Masters Running


My health has taken a turn for the worst (Read 690 times)

    Well Boomers, You have helped me in the past and your good vibes have been helpful. Well the doctors initial tests this morning were not good. Initilal reaction by the nurses on seeing my results were Are you on blood pressure medication!! My doctor freaked on seeing my blood pressure, last year it was 118/78 this year 155/100!!! So she sent me for a battery of tests today, EKG, blood, X-rays, etc...very concerned. I have been feeling bad since the week before I went to Cuba, like a weight on my my running has been low to none. Anyway, hopefully I get some results shortly and additional tests are being scheduled by my doctor. I am very concerned based on how I am feeling and yesterday's discussion with my lady friend where we are now on shaky ground. As some of my friends are saying; It's not surprising with everything I am dealing with: divorce, single parent, legal proceedings, child custody mediation, Corporate year end where my company owes some big bucks, personal tax time, my new lady friend and lots of stress at work lately. Even though I have been trying over the last few months to slow things down, simplify my life, things are still moving too fast. Luckily I have some great friends to lean on and two beautiful girls to think of. But this too I will overcome. One day at a time. Your buddy Tall

    Recent Best times: None recently


      You do have a lot of stressors going on in your life right now Tall. Please keep us updated on tests, results, etc. You'll be in my thoughts.


        Tallrunner! Healing vibes on the way to you for sure----right now. I am so sorry to hear of all you are facing and the not so great health news. I am no doctor, but have to believe that the mind--body---stress connections are big ones and can combine to wreak all sorts of havoc with our health and well being. It's great that you can focus on that which is precious to you----hold on to that hard while you work through all this. Best to you and you know we are all right here pulling for you. CNYrunner

          Tall, I am so sorry for you! You certainly were wise to get all of these things tested. You are under an amazing amount of stress. Life can really throw out some terrible curve balls huh? Please keep us posted on your condition. If nothing else, we are great listeners and always have virtual shoulders to lean on. C-mom
            Tall, I am sorry to hear of your health concerns. You did the right thing by going to the doctor and getting things checked out. I, too, suspect the exceptional amount of stress in your life is a major factor. I hope the doctors can find something to help the situation. My thoughts are with you during this time that has to be a bit scary. TomS

              Well Boomers, But this too I will overcome. One day at a time. Your buddy Tall
              Sending lots of prayers your way Tall. One day at the time is all we can take and one minute at the time is all we can live. You are putting your training/running/XT on hold until your doctors gives you the green light again, right? Remember you have a friend in are not alone. Best wishes. Nancy

              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                {{{Tallrunner}}} Hang in there, buddy. We're here for you... Please try to slow it down, it does take its toll on many aspects of life...

                King of PhotoShop

                  I sense that just sitting down and writing all this out in your post was good for you, as I read how you thought it through. As I read your past posts, I often asked myself if you have any speed other than all-out. Some people are just wired that way, and maybe this is a minor but important early warning for you. Good luck Tall. You know we are all your allies here. Spareribs
                    Hey Tall, Not the best of news but chances are that it's not as bad as you are taking it. It doesn't sound like your doctor read that part in the book about "putting the patient at ease". 150/100 is considered "mild hypertension" on a chart I looked at and most likely it's not that high 24 hours a day. Let's see what the tests show before jumping to conclusions. Whatever is going on I am sure is very fixable. Easy does it. Jim
                    Age 60 plus best times: 5k 19:00, 10k 38:35, 10m 1:05:30, HM 1:24:09, 30k 2:04:33
                      Tall, healing vibes coming your way.
                      Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
                        {{Tall} } Best wishes for effective treatment and healing.




                          Tall, You're one of my favorite Boomer gods, and my thoughts are with you at this tough time. Hope it all works out OK and you manage to slow down and smell the roses! Carolyn

                          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                          The Jogger

                            Hey Tall, when you wake up in the morning you must be thinking, now what important task of these important tasks shall I do first and which one second, then third, will I fit a run in, oh I forgot to send off that form, must pick the kids up and go to football! Sometimes things come at us like that, all at once but when it is constant, you really need to step back and take a rest. It must be difficult, I know I'm useless at time managemant and then it's 'last' for me and all the stress that goes with it. I hope you find time to recover because I'm sure that is all you probably need. Take it easy, we all think the world of you here. Roy

                              Cry Mr. Tall... Part of getting better is first acknowledging there is a problem. You clearly have done that. Then you seek help, and that seems to be what you're doing. You're taking the steps necessary to fix this. Little by little, you chip away at the mountain until it becomes a hill, then a bump, then a grain of sand. It'll get there. Take your medicine. Once that kicks in, you'll already have one less thing to worry about. See how that works? Keep at it. And keep leaning on us.

                                Take care of yourself have many things on your plate right now. It is amazing what stress can do to us physically. Keep us informed, and keep the faith. It will all get better.

                                Trails Rock!
