Masters Running


Saturday October 11 Runs (Read 565 times)

    Wow, busy thread for a Saturday. Aamos’ enthusiasm for the Red Sox is infectious and fun to watch. My Dad was a big Red Sox fan and I fondly remember many a summer night when he would sit on our porch with the ball game on the radio. We even went to a couple of games at Fenway when I was a kid, which was a big deal for us at the time. Mariposai—hats off to you for being RD; tough work. All this snow being reported. Brrrrr. Too early. This time of year, all that summer H&H doesn’t seem so bad. Sarge—I do the same thing. Sometimes I shock myself when I play what I consider to be a relatively new CD and realize it’s something like 15 years old. When did that happen? Peter—ouch. Cutting up wood for the fireplace? I gotta do that this weekend. Dg—I like your farmer’s market. Yum. Dicky—nice run. Tom—funny line about the declining importance of scenery. Roch—I have the opposite issue with my oldest brother who is 15 years older than me. His casual mention of impending “retirement” catches me off-guard. Of course, I get to tease him about how old he is. Steve—you’re back! Sorry to hear of the lingering injury. Carolyn—you have way more perseverance than I do. The only reason I get any running done is because I can roll out of bed and run out the front door. Awesome elk tale…and great running lately! Teresa—your son is fast…and his Mom did great today too! Anxious to hear about Hartford runners.

    Be safe. Be kind.

      Teresa, congrats to your cross-country son. Back at the gym this afternoon, this time with Dark Colt: 30 barbell curls 30 lat pulldowns 50 wrist barbell curls 30 squats Dark Horse
      I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
        "I'm always amazed at the ultra low HR reported by bregerbyll...."
        Erika, yes, but my maximum HR is only 181 and I've only seen that 1 time at the end of my 5K PR. When I max out some Repeats/Intervals I typically get to 170 or so tops. Those 125's I post are at recovery pace (10 min/miles or so). Bill

        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        Marathon Maniac #957

          My inability to run slow really paints me as an undisciplined runner, I know.
          Well, I don’t know about that. Personally I think my inability to run fast paints me as, well, a slow runner….. DickyG - Big grin Teresa – congratulations to your DS – he’s fast! I found a great bargain (I love a bargain) on the perfect chocolate-colored sheers today for DS's windows and his room is now officially done. (whew!) Except that I need to put a fresh coat on the trim, and probably should paint the inside of his closet, but that's no emergency. Kind of have a safari sort of color scheme going - creams, browns, tans, burgundy - nothing girly or small boyish about it. A good room to take him into his teens. (dusting hands off) My work here is done. Smile Okay, coffee break over. Off to get started on DD's room....

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            45 minutes EZ with strides Making stew and drinking wine will looking at Ironman Hawaii streaming video of my two training buddies Ryan and Leslie. What a race... Tall

            Recent Best times: None recently


              Tammy: I already had a new PR, won your age group, and hit the lottery. DickyG
              your crystal ball is a bit foggy this a.m. DickyG - I did get a new PR, I placed somewhere in my AG, but didn't stick around to find out where, but I know it wasn't the top 3 and I hit a faux lottery. Everyone who wore their Southern Oregon Runners club shirt, got either a gold or silver dollar coin. She drew out a silver one for me. And I didn't win a door prize, but did get a cool ice-blue 'beverage' glass with the Stagecoach logo etched in faux gold (ok, everyone who paid the $15 registration got one of those).


                8.04 easy miles today - 1:06:25 (8:15) - Avg HR 123 Max HR 142 Bright and sunny. 42 degrees and wonderful fall colors! Big grin
                  good morning -) Aaaamos, yay. you noticed, didn't that both Erika & I -- 2 confirmed baseball haters, cheered for you?? I have a lifetime of stored up cheering that I think I'm genetically incapable of using... & I figured who better to give some to? Plus it probably will expire if i don't use it soon. do have to save some for our runners.
                  I did, you are most appreciated. I will try and contain myself more Tight lipped Tight lipped Tight lipped Tight lipped. Peter, yecch, watch out and take care it doesn't get infected. Ever try aquaphor? It's a salve and speeds healing. Perch! hya! Steve P--I grew up not far from "The Golden Lion," a restaurant Joe Schmidt owned and watched the Lions every Thanksgiving (and Sundays) play the Packers--that used to be the holiday schedule tradition. And I like that song Wink Twocat, stay the course! roch, yes, with old friends, I always think of them as we were and am suprised to see them with lined faces, etc. Good Luck Tammy and all the other weekend racers--looking forward to the reports... ....but it's not a long weekend, I have to work Monday Sad....but I like my job, so it's ok, I guess Undecided...sstill, there's a reason they call it work, not play..... Big grin It is cold (38 but feels like 32 with 97% humidity) and drizzly, but I still ventured out there (gosh, when WILL someone invent tiny windhield wipers for eyeglasses?) and managed not to slip and fall or anything, despite my limited visibility. 7.56 in 1:05, an 8:43 pace, I think and 147 ave HR, 167 max: 9:13/8:50/8:43/8:36/8:36/8:25/8:34 & 4-something. grins, A
                  Masters 2000 miles
                    Tammy....details pleeze!! And congrats!!

                    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                    One day at a time

                      We have friends coming over to watch the Red Sox with us tonight. Whoo hoo! Texas beat Oklahoma today, too. Life doesn't get any better! Big grin My parents were at the game. I couldn't make myself watch it, knowing how stressed out my dad gets (he's chair of the UT Intercollegiate Athletics Council for Men). This means I can call him tomorrow! If they'd lost, I'd hold off for a couple of days.


                        We have the same weather as Aamos - mid thirties and drizzling. And very foggy. I took the dogs out for an untimed 4 miles. I took my gloves off after a mile, and took off my windshirt after 1.5 miles (I had to tie it around my waist - how much is the fine? And where do I send it now Ribs isn't posting anymore?) Four mule deer bounded across the road right in front of us - they were cool in the fog. Enjoying reading all the RRs.

                        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                          I got to hug Mariposai 3 times... It was a nice day for a run,ended up I took a wrong turn and ran 5 miles instead of 5K...whoops... It was all worth it...Mariposai had 700 registered plus they had to hold the race while more entered...What a great community event...I was very proud to call her my friend...She did a superb job as RD...
                          Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

                            Three hugs from was a day worth living Big grin 10k in the afternoon on the same route of the Autumn leaf run. This is my tradition for this race just to ensure that all the signs (over 100) and the garbage was picked up before the end of the day. Besides I had to earn the kul t-shirt, which logo was designed by a 10 year old kid.

                            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                              lynden, I knew you were going to be fast but, when running in new territory, to avoid getting lost, let the locals take the lead until you can see the finish line. No particular reason but I thought 26.2 miles was needed for a buttefly hug. uhmmmm

                              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                lynden, I knew you were going to be fast but, when running in new territory, to avoid getting lost, let the locals take the lead until you can see the finish line. No particular reason but I thought 26.2 miles was needed for a buttefly hug. uhmmmm

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
