Masters Running


Wednesday's Daily, 1.15.14 (Read 35 times)


    Mornin' everyone!


    I'm glad you survived yesterday, Ribs, and hope that you get great news in 5 days.


    "Frost heaves are what I get when I workout too hard in below zero temperatures." Good come-back, Dave!


    I'm glad (and also not surprised) that you are having such a good time organizing your race, Mariposai. I'm sure you'll get the half course worked out, and that it'll be great.


    Good job on the steps, TW! And I couldn't agree more with what Mike said yesterday: "the Runner's World's "Daily Kick in the Butt" quote made me think of you...I'm sure everybody has seen it before...a quote from Dean Karnazes--"Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up."  Yep--that's tomwhite."


    Enke, good for you for taking advantage of the warm weather with some car creep fartleks. Beet brownies? Not going there. I might like Mike's version better...


    Welcome back, Tselbes. Good luck with the monster shoe sale.


    I'm glad the Dish is working for you, Twocat. It seems to me that the whole TV concept/delivery system is in a massive state of flux, and I'm curious to see where it will wind up.


    I'm glad the kid is motivated, C-R. That will work to his benefit, and to yours too.What a difference a year makes, eh, Evanflein? I hope you got outside in that balmy 8 degrees yesterday.


    Happy Birthday (a couple of days late) to you too, Janie B!


    Nice looking trail there, NHLA.


    Sorry about the lack of rain, Leslie, as well as all the PT/taping you are dealing with. I hope hub sucks it up and helps out.


    Jlynne, can you send some of that snow/moisture to Fatozzig? Be careful out there.


    {{{{Holly}}}} I suspect that we've all been there, at least at some point in our relationships.


    Yeah, Denise; you need to run more...just like Evanflein.


    I hope you got the furnace repaired, Mike.


    Glad you got a run in, Tammy! I think we all know how good it can feel to start down that road again.


    Last night's meeting was only 2.5 hours, but was stressful. So I was still in the process of calming down when I got home and headed for bed. That and the prospect of icy roads after yesterday's day-long rain and last nights chilly temps led me to sleep in this morning. I have another meeting tonight, so I can't yet say what will happen tomorrow morning, although I'd sure like to get out for a workout.


    Have a greta Wednesday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      ...thanks mikeE and jay////...............I would have said ''No Other Options''...............but that quote sounded MUCH better.......



      much appreciated

      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


      Trails are hard!

        Jay,  the black ice was not why I didn't go out (pure laziness covers it, I think), but it sure seemed like a good idea when I skated down our front walk without meaning to.    Same sort of thing on our street, but fine on the main roads.

        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



          Good morning. RIbs, best of luck with the biopsy.  Your doc sounds great. Holly, alas, I too can relate. This adult stuff is not for sissies. My DH is   a bit older than I am and now that he is in his mid-60s, he is thinking somewhat differently than I do about things like money, retirement etc. So we need to adjust and adapt. Fortunately, he is healthy, still working etc.


          Mariposai, great run last night and sorry your course came out long, but I can tell you from experience  that is an easier problem to fix than a course which comes out short. The last mile of the Manchester Marathon is not what we originally wanted, but we came out a few tenths our runners get a little extra time in the millyard.


          My running continues to be rather meh. The antibiotics knocked back the bronchitis, but the rib issue is still there, and if anything, it is worse. I can run if I keep the pace easy, but it is not entirely comfortable. I  cannot get comfortable at night; swimming the other day hurt etc. Aches most of the time and now is swollen. I guess I can call the doc again, buty I am not sure there is much treatment for this.


          I did swim 1500 yards on Monday and ran about 8 miles yesterday.


          This morning was totally frustrating. We had some ice too, but I thought the main roads would be ok. I headed out a bit late and faced both black ice and tons of traffic. Some places were ok and some nearly impassable. Rib was hurting too. I finally just lost my will and bailed  at about 3.5 miles. Kind of felt like a good cry was in order but that too, alas, would hurt my rib.  I brought my stuff and could try again on the TM later, but we shall see...  I have a meeting at lunch so it would have to be later in the day.


          Tomorrow is another day...


            Trying to pretend that I am 100% over whatever is bugging me I went down to the treadmill this morning with a plan to do every other mile at a faster pace.  I did that twice and then at 4.65 miles I apparently spaced out for a split second and barely caught myself before flying off the back of the treadmill.  I had a brief "where am I moment."


            I slowed down but was feeling nauseous so I quit at 4.7.  Not a bad workout in the end, but not what I was aiming for.


            Half hour later I am feeling better except for a little headache.




              Lamerunner, so good to see you! How is the skiing going for you? We have no snow here for any major skiing.

              Jay, you are a saint to endure all those meetings.


              {{{{{{{{ butterfly hugs to all who need it}}}}}}}}}


              4 recovery miles for me this morning on slippery roads.

              Tonight is Winter Wellness and I should be able to fit in a few more miles. Our Winter Wellness program is focusing in helping runners/walkers train for the Orchards in Bloom half marathon and 10k. We had 13 people on Monday, 13 people new to exercise and with the lofty goal of doing a race. It sure if fun hanging out with them.

              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                We have had quite a lot of snow, at least for early season, but unfortunately the last couple of storms have been followed by rain/ice/fog events which have pretty severly eroded the snow pack, so the skiing is not as great as it shoudl be.  There is plenty of winter left, though, so with any  luck things will stabilize...

                King of PhotoShop

                  Lame, normally I love it when women tell me they have rib issues, but in your case I don't. Hope you get better soon.


