Masters Running


Mon Dec 15 Masters Daily (Read 521 times)


    The news coverage today about the race focuses on the high winds, which cost every runner from elites to slow pokes several minutes. A good rule of thumb is 1.5 seconds per mile lost for every mph of wind. With winds steadily at 25 and gusts up to 32 it was a very difficult day for all of them. Spareribs
    Ribs: This morning's paper had a short article about the race..they only focused on the one runner who died...that really gets my goat, but unfortunately, the media looks at the attention-getting headlines. DickyG

    King of PhotoShop

      LaTortuga, the Saint, Lucy and I all bundled up this morning and went to Andy Brown park for two quick laps. It's cold here, (31 is very cold for us) and still windy. One thing I find interesting about TX weather is how fast you get shifts in temperature. Yesterday in the 70's, today in the 20's, and it happens just like that. So 2.2 miles for me and the group. Louise will take LaT. to DFW for her noon flight. Unlike the jokes often made about company, we will be sad to see her go. The Saint continues to rave about how supportive she was in the race and told me again today she would never have run so well without LaT.'s coaching her through it. Here is a short Christmas story to cheer you up. There is a lady in our town who is a fine runner and gorgeous too. I know her and her husband quite well and they are a wonderful couple. Last week I was in a running store and bumped into her. She called me over to the rack where she was looking at clothing. "Ribs, come over here and feel this." Thinking she was referring to some part of her body I scurried right over. Turns out she just wanted me to feel the fabric of a cool tech shirt she admired. She said, "I sure wish Tom would get me something like this." Yesterday I saw her husband at the race and told him the story and asked him to email me if he wanted me to go back and identify the shirt and get the store to hold it for him. He remembered my email address and wrote me first thing this morning. I will take care of it today so he can get her the shirt for Christmas. It's so hard for men to know what to buy for their wives so if I can help one guy out I am thrilled to do it. Spareribs
        enke, I would have had mixed emotions about a race being cancelled. It would bother me to get ready and drive there and not have the race. On the other hand, the conditions don't sound like anything I'd like to run in. It sounds like you made the best of it. Franc, nice 5K and neat meeting dive and tet. spareribs, it was great that you hosted several boomers and ran in the same race. The pictures were great. stumpy, nice race. hopeful, good luck to your daughter with her tonsils. Nice long runs for perch (with hills and 2500 miles for the year), Holly, evryday, Evan, and Peter. We've had strange weather. It sounds like it came from jlynne and hopeful. During the night, I could hear the wind howling. This morning when I got up, the temperature was 45-50 degrees which got my hopes up until I looked out to see it raining pretty hard and the wind was over 20mph with gusts up to 40. I decided on the TM again. It was another 8 miles at 1% and 6.2 mph (9:40/mi). Several hours later, the temp is below 30 and supposed to drop more. A good day and good runs for all. TomS
          I was not able to get on and post this weekend but it appears that Tim had some good news! Glad to hear it. I will go back and read the posts but it sounds like 6 weeks out instead of 6 months, which is fantastic! I don't know what to say about the chlorine allergy. I spent the better part of my adolescence in a pool - thank goodness I wasn't allergic! Are there any other x-training possibilities or is the pool the only option? Mary, best of luck to your daughter with her surgery. That sort of thing is always so much harder on adults than children. Ribs, I will have to check out the pics of the weekend's festivities. Sorry to hear about the high winds. Wind is very difficult to deal with in a race. It can be just plain demoralizing struggling into a high wind for a lot of miles. The weather here has been odd too. It was about usual for this time of year yesterday - low 50s - but today has shot up to 70. I ran 13 yesterday, with the last 7 faster than the first 6. Today, I ran a sluggish recovery 5 miles. Unlike Lou, I know what I'm recovering from. Everything hurts! The high temps did not assist in making this a fun run. I am hoping that Ribs is right and running today will actually make tomorrow's run better. We shall see. Meg

          Once a runner . . .


