Masters Running


last day of May and last day of work (Read 46 times)

Marathon Maniac #957


    virtual party tonight to celebrate Jlynne and me.  we're bring martinis and shrimp!


    Yay - congrats to you both!


    I ran 2.1 miles this morning, with 4 x 100m striders.  I have to admit that, going down the hill from my house, I had some rather alarming knee pain, but in my right knee this time.  Confused  Not a confidence builder the day before a 50K trail race.  (sigh)  I am hoping that it is one of those strange creaky things you sometimes get that are magically gone the next day.  At least this is a loop course, with 4 loops of almost 8 miles each, so I can stop early if I need to.   I have no desire to have an injury right when the lovely running weather is here. I'll play it by ear and try not to be foolish.  I am carpooling with a local friend who is running it as her first 50K, so I suppose I should bring a book in case I decide to finish early.  The forecast is for 50% chance of strong thunderstorms, and mid-70's, so not too hot, but the strong storms that just blew through will ensure a muddy, muddy course, so I won't be breaking any records for speed anyway.


    We just got test results from different tests the kids were given at school.  DS took tests that reflected Ohio graduation requirements.  Although he is only a sophomore, he tested as exceptional in all categories, very high scores, well above graduation requirements, and I am extremely proud of him.  At the same time, we received Terra Nova test scores for DD, which shows how she is doing against other 5th graders across the country.  While she gets A's and B's in school, DD was only slightly above average in most things, only achieving above average in reading (and she dislikes reading).  I want to do jumping jacks of pride for DS, but not make DD feel bad about her less-than-stellar scores.  Know what I mean?  I need to be careful not to compare her to her brother when it comes to school, and remember that they have different skillsets....

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
