Masters Running


My health has taken a turn for the worst (Read 690 times)


    Hi Tall, It seems to me that you've gotten some sound advice from other posters here and from your lady friend, and that you are taking the right steps to get yourself back on an even keel. So slow it down, do cut yourself some slack, and keep focusing on the positive, and I think you'll come out of this just fine. Good luck! Jay

    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      {{{{{{{{{{Tall}}}}}}}}} I echo the sentiments of all of the previous posters. Take care of yourself and keep us posted - we care about you.

      Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

        Tall, you've been getting some good advice here and I don't have much to add. But since I have had specific blood pressure problems over the years, I would like to say that you do have to monitor your pressure over some period of time to get an accurate assessment, and not take any single reading too seriously. I've had a number of those "outlier" readings caused just by something going on that day, an extra cup of strong coffee, or whatever. But be sure to follow your doctors' advice and let us know about your progress. It does seem like your last few posts have made me wonder how you have time to be doing all that stuff. Maybe a slowdown is in order. By the way, since I recently set the date for my retirement in a few months, my B.P. readings have dropped a few points. Coincidence? I think not. Wink

        Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

        "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

        Head Procrastinator

          Tall, take care of yourself and for petes sake SLOW DOWN!!! {{{{{{{{{{{Tall}}}}}}}}
          ~ My Profile~ The avatar is happy BOC wootcats
            Stress is always bad. It is hard if you are wired to worry. FWIW one of my favorite sayings is that if you see 12 troubles coming down the road 11 will fall into a ditch. When I start to stress out about something I try to remember that. Best of luck and get healthy soon.

            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


            MM #405

              {{{ Tall }}} Sad So sorry to hear this, just wanted to give you my 2 cents. I think stress is OK as long as it's good stress, which I think your running and your active lifestyle provide. It's the emotional/mental stress that is so bad for us. My blood pressure was high...exactly your numbers, for years before I was divorced. I would reach down to pick up something off the floor and my head would pound. I knew the bad stress was killing me. I would lie in bed at night and think and worry about the many bad stressors in my life and have to physically tell myself to relax and when I did, I noticed that every muscle in my body, from my neck, chest, core, right to my toes was tense....I would sink 6 inches back down to the mattress. This phase in your life will pass, love your girls, love your lady friend, focus on positive things... do, see, feel things that make you happy. Try not to feel will eat you up. Do you know the poem "Desiderata" (sp?)...I will see if I can post says.."Be gentle with yourself", Know everything will work out for the best... arf

                Hang in there Tall. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

                i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                  Tall... Calm down, man! There are great comments here. I think there is abook called "Don't sweat the small stuff". What is "small" vs "big" is very subjective. In your marathon training you look at the big picture. If you have an injury you can tough it out and make it worse possibly or let it heal and be ready for the future. The big goal is being able to run for a long time. Similarly, looking at the problems that life throws at you as minor injuries, you need to deal with them but relax and have confidence that it will payoff in the long run. A bump in the road. You will look back and say that was a b!tch of a time, glad it's over. I will look at challenges and think "what is the worst that can happen" and when I accept that I can calm right down. (of course the worst is never fatal in my books). Good luck! Steve

                  Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                    Tall, Can you run at all? Was it your choice to slow down the running or the docs? If you can run then run as much as you can. It will help with the stress of the divorce. Did anyone tell you to take time off and just work on yourself after the divorce before seeing anyone new? I got that advice and ignored it and later paid the price. But it is good advice. Divorce, especially with child custody going on, is major stressful and consuming. Running will help with the stress. I suggest you do what is best for you and your heallth in the year or so during and after the divorce before taking on the challenge and stresses of a new relationship. Its easy advice to hear but hard to follow especially if you've already met someone new. But its so important to heal from the marriage loss before starting up new relationships. Spend time with yourself and friends and family. Do what makes you feel better. And consider a new relationship after a year or so and you've healed from the trauma of the divorce. Better for you and better for your new partner. I know from experience. I ignored all the advice I was given. I jumped in head first into a new relationship but my head hit the concrete bottom. I just got out of a bitter and debilitating relationship and am still licking my wounds. The next year will be to take care of me and work on my goals. Take care. Never give up. Laurie

                    Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                      Tall, You're an intelligent guy with a big heart. Smart people have a rough way to go. Sorry man. You did a good thing by going to the doctors' office. You did a big thing by coming to this running forum and "voicing" your concerns. That probably wasn't easy. Finish the things you've started. Maybe by prioritizing. Maybe you have to choose what battles to let go of. Ain't nothing wrong with saying, "I can use a hand here". An empotional roller coaster should be normal about now. Just like running, take life one step at a time. One thing at a time. One day at a time. You're important to us.

