Masters Running


last day of May and last day of work (Read 46 times)


    I was hoping for a cool 'Jay' morning, but it was 3 miles in the HHH at 5 am.  Biking home yesterday, I saw a dime on the road, but didn't stop to pick it up - it was still there this morning, so I stopped or slowed down even more to become 'richer' from my run.


    today i'm taking the T to bring home the final stuff from work - i'll miss some of the people, but i'm ready for the next stage - to quote holly - bring on the jalepenos!


    marjSmileBig grinCool


      Happy last day Marj!  The only way I see that in my future is if I get fired or laid-off.


      I have everything done at work that I needed to get done this week and I can't do much more until my main partner gets back from vacation next week.  I could use the extra time to get caught up on odds and ends, but since I worked on Memorial Day I think I may just take most of the day off.  I can get my weekend yard work done today (as long as the storms hold off.)


      But first, I think I will head out and run a few hot, humid, sweaty miles...




        Mornin' Marj and all the rest.


        Marj - at least it wasn't as warm at 5 as it will be later, so you did good. Congrats on your enriching run! I just know that, especially with Henrun by your side, you are going to have a blast in your retirement! Show us how it's done...  Smile


        Kevin, I'm so sorry that Max has passed on, but the difficulty of letting him go is only a measure of how much you and he meant to each other. By letting him go how and when you did, you've honored Max. Now you have to remember him, and smile when you do.


        Enke, I can't imagine how difficult your situation is, but I can imagine how important it is to vent every once in a while. You don't have to do that in the shadows - you can do it right here. One of the great things about this community is that the members care about each other far beyond just the last workout or race. So let it loose!


        Quote from evanflein on 5/31/2013 at 1:51 AM:

         ...which is a team event with peso pruners going pop polite ways...

        Holly, I am mystified as well.


        I was up at a few minutes before 4 and out the door by 10 past. I went 6.1 racewalking miles in 63 muggy degrees. My legs were a bit fatigued (must be from that dang running I did yesterday!), and there was no sproink in my step. So I didn't try to force it, but rather took it easy and enjoyed the musty smells of the grazing horses I passed, the music of the birds and the pond toads, the sweet salt smell of the ocean as it approached high tide, the single deer that went effortlessly bounding away as I approached, and the glorious sight of the still-bright half moon sitting high in the sky so it could get a good view of the blaze orange sun poking over the horizon.


        Henrun suggested I join the New England 65+ running club. I've always admired those guys (and women) in the club singlets, so maybe I will...


        Good luck, fun times, and fleet feet to this weekend's racers:


        06/01 Ileneforward - Wrigley River Run 10k, LB CA

        06/01 HollyS - Another Dam 50K, Englewood, OH

        06/01 huskydon - Green River Marathon relay - Kent, WA

        06/02 Wildchild - Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon, Deadwood SD

        06/02 rtravers - Covered Bridges Half Marathon, Quechee, VT

        06/02 Mariposai - North Olympic Discovery, Sequin to Port Angeles, WA

        06/02 MilkTruck - Covered Bridges Half Marathon, Quechee, VT

        06/02 Marj - Heartbreak Hill 10K, Newton MA

        06/02 henrun - Heartbreak Hill 10K, Newton MA



        Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

          Congrats on the last day, Marj.  Knowing you and Henry, I’m sure you’ll have endless ways to stay active and engaged.


          Am I the only one getting advertisements embedded in people’s posts?  Wow, that’s annoying.  Say it ain’t so, Eric!


          ((Enke))  Pay attention to what everyone else wrote.  No apologies here.  That, and find a way to feed your hockey fix.  ;o)


          Speaking of hockey…a family friend recently got the head coaching job at U Maine, an excellent hockey school.  He played hockey for years with my older brother as they were growing up and was my high school history teacher when he took the hockey coaching gig there as his first job after college.  He’s a great small-town-boy-done-good story, having been on the coaching staff of two national college champions, including Yale this year.  He’s even got his name on the Cup from his coaching gig with the Devils in 1995, when he brought the Cup back to his hometown for a day.  (How cool is that!) He went on to be head coach for the Devils’ AHL affiliate for a number of years—including two more Cup wins for the Devils—but says he enjoyed college coaching more and went back to it.  Classy guy and we're very glad for his success.


          No hockey glory for me; just 7 sweaty miles.

          Be safe. Be kind.

          King of PhotoShop

            Big hug to Enke today.


            Peso pruners were politely popping on the dirt track this morning during my 2.3 mile jog.  I saw E.E. Cummings, Gerard Manley Hopkins and Lewis Carroll getting in a few miles.


            Our family is friends with the Doug Jarvis family.  His son and Prime Rib went to school together and they lived next door to us.  One day I went to a junior hockey league game with Doug to watch his son play.  As you hockey fans know, Doug is the Cal Ripken of hockey, holding the record for the most consecutive games played.  What an experience sitting with him, pointing things out that I would never have noticed. Such a great game. He coaches for the Bruins now.


