Masters Running


Monday June 20th runs (or not) (Read 563 times)

Mike E

MM #5615

    She looked just like Cam!  Honest...


    If I was smart enough to figure out how to post those pictures on here, I would...with Tammy's permission, of course.  Hopefully, I'm a better runner than a photographer.


    Oh--I have a correction to make from my Bear Lake RR.  After reviewing the pictures on their site, I saw that there were actually four porta-poties at the start...not two as I stated...not sure what the hold up was, then...


    Ribs--where can I get some of that wine?


      Mike, I don't care if you post a few of them over here. Although, not sure why in the world you would get a pic of my backside . . . that one I can do without looking at again. . . lol.


      I pulled up my race pics from also. A few turned out okay, but most are dreadful. i'm used to that though. since I'm using my aunt's computer while I'm back in MN, I don't want to save any to this computer to post, but it's easy enough for anyone to pull up race pics from marathonfoto if you have a bib # and race. Tammy Moore, #7509.


      Marathon Maniac #957

        Certainly the form on both Hermosas is a joy to see, just plain flying! 


        I agree!


        And the doggy pics are making me smile as well.


        DH and don't usually do much for our anniversary, generally no gifts and usually not even cards, but rather a nice dinner out, which we did on Satuday.  But this year, for some reason, DH went all out:  This morning a dozen roses and a large balloon arrived at work, and a couple hours later a bouquet of chocolate covered strawberries, too.  Smile


        No run for me today: 50 minutes of P90X Legs and Back and 10 minutes of core work.


        Happy Monday!

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

        Mike E

        MM #5615

          Tammy--just so you don't think I'm some kind of pervert for taking that picture--I, also, took the pictures of my teammates' backsides...oh wait... that doesn't really prove I'm not a pervert...


          Uh oh--Holly--the only time I ever buy my DW stuff like that is after I've...never mind, I'm sure it's nothing like that.


          Trails are hard!

            She looked just like Cam!  Honest...


            You mean running without a shirt? Evil  Oh, and I see nothing wrong with various perspectives.

            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


            King of PhotoShop

              I get it.  Those Kinvaras come in a couple of different colors.  I have the green ones that are the same color as your Asics and Cam is wearing the other color. Both pairs of shoes you two are wearing are pretty cool.


              I find it interesting that the best colors in running shoes tend to be in the racing flats rather than in trainers, but I have a pair of the Brooks Launch, a light trainer, in Orange and Red that are similar in color to Cam's.  I also have a pair of Newtons that are bright yellow with red laces. I rotate through 11 pairs of shoes in various colors.   Spareribs


                As long as we're posting doggy pictures, I thought I'd share this of dear Cheyenne, posing with the license plate DH got me. I sure miss this girl!


                Tammy, I thought some of those pictures were really good!


                Raining today, will go to the gym at lunch, then RAW for a bit. Final time for Saturday night's 10k was 46:00, good enough for 1st in AG. Yay.

                  Great pics today!  Love Hermosa's finish line pics.


                  And puppies, puppies, puppies!


                  Holly - Don't question it, just go with it!  And Happy Anniversary.


                  I really enjoyed MD's story of his dad and SteveP's story of Aunt Kathy.


                  35 min of stationary cycling this a.m., followed by 1.25 hrs of core/strength, all whilst watching "Open Range."  Love, love, love Robert Duvall and Kevin Costner.


                  I don't have puppies, but Wilson the Wonder Kitty would like to say "Hi" to everyone:

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance


                  Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                    Oh, what great photos today!    Especially of Hermosaboy racing - wow - you can feel the wind as you fly down the road!!    Rosie's tail looks so long - I bet she can clear a coffee table in one fell swoop! 


                    Cheyenne is a beauty Erika - I always think of her when I see B'Nellie playing with our cats.   I remember how she was best buds with Midnight.


                    Just for fun, this is the video I took of the stair episode.   You'd think B'Nellie was their mother the way she sits, prods and and encourages them....