            Good morning. Mild and a bit damp here but not really raining. We have power; many of the outlying towns still do not . Most schools in the area are closed. Quite a mess. Maybe the mild temps today will help. Tim, hang in there. I don't know how you did 2 hours of pool running, even without the chlorine issues! I love to swim but I would be pickled by that time. I did 90 minutes on the elliptical yesterday afternoon though, a bit over 13 miles. This morning was about 60 minutes on the spin bike. Tomorrow morning I find out what is on the MRI. I am eager for a game plan but apprehensive about what will appear there. The fact there has been so little improvement after over a month of not running is worrisome. Great running to those who can and hugs to the injured.
              Yes, getting up early to scape off the car, drive to the race, stand around freezing your a$$ off then find out it is cancelled, kind of takes the wind out of your sails. My run later in the afternoon just wasn't highly motivated after that. -7C this morning (19F), chilly walk to the bus stop. I am still debating a run outside under the beautiful blue skies or the dreadmill. I need to find warmer gloves then I think I'll run outside. Curiously, and I don't beleive the long-term forcast for a always predicts much colder, wetter, dire conditions in the long term, but it is "predicted" to go as low as -18C (0F) in ten days, here, in the PNW. I find that hard to believe. Thankfully I won't be here to find out. I saw that clip of Pres. Bush and the shoe. Maybe I shouldn't find that funny, but I nearly fell off the TM laughing out loud...the guy had pretty good aim...

              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

              Marathon Maniac #3309

                Meg, I guess there really is nothing else to do other than the pool....I can't cycle - no elliptical...what else is there except for what I am already doing? I am lifting weights - upper and lower body, and core work...and don't seem to be allergic to the machines Roll eyes BTW, nice runs for you, greta job Smile Yeah lame, I was pretty "pickled" after that amount of time in the water. And along with the 2 hours of pool running, I also swam 3000 yards....and there was significant amount of shrinkage also Big grin. Good luck tomorrow...I hope you have a good prognoses Smile. The length of time off for me makes me feel like you...seems like I should be better by now. TimBo

                Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                One day at a time

                  Spareribs, great story! You should rent yourself out, getting ideas from wives and passing them on to their husbands! Tim, glad to hear you won't be out TOO long. Because of the ice storm, I didn't run for four days (the first day was a planned rest day, and then the long weekend was a mess). It amazes me now how bummed out I get when I don't run for that long! I was dreading this morning's run, but it was fantastic. 44 degrees, light wind, and very springlike! I intended to go 5 miles, but got a little lost in my friend's neighborhood and ended up with 5.7 miles in 1:05:17. Slow and easy! My breathing felt VERY easy today, so maybe I will try this slower pace more often. I'm hoping for 6 days of running this week, even if it means hitting the TM.
                    Once again,we are predicted to get snow flurries today hereon the coast with snow down to 500 feet. Wanna get outta here in any direction? Snow chains required within less than 50 miles east and about 70 or so miles south (North - no problem. West - start swimming). Strange, strange weather for us. So it was a chilly 3-mile run this a.m., which kept me moving at a pretty good clip - 9:23 ap. I don't have a thermometer to look at, but I'd guess it was no "warmer" than 32. Then did an hour of core/strength training. Usually, even in winter, I can be out in my workout shed most times in shorts and just a sports bra (it's fairly small and warms up quickly), but not this a.m. I almost needed gloves to handle my free weights. The Hub is suppose to be flying back home this evening from a week of vacation. He has to travel to Salt Lake City. Guess I'd better be watching the forecast to determine if he's going to make. Mary - Good luck with your DD's surgery. DickyG - I was wondering how in the world she wasn't able to tell there was something "extra" in her bra when she put it on. Confused

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

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                      The roads are nothing but a long sheet of ice around here today. Strong wind and cold temps are making it worse, but such clear blue sky. Like Enkie, I am tempted to go out for a run, but common sense tells me not to. In days like today is when my admiration for Erika goes up 10 notches. Aamos, where are you???????? Ribs, can I send you my wish list also???. Nice guy you are. Mary, good luck to your DD. I will be praying for you and her. Gordon, sorry about your weather this weekend. Not a good day to race.

