Masters Running


Did anyone run today? 4/18 (Read 301 times)


    Obviously the Boston marathoners ran, but did any of us boston obsessors run?


    By the time my lunch hour rolled around, I was pretty much done clicking "refresh" so got out for a 4 mile run. avg 9:42 pace.



      Yeah, I was wondering if we'd have a regular "daily" today. Thanks, Tammy!


      I just got back from the gym with DH. Both of us were feeling kind of tired from the weekend so made it very easy. I still might run tonight... getting into that time of year where I want to run no matter what because it's so nice out! I'll keep it easy though.

      Marathon Maniac #957

        Nope.  51 minutes of P90X Shoulders and Arms, though, and some stability ball crunches. 

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


          9 miles at the track this morning, but I think I already said that.     bit of a pita all day, so I'm not sure what to do about the speedwork scheduled for tomorrow.      I think the 20 miler scheduled for Saturday is more important (not to mention harder!) but I don't want to wimp out.


          good going, all of you.   Holly you are tapering a little, yes?  Erika behave yourself.     thanks Tammy. 


            Marj and I ran a 5 miler in Lexington Ma. where they were reenacting the Revolutionary War. It's a small (about 500 runners) race that's in its 97th year. Marj did really well and I'm improving-still slower than pre injury and layoff but faster than my training miles (feels encouraging). then we drove back home, showered, ate lunch and walked to the corner to watch the marathon. This evening we had a small Passover seder (meal). Its been a long day-but fun.


            Half Fanatic #36

              No, no running today, mopped, dusted ,moved furniture, did heavy lifting..


              I'll get to run some tomorrrow morning and then lunch with Tet and Divechief!!

                No running, but I did spend 30 min on my stationary bike, followed by 45 min of core/strength training, all whilst watching Law & Order.

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance


                  I am male.......I can only do one thing at a time.   Today it was watching the Boston Marathon results.   Tomorrow it will be a run.

                  Mike E

                  MM #5615

                    Yep--I'm with Vista on this one.  I did come home and do a little yard work.  I thought about going for a little bike ride...but it's getting dark.  I suppose I could lift weights...but I'm sore from yesterday's workout.  Naw...Boston wore me out!


                      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                        very small font (how do we do that?)  I know it's a very happy day... can I sneak in & ask for hugs?  I lost my other kitty tonight...  such a sweetheart..  & I'm broken hearted....  this one is tough.. .    so.  quick hugs if you're up to it, & then back to the celebration

                          ......Squat today.........


                          ...........Doodley Variety........

                          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                          Mike E

                          MM #5615

                            I'm sorry dg--I'm not really a hugger, but you can consider yourself hugged.  My sister is a big cat lover, so I know how hard it is.



                              Threw in some extras too since I am a hugger, smoocher type

                              Pets are with us for all too short a time with their unconditional love and sweet loyalty. hang in there dear dg


                                Sorry dg . We have three cats who are all oldish and very much part of the familyy, even if a pain at times..


                                26.2 today.. i will be sore.