                    Tammy - I saw your pictures on FB and I think you look great!   Plus, you didn't die .... that's a bonus!!  Wink    Are you still in Minnesota?


                    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                      Mary, yes, that's good news . . . I didn't die. Fortunately for my survival, the H&H is somewhat absent. i can still feel a bit of the humidity in the air, but it's not very warm here.


                      I'm still in MN until Wed. We fly out early in the a.m, quick layover in Denver, and then home before noon. Anxious to get home!


                        Hurry for the animal photos today! We are heading into the last week before Hudson Quest 2011!  We don't have carpetting on our stairs here, so we'll watch closely as he climbs around at his new home.


                        I am so far behind here, but with you in spirit always. Great trips for Mike and his son, great racing for hermosa boy and his son, Erika is tearing it up at distances both long and short and leaving all contenders in the dust (no surprise!), Tammy scored a good day and run in Minn, Sarge is retiring and will be busier than ever I bet, perch is loving the new job and less humid runs, Holly is still doing more in one day than we all do in a week, marathon derrick posted a moving story and, and, and.....


                        Thank goodness your dd is okay lamerunner! 


                        I had an amazing experience as a member of team trout slap at the relay. Sleep deprived with sore quads sure, but more fun in a 24 hour period than I've had perhaps ever. I'll confer with my temmates about a group race report and there are many photos on FB. I had to leave early on Saturday right after Van 1 completed its legs (I was the last runner for Van 1)---my teammates shuttled me to the airport as I was a speaker at a memorial service on Sunday. I missed the finish line party, but didn't miss a minute of the action during the relay---careening down a hill in the Avon Pass during a cloudless afternoon at 5 or 6,000 feet, running at just after midnight under a thick blanket of stars with a huge full moon and passing 23 relayers up the climbing hill, and then zooming through my last leg at high noon the next day and screeching into the exchange zone and trying not to knock dg over! More soon, but I am flying out at 6 am tomorrow for work and not back home until midnight Friday and then we leave for Hudson Quest on Sunday. Need to catch up!


                        Oh...easy 8 miles with the kiddo last evening and easy 6 miler this morning---quads getting looser and no worse for the wear. 


                        All of you are my heroes for one reason or another but a special shout out to Leslie and OM.

                          CNYrunner.  Congratulations on your relay.  It sounds like so much fun, and great running.  


                          Loved all the dog and cat photos.  Our best friends!


                          I had a great run today on my in town route, which I had not done in 2011.   Also, I ran at a different time, besides a "new" place.   It got me very excited, and was good for my running attitude.  About 2.2 miles.  I will have to figure it out by driving it.  


                          Bravo to all the many fantastic weekend race runners!


                            Good afternoon. Great to see Karin; sounds like the relay was a blast!  That part of the country is gorgeous too.  Should be some good race report reading pretty soon around here....


                            6.5 miles this morning, lovely morning, clear and cool. Short night though. DD finally got home at nearly 10 then we  had a long talk  with her. Did not get to bed until after midnight and then not very relaxed.  I sure hope she got a few messages.  This latest stunt follows a series of issues so we had plenty to discuss.


                             The car has been  located and is nearby at a body shop. I went to visit it. Looks pretty bad and I remain  grateful DD, passenger and other driver were all ok.  


                              It seems like Holly is receiving a royal treatment as she deserves! Enjoy the chocolate! Happy anniversary!

                              I think twocat also mentioned that today is their anniversary too. Happy anniversary to them too.


                              I love the picture of the pets. It seems like Karin and her family are ready for a treat with Hudson.


                              Hermosaboy, what a way to show the youngone how to stay on pace! Great picture. You guys were literately flying. What were your mile splits?

                              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                              i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                                Nice memories Derrick.

                                Wow are Hermosa and Cam flying!  and having a great time.  That is a really good picture.


                                Enough of the dog pictures!!  I haven't seen my guys for 3 weeks now.  But I'll see them briefly on Thursday and again next Monday/Tuesday! 


                                5 recovery miles this morning.



                                Mari... I'm about 40 min drive from Ann Arbor

                                Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova
