donna....running and lots of stuff planned


                  See a trend here  Wink 


                  Donna told me last night she wants to train for, and run a marathon. I told her not this spring, but lets build miles first as a base, and run one together next fall. She's a feisty - strong - stubborn lil' runner gal...I know she can do it  Smile



                  Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                    ...jay//........I worked at the closest Drugstore to Keeneland at Lexington


                    it was sad

                    how many Jockies had Arthritis and Fluid Retention


                    got RXs for Bute and Lasix


                    the same stuff

                    they dope  horses with




           day..........I hope Claire didn't give me a Cold

                    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                      Good morning!  Nice marathon Tim! I would focus on recovery rather than worrying about another long run.


                      Probably rest day today, maybe a swim.


                      Very long day at the Manchester Marathon yesterday but we pulled off a successful year #5. There were pretty fast times, very nice weather.  First woman was 43 from Quebec, 2:59. Hilly course!


                      I ran 4 miles before 5 a.m. under starry cold skies then headed downtown to  work the  race.


                      Prettty worn out today and RA flaring up. I'll need a lot of rest this week to pull off any sort of reasonable marathon at OBX.


                      Where is Erika these days?

                      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                        So nice to see Slo posting today!   Welcome back!!

                        I don't think I ever said welcome back to RCG either!!    Good to see you out running again and even better to have you here with us!!


                        Did MikeE make it home?   Just curious .....


                        Yea for a pain free fun TW!!   I was surprised to see how big Claire is too.   How old is she now?


                        Lots of great running over the weekend that I still have to get caught up on.


                        This is all I got today.   They have discovered they can bark and growl which is a hoot.  Plus they try to bite gum each other.....


                        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                          Man...I gots lots of catching up to do.


                          Most important point: If Ribs shows up at your door, leave the blinds down and pretend you're not home.

                          Don't ask why.


                          Lame--congrats on another successful Manchester.  I gotta run that someday.


                          Just got a hawk out of our screen porch.  The only way in is through the cat door.  A propped open door, a broom, and a little coaxing got him flying on his way.  Taylor the cat was freaked. 

                          Be safe. Be kind.

                            I think Tim's going to end up as the subject of a Country & Western song one of these days. You know -- the ones with a bad ending. Big grin


                            I was going to lay low today, expecting Ribs to get into town any minute, gunning for Perch. But I couldn't resist a milder-than-expected morning, fit for a good run. I ran with a group of 4 others, but unfortunately got dropped about 2 miles out on what ended up for me as a 6.3-mile run. The reason I was dropped? Well, this was one of the people who showed up today for the regular Monday 8AM run:




                            Bonnie's a nice gal and fun to run with, but she's 20 years younger than me and a professional, state-champ Ironman triathlete! I just can't start out at that pace without burning out too quickly.


                            And that's my excuse for today. Good enough? What's your excuse for going it slowly today?

                            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"





                               Oh Lord, I hope TriBee doesn't see this. I like our car the way it is. Roll eyes

                              Be safe. Be kind.



                                Mari—great training run!  But what the heck is that climb at mile 9?  Were ropes involved?



                                Tramps, I was gonna ask the same thing!


                                Slo, welcome back! We missed you.  Glad your 18-miler went well - my money's on you at Tecumseh! Smile 


                                Leslie, I want to come to your house, too.  I'll bring tools and help with the repairs.


                                OM, congrats to your DH on his NYC marathon finish!  Is he running Disney with you in January?


                                JDmom, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  How was your 5K? I hope the wind wasn't too bad.


                                MikeE, did you make it home OK?  Please tell your DW how much I enjoyed meeting her, and thank her again for the M&Ms. (I was starving!) And Ryan's a terrific (and cute!) kid.


                                Thanks for the props on my race.  Tramps, now I feel bad about the snide comment I made in the October Masters Miles thread - I'll have to go fix it...   Joking

                                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.
