Masters Running


Tuesday 11/21/23 Short Work Week Runs and Adventures (Read 41 times)

Centex runner

    Karen - We friended Mark at the Dallas marathon. Not sure what his title was (race director?) but he was a real nice person to visit with over the years. and that certainly is an impressive marathon time for Ken. My marathon personal best was around 3:25. Just barely fast enough to make it to Boston. My wife also has been able to qualify so we have been fortunate to go there several times. Boston 2014 was our last marathon event.

    Roch - My wife made me put it in our wedding vows that we would go to RAGBRAI every year. This last year was without a doubt the hardest of the 16 that I've done. Biggest crowds, longest route, hilliest, etc. Of course, she has already signed up for next year. We really aren't that hard core. We enjoy the friendships that have been made over the different rides. We do not race but keep puttering along.

      Thanksgiving dinner will just be my DD and me, so I am thinking I will just make soup and perhaps buy a roasted chicken. MBE is still in Italy.

      The Friendsgiving dinner I went to on Saturday was great, but only 4 people. I made Jay's cranberry jalapeno spread and a smoked salmon spread and homemade bread. Oddly the bread, which was just regular Artisan no-knead bread, was the big hit from what I brought. One woman is allergic to fish, so she enjoyed the cranberry jalapeno dip. The hostess made langoustine Icelandic soup, it was INCREDIBLE!  I had 2 bowls. She also had a turducken, and it was really tasty too!  I ate so much my stomach was uncomfortable the rest of the night.


      3.1 mile walk/jog today around noon. Some tendons around my left knee were barking a bit, but that went away after the first mile and I ended up having a very good-feeling run. It was also 52 F, and sunny!  Felt like Spring, to be honest!

      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

        Seriously good sounding food being discussed here!


        Sub- The Fargo race is supposed to be a good one!


        Centex- would it have been Mark Kreditor?  A tall redhead?   Very, um, outspoken?    My marathon PR is 3:08 and I had just over 3:09 after that at Cowtown and I sulked for a week.  I never touched that again....I did 3 Bostons and really decided I don't like big races.  I also felt like living in Dallas did not prepare me for hills, even though I went to extreme lengths to train on what I thought were hills!

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


        Marathon Maniac #957

          I need to make some of that No-Knead Bread.  I think this time I will add jalapenos and lots of cheddar cheese.  Kroger used to have a wonderful Jalapeno Cheese Bread in their artisan offerings,, but they discontinued it.  Seems like every time I really like something it is the Kiss of Death and that item, whatever it is, gets discontinued.


          Enke - I think the bread is the only thing you described that I would eat....turducken sounds, well, just gross, and any kind of fish soup, other than clam chowder, is not something I am likely to try.  I do live in a land-locked state, by way of explanation, but I am not terribly adventurous, foodwise....

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            Dang, Tet, are you trying to have multiple surgeries at once??  I have sympathy for your shoulders, though.  My right one hasn't been the same since my spill in September.  Nothing horrible, just a weird tightness I'm having a tough time working out.


            Enke - I looked up that soup.  I sounds heavenly.  Yu-Um!

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance


              If you like something like lobster bisque, you would have loved this soup. The turducken was really good, not dry, and the stuffing was some kind of cornmeal that had a lot of flavor. I am eating some of the leftovers right now..

              I sometimes fold garlic and parmesan into the Artisan bread before I bake it, and that makes it pretty good. Or olives and rosemary.

              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

              Marathon Maniac #957

                I don't think I have ever tried lobster bisque.  Is it anything like Boston Clam Chowder?  Gosh that sounds good right now.  I couldn't tell you the last time I had some.

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  Thanks for the start, Holly.

                  Welcome Centex.

                  tet--hope you're sidewalk spill doesn't cause issues. Ouch.


                  Rainy day here so it was my rest day and a total down day. I spent time online and got my holiday shopping done (I really don't do in-person shopping anymore; not worth the hassle and I find it easier to research online), so that felt oddly productive. We're also toying with getting a new TV (since our internet access now supports better picture quality than our old set can handle), so I tried to read up a bit on the alphabet soup of technology (OLED, UHD, HDR, LCD, 4K and the rest) that I haven't looked at in years.  I also will keep an eye out for Black Friday deals for a a well-reviewed mid-range model. The choices are a bit overwhelming.