            Today is the closing ceremony at Riblet's school.  He will be a junior next year.  Where does the time go?  Spareribs

              Ribs I love your stories about the vast number of people you come in contact with. Please keep them coming. It is always great to share an experience with someone who is down to earth yet knows a lot about something. Thanks for sharing that little gift.


              A nice easy 3 miles early, then biked into work today. It's been a good morning to be active.


              Tramps, I get the ads too, and right in your post.  I do, however, now possess the secret for shedding belly fat.

                ....Enjoy Marj///////////




                I'm getting the Ads too,

                but mostly SwimSuit Models, so that works for me.........




                a couple of them appear to be In Drag..........

                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                  Good story, Ribs.


                  For those of you getting those annoying in-text ads:  if you're using Firefox, you might try looking under Tools >> Addons.  If you see something like "discount price finder" or "coupon companion," delete it.  It somehow installed itself on my Firefox and when I deleted it the ads went away.

                  Be safe. Be kind.


                    Jay, your descriptions of your runs make me feel like I'm right there with you. We had a beautiful run this morning Smile




                    Congrats Marj!!! Let's go have a cocktail after work today. Where should I meet you?


                    Enke - that's what we're here for. I often think everyone gets tired of me whining that I can't run, but you people are the only ones that understand...


                    Lots of great hockey stories this morning. Thanks for sharing them everyone.


                    45 minutes of pool running and 30 minutes of laps today. Hamstring problems have now moved into the piriformis muscle and my left leg is a total mess. But I'm not complaining because I'm going to fix that sucker if it kills me Big grin



                     but rather took it easy and enjoyed the musty smells of the grazing horses I passed, the music of the birds and the pond toads, the sweet salt smell of the ocean as it approached high tide, the single deer that went effortlessly bounding away as I approached, and the glorious sight of the still-bright half moon sitting high in the sky so it could get a good view of the blaze orange sun poking over the horizon.



                       Congrats Marj!!! Let's go have a cocktail after work today. Where should I meet you?




                      virtual party tonight to celebrate Jlynne and me.  we're bring martinis and shrimp!

                        enkephalin I am going to add to the no apologies crew.


                        Quick post for now, all right maybe for the whole day.  I ran 13 yesterday by mistake having forgotten the 12 mile route I picked was 13.  Roll eyes  I guess I should be grateful it was not 18.  Around here we seem to have gone from late winter straight into mid-summer.  I love it!  Now if only the 80+ temps will stick around.

                        Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                        Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                        Trails are hard!

                          I think I'll form a trout slap line for TwoCat. Evil  I'm paying the price for the cool spring so far--68 when I went out and 78 at the end of 6.25 extremely drippy miles.  I was hoping for 9+, but the humidity kicked the carp out of me.  Much preferred the 40s in Chicago last weekend or the 50s and nice steady rain on Wednesday.


                          Had a good follow-up with my cardiologist this morning--EKG great, BP under control, meds performing as they should.  And underwhelming support for my marathon.  direct quote  "I don't understand the marathon thing, but good for you". Wink  At least he didn't tell me I was going to hurt myself.


                          Thank you all for your expressions of sympathy for Max.  It will certainly take some getting used to.  Had my plate halfway to the floor last night before I remembered there wasn't someone to polish it before it went in the dishwasher.Sad


                          Today is our 33rd anniversary.  We're going to celebrate by going to Maine and opening the camp for the season.


                          Marj--you better not be the first one posting tomorrow.  Happy last day.  And even happier first day tomorrow.

                          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                            Well how that iPad turned "pair of runners" into peso pruners is beyond me. The rest of it doesn't make any sense, either. Oh well. Basically, it's a big loop that two runners tackle simultaneously running in opposite directions. If you're evenly matched, you meet about in the middle up on top of the hill. My partner and I did that last year and it was pretty cool. It's free, the prizes are brunch coupons at the restaurant where the start/finish is, and it's a nice longish hard run. But not sure I want to do it this year. Ok, I re-read that and that makes sense. Big grin


                            Happy last day, Marj, and like Kevin said, even happier First Day tomorrow! (or wait, would that be Monday?)


                            Jlynne, is this your last day too? Or did you retire earlier? Can't recall. I hope you fix that leg soon, the only thing bothering us is that you can't run.


                            We had a sprinkle of rain this morning, which is good since it's been so dry since the snow left (ha, like last week?). Plan is an easy 5 or so today around lunchtime.

                            Marathon Maniac #957

                              Peso pruners were politely popping on the dirt track this morning during my 2.3 mile jog.  I saw E.E. Cummings, Gerard Manley Hopkins and Lewis Carroll getting in a few miles.



                              Big grin


                              Big hugs to Enke, too.


                              Ribs - I can hardly believe it too.  My DS has one more week, then he will be done with his sophomore year as well.

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              Marathon Maniac #957


                                I'm getting the Ads too,

                                but mostly SwimSuit Models, so that works for me.........




                                a couple of them appear to be In Drag..........

                                Big grin


                                I was getting the ads yesterday, but they are gone today.  I have no idea why.

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