                      "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                        Yeah Tim, I guess if the bike and elliptical are out there isn't a whole lot else. I guess rowing is out too. At least 6 weeks is a heck of a lot better than 6 months of allergies to deal with. Lame, best of luck with the MRI. I am newish over here so am not entirely sure what your injury is but I hope that the MRI reveals something useful that will help you heal it. Ribs, very nice of you to assist that gentleman. I wish someone would do the same for my hubs. Big grin Meg

                        Once a runner . . .


                          Tim, I have problems with the chlorine, too. Gives me an excema-like rash on my legs and inner elbows so need to be very careful with post-pool shower and lotion. At least I don't get the congestion problems, sorry about that. But I'll still say (broken-record time) that it's the best thing for you now. Mary, good luck to your daughter on her surgery... and you for the recovery detail. I had mine out when I was 5 which was common 40+ years ago. Nowadays it seems most kids reach adulthood with theirs intact. Holly, nice leg work videos. I've been thinking of ways to mix up my leg work, but don't really want to get into that so close to a marathon. In fact, I don't usually do a whole lot of leg weights the last 6 weeks before a marathon. But I'll keep those as things to try (do you have a bench like that?). And I meant to mention earlier... I think your stability ball is too big. Sounds like it might be a 75 cm ball? For someone your height, you should be looking at no more than 55 cm (mine is 65). Lots of folks have it a lot worse off weather-wise than I do. I was thinking about that yesterday as I was wrapping up my 13th mile outside. No slush, no wind, bone-dry cold but not as bad as it could be. As I told JLynne once, I swore I'd never suffer through another midwestern winter when I left college and so far I've meant it! It does wear on you to be outside in the constant cold, and it gets dark around 3 pm so that gets old, but really. It's not so bad. I'll reserve the right to complain when I'm doing the long runs in the minus-teens and twenties though. Smile Feeling pretty good after my long run yesterday. My legs were so tired I was concerned I'd done something to them (besides running a lot), but this morning they feel pretty good... just the leftover long run feeling that makes climbing stairs tiring. All in all, very encouraging. Next week is a planned 30-mile weekend (10/20)... we'll see how that works out.

                          Marathon Maniac #3309

                            Oh yeah Erika, the stoopid rashes all over, and the horribly dry skin makes it even better Evil grin Wow, a 30 mile weekend already planned for careful there Fren!...I loved my 30 miles weekends, although done in reverse order of your's. I just looked at my training log (haven't looked for a long time)...boy is that a sickening sight Angry Tim

                            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                              dickyg - that link didn't work for me, but on that site, I just did a search for cinnamon apple cake to see if it's the one I usually make and it is - out of the cooking light magazine a few yrs back. That's a great recipe and is always a huge hit no matter what occassion I make it for! we got some more snow over night - about 4 inches in total and schools were delayed for a couple hrs, so now I'm finally at work after dropping my son off at school. I was able to get in two short runs over the weekend and I'll be taking a rest day today, like I usually do on Mondays, but should be able to get to the gym during my lunch hour tomorrow.


                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                Erika – what’s with you people and the Metric system? If you’re not careful, that thing may catch on.... Big grin My stability ball was 28” in diameter (71 cm) when inflated to the measuring tape that came with it. You are quite right that it is too big for me. I look ridiculous with it – too bad I don’t have videos of me trying to use it. However, after the beating it has taken from the kids doing amazing acrobatics with it, the ball seems to have shrunk a bit, although I don’t think it is yet 21” (55 cm) yet. Give it a few more days of abuse.... As for the leg stuff, since I don’t have any races on the books until April, I’m trying to hit the leg weights harder now, periodization and all that. I’ll lighten up when it gets closer. Oh, and no, I don’t have a bench. I use my sofa. Strictly low tech here...for bench dips I use the sofa and a folding chair, for bench step-ups I use the second step, etc. Smile You’re doing Disney in January, right? How’re you feeling about your foot and all? Tammy – can you post the link to that?

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