                  For Thanksgiving, we usually get a turkey from an organic farm just over the border in Maryland but they sold out this year before Tribee got there yesterday. Apparently business has been very good this year. They usually don't sell out, so she was bummed and encouraged them to create some type of reservation system to avoid disappointing loyal customers. We'll have to look elsewhere for fresh turkey but I doubt we'll find something this year. I'm sure we'll have plenty of other things to splurge on.


                  Am I the only one who thinks Matt Hasselbeck every time those potatoes are mentioned?


                  Anyhow...have a good evening.

                  Be safe. Be kind.

                    Centex, that's a very good time!

                    enkephalin, langoustine is awesome! It's basically lobster with small pincers...

                    Karen, good to know, I will sign up immediately. That will make 10 of usfrom RR on Regent.  And Ken was a smokin fast runner, dang!!

                    Holly, if you like seafood, that's the go to in my book. I just love seafood so...


                      My DS made turducken 5-10 years ago & it was delicious - now he just smokes turkey.  I’m going to try the NYTimes hasselback potato recipe. However I don’t have a mandolin so not sure how good I will be a slicing thin potatoes.


                      we ran white rock once & hung out with Ribs, Saint and other non-local notables


                      we’re big seafood eaters, logically since we’re about 10 miles from the ocean!


                      walked some today and food pantry tomorrow. Last week was hectic with the thanksgiving prep work


                        Absolutely, Tramps, on Matt Hasselbeck.   Speaking of football- wore my Go Birds shirt all day in continuing celebration of the Eagles good (and surprising) win over the Chiefs last night.  As a well-conditioned Vanderbilt fan, I just sit and wait for the collapse, but it did not happen last night!  I'm a big Andy Reid fan, though, and hated that he had to lose.  And there's the whole Taylor Swift thing going on, too.

                        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                          I really wanted to get outside for my short afternoon run and broke Rule No.1 since there was some drizzle to start.  I way over-dressed, and told myself that I was in for a long winter if grey, 49 and damp was a problem for me.  2 more miles for the day and I'm glad I got out there.

                          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                            I love seafood.  We live at the ocean, but it is incredibly expensive here. But since I'm on my own for Thanksgiving, maybe I'll do some kind of seafood for dinner. Hmmm . . .

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance




                              All this food talk is making me hungry!


                              Like Enke, I also got out for 3.1 miles, in screw shoes, around the snowy neighborhood.  It's beautiful and sunny, and mid 30s today.

                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                              Rose Colored Glasses




                                5 miles "running"

                                0.47 mile walk to car


                                Trying to create a habit, I once again drove 1.5 miles to park on a street with an access trail to the swamp. I think this will keep me from overdoing it. I walked the Big Bridge to the crush and run trail and "ran" to the Damn Bridge where I walked to the Boy Scout bridge and than did the whole thing in reverse. When Garmin announced 5 miles, I walked ~ half mile to my car. I can't believe how slow I go butt, I'm appreciating my ability to get out there.


                                Tet, I didn't know there were different sunrises. I witnessed civil sunrise over the farmer's field again. Hope you are doing okay after your tumble.


                                I have to thank Tramps for warning me of the rain heading our way. Yesterday he said he ran Monday because it was going to rain Tuesday. So I checked my weather report and then checked his weather report and figured I had plenty of time to get my "run" in. We desperately needed rain, so I'm happy we got it. Tramps' rain was about 2 hours ahead of ours according to


                                If you can stand some more cuteness...


                                David asked me to film this


                                All this talk of potatoes makes me want to share this recipe I heard about while listening to The Splendid Table on the way home from mass on Sunday!


                                Fun House Potatoes


                                Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I really enjoyed reading about plans and traditions and non-traditions

                                Doug, glad your brother will join you and DW and DS.  I'm sorry about MIL.  I hadn't heard she passed.


                                Lilmissrosie and her DH (our SIL) are hosting again this year.  They have a big house and invite his side and her side and we all get along. There will be well over 20 people!  The rrs will make his specialty: mashed potatoes.  I will make my signature greens. I combine Swiss chard, collards, and turnip greens with my secret recipe. This is NOT a vegan recipe...  I will also make cranberry chutney.

                                Our DS Blaine will bake a cake and our DS Joe will bring Dr. Pepper.


                                In other news, I hosted Mahjong today. I was a bad host. I won more money than has ever been won at our Mahjong group...$7.20.

                                Peggie, Amy, and Hazel were gracious about it.  I just kept getting good tiles!  I love these gals. Hazel is from Scotland. It's fun to hear her call me out.


                                Have a greight week everyone!