                  Well, all the bleeding has stopped and I was able to run today, a brisk 4 miles, but as the week has gotten out of hand, I think I will get up early tomorrow and go out to the lake on my own and run long.


                  My RP leaves tomorrow for Bermuda to run this most interesting race:  a one-mile race on Friday, a TenK on Saturday and a full marathon on Sunday!  Can't wait to hear how she does.  This is her 50th b'day present to herself. Tough athlete.


                  We ran 4 brisk miles today on a gorgeous morning.  Spareribs

                    I know - Shocking that I'm here to two days in a row.


                    The talk yesterday of understanding, semi-understanding, or non-understanding spouses obviously hits home with all of us.  Before Shorty and I had our life hit bottom, he was the semi- to non-understanding spouse to a certain extent, and would regularly "let me know" he wasn't too happy about all the time I was spending away running.  The fact that most of the time I was trying to get away from him - well consciously or unconsciously - was verbalized by either of us.


                    Now, he is MUCH better and much more supportive, and it sure is nice.  He understands that at least one day on the weekend I am going to be gone for a few hours, and the closer I get to my goal races, the longer the hours will be.  His main concern at this point is knowing where I am and me giving him a fairly accurate time in which I will be home.  This past Sunday I ended up getting home about 1.5 hrs later than I intended, which made him very nervous.


                    At one point, I truly thought I would be better off without him.  Now, I'd be lost without him.


                    I got up at 4:30, fed the cats, stood there feeling very groggy and tired, and went back to bed.  Didn't get a whole lot of sleep over the next two hours, but definitely felt more rested.  I like cutback weeks.  I don't feel as guilty for not working out!


                    We finally got around to watching the ESPN special "Being Mariano" that we'd recorded however many months ago.  It was really good.  A very humble man with a tremendous love for his family and a strong faith in God.


                    Gotta go to the DMV this a.m. and get a new pic for my license.  I've renewed through the mail the last 3 (4?) times, and now they're making me come in.  Praying this picture is better than the last one!

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance




                      ...........non-related Vodka Question>>>>do you put it in the Freezer???

                      I don't drink the stuff


                      Pickles thinks it may help her costo-chrondritis

                      (I didn't ask why,

                      just bought her some)




                      ...but I digress........



                      LOTTSA steps again..................ohboyohboy

                      I pretend

                      they're The Lunges I can't do anymore


                      ........................good running guys....................and, like we say DownSouth, DasVi'Danya Y'All

                      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                        Tom, yes you can store it in the fridge or freezer - or even just a pantry shelf. It's best to store it for longer term usage in a glass bottle, as opposed to plastic (in case the vodka you bought came in a plastic bottle as some do). Currently my vodka is being stored in a dark cupboard with about 12 vanilla beans in it. hmmm, homemade vanilla extract!



                          Hey all. Got some recovery miles at lunch today. The kid is wearing me out but its nice to still keep up.


                          Hey Jay - 2.5 hours is a long time. My first boss in the Air Force had all of his staff meetings with everyone standing around the table. Said it would make us get to the point. In three years, our morning staffers were no more than 20 minutes. Perhaps that might work for yours.


                          Bermuda sounds nice right about now and that sounds almost like the Dopey Challenge from Disney (5k, 10k, HM and Marathon on consecutive days). Good luck to her.


                          Running is a tough thing for the non-runner spouse I think. DW and I have different hobbies in that respect. She has horses which makes for long weekend trips or Saturday rides so it mirrors some of my time away from running. It helps that DD and DW both ride and I run with DS1 (DS2 believes running is punishment but he loves to play soccer ) and play soccer with DS1 and DS2. We balance it the best we can.


                          Well - back to the grindstone.




                          MTA: Tom - we store our vodka in the freezer. It does make a difference especially with good vodka. Same for Gin.

                          "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                          "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                            Tom, vodka helps with costo chronditis??? maybe I should switch from chardonnay....thus far that has been the diagnosis with my rib.

                            King of PhotoShop

                              This started with the gin-soaked raisin recipe for joint health in the People's Pharmacy I think. Frozen clear spirits, which stay in liquid form because of the alcohol, are easier to ingest as the harsh taste of the alcohol is not immediately released into the mouth tissue. In other words, suck it down and it feels like water.  Lots of people keep it in the freezer.


                              That Leslie is a gem, as is her husband. I can't be happier for them and how things are working out.


                              I generally post in the Dallas Morning News site only on Mondays but today was a special edition. I hope you like it, as I was very touched to know this woman, a tough runner.






                                and barely caught myself before flying off the back of the treadmill. 


                                We had a young lady fly off the back of one of the treadmills at the Y this morning. Hit her head on the wall pretty hard and really did a number on her knees. Poor thing. We checked for concussion symptoms but she seemed to be okay. Last Monday night her mother slipped and fell in our parking lot and thought she injured her tailbone. What a weird coincidence...


                                Glad you're enjoying that snowstorm Steve. I'll let you know when your thank you card arrives.


                                Holly - I totally understand where you're coming from.  It's hard to walk away from what has been your life forever. But you also deserve to be happy. You give so much to your family and don't ask for much in return.


                                6 miles this morning, 9:54 pace. I ran 3 on the treadmill and 3 on the track, just to mix things up. I also signed up for more PT sessions with the nice young lady who almost killed me last week. This old bag ain't going down without a fight!


                                Why would you put perfectly good vodka in the freezer or a dark cupboard?  I can think of a lot better places for it!
