Masters Running


Frozen Locust Friday 3/20 (Read 37 times)


    Good morning good people! Really, no frozen locusts here this morning. It's 34° here and no wind right now. Unfortunately, this is a much needed rest day for me, so I'm sending this nice weather to you folks on the East Coast who look like you're getting hit yet one more time. This HAS to be the last storm, right?


    Lots to comment on, no time. Just wanted to get the daily started so the pressure is off Twocat   And hopefully Jay will post a recap of yesterday's activities.


    Some big upsets in college basketball yesterday!


    Have a great Friday everyone.


      Mornin' Jlynne and everyone!


      Jlynne, watching college basketball is much better than watching the pros, in my opinion. Nice 6-miler yesterday, and enjoy the rest day today.


      Just like Twocat yesterday, I'm wondering where Spring is? I can tell you it is not outside my door, but neither are frozen locusts, so I guess I have things to be thankful for...


      Roch, I'm sorry about your hip pain. From my experience, when pain tends to move around a bit, it is more likely "referred" and is originating someplace else. A good sports massage therapist might be able to help you diagnosis it, and make it feel better at the same time.


      "Long day" is right, Tammy! Did you survive? How did David do?


      I love the way Stumpy and Marj/HenRun jumps right on board to try to find a way to help Aamos get to Sommerville for LaT's race.


      I hope the rest day cures what ails you, Leslie.


      You're right, Evanflein: Weather is all about perspective and relatives.


      So, Aamos is dreaming about getting locked in Emacks with the ice cream spoon??


      And Mike's doing Bob Dylan? Maybe the better line would be "You don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."


      Nice come-back, Steve.


      5.6 RW miles in 19F temps at J o'clock. The roads are pretty clear of snow and ice, so now it is only the potholes and frost heaves that we have to watch out for: There's always something. I had 4 meetings in 4 nights this week, but now I'm done (in so many ways...). I'm looking forward to sitting in front of a fire with DW tonight (as we welcome in Spring) and just relaxing.


      Have a greta Friday!



      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Trails are hard!

        I guess if there had been locusts about they would have been of the frozen variety this morning.  18F, but no wind.  A bit of a shock to the system after shorts run on Sunday (and no others in between  Wink.  3.1 miles around the lake.  9:26 pace, so I only have to chop a minute a mile off in a month.  No problem, right?


        the storm doesn't look like it will make it all the way north to us.  Won't be TOO disappointed.  Over the weekend it's Maple Weekend in Maine (and most of the other NE states), so we plan on taking DW's new car out for a shakedown cruise u[ to check out the camp and do a little maple syrup tasting.  Yum!


        Happy Friday to all.

        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



          No frozen locust but soring flowers here.

          4 easy recovery miles this morning after my 10 miler last night.

          Happy Friday to you all.

          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

            5 miles yesterday in sunny but cool Ottawa weather. Since it's my first week of running in a long long time, my legs are outrunning my lungs. My lungs are still out there somewhere. LOL


            Coastwalker. You are so right. College ball is where it's at. Basketball is about offence and defense and all kinds of it. Love the diversity and intensity of college hoops.


            Roch, I often have had hip pain and for me seing a good ART specialist fixes it short term. Long term all us runners need to work on reinforcing our hips and hamstrings to avoid future problems. Easier said then done. Lol


            Tomorrow I am planning a longer run. That for me is 8 to 10K along the canal...although it's supposed to snow again.


            Have an amazing day everyone.

            Tall (aka Francois)

            Recent Best times: None recently


              flowers ???  However, I ran along the Charles for the first time in 2 months for a 7 mile run.  hopefully the snow will be minimal and stay south (and avoid CT).  New shoes felt good.


              the follow-up to my GD story about Meb, is when she told her parents they said - huh?? whose Meb??? - so this morning I sent them the article and picture of him next to the banner. I took a pic of the banner during my run, but it is too dark so i'm not posting it.


              Happy Friday!

                I couldn't believe it when I saw on the news last night that you East Coast folks are going to get hit yet again. 


                Jay - Your days and evenings generally sound exhausting.  Enjoy putting your feet up tonight and relaxing.


                My hip flexor/groin area is still not happy, so I'll be doing some pinpoint massaging throughout the day to try and work out whatever kink is in there.  I chalk it up to bad form doing hard hill running.  I need tomorrow's LR, though; so even if I have to walk a lot of it, I'll be getting it done.


                So The Hub has a very bad habit of sitting his coffee cup on the arm of the couch or our over-sized chair.  I knew there'd come a day when it would get knocked off, and today was that day.  It sort of blends in with the color of the material, and sure enough, there it was, sitting on the arm of the chair, I didn't see it, caught it with my hand as I went around the front of the chair, and a full cup of coffee ended up on the carpet.  I did my best to clean it up, but I'm guessing we're going to have a nice stain there. All i can is he better not be leaving his cup on the arms of the furniture anymore.


                Have a great weekend, friends ~

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance


                  Thanks for the advice, Tall, and it is good to see you back in here.


                  Continuing in the blast-from-the-past department, this is from the August, 2006 Crim Races in Flint, MI:



                  From the left, the CoolRunning Boomers: DaveinAA, rochrunner, tselbs, GettingHealthy, msumaya, MarkGuy. And only two of us left in this forum now...


                  I'm signed up for tomorrow's 5K and already have the shirt, but I expect to do it at just above a walking pace. I really don't want to aggravate this latest injury if possible. Besides, running injuries are the least of my concern right now. I got the results of Tuesday's calcium scoring CT and it is not only worse than I expected, it's a lot worse. Will have to wait to see the doc to see exactly what this means.


                  Good luck to the weekend racers!

                  Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                  "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                  mustang sally

                  Bad faerie

                    That's a greta photo.  Smile  dAAve and I went biking with Mark a few times last autumn (he's really fast).  It will be nice when the trails firm up and we can go ride in Rochrunner's territory at Stony Creek.


                    I've been sick for a couple of weeks and am only slowly getting my feet back under me.  It's been a difficult winter and I'm in appalling condition now, but there's nowhere to go but up. I finally felt good enough to bust one out yesterday and jumped on my carbon roadie and put in a solid half-hour hammering from A2 to the town up the road before cruising home.  It was fun but took a lot out of me.


                    Will go for a paper-bag run this afternoon: As the coiner of that phrase back in the day, I have to assure [whoever was concerned a couple of days ago] that it's a positive thing.  Coach kept nagging me to take my recovery runs slower and slower.  "If I run that slowly," I said, "I'll have to put a paper bag on my head."


                    "So do it," she said.  And from then on, would specify, "Paper-Bag Shuffle" on days when she wanted recovery pace.  So it became a thing.


                      My long day of driving and sitting yesterday was well worth it. What an exciting meet!!  and weather was perfect - sunny, minimal breeze, upper 60's. probably too warm for the early runners, but perfect by the time David ran the 3000m at 6:00.


                      he and another freshman teammate were the only ones in the 3000 from our school. A Marshfield senior took an early lead  and maintained at least a 200m  lead the entire race. David and Cody were always 5th/6th with another guy in 4th just a couple strides ahead of them and then another pack of 2 about 50m ahead of them. With about 2 laps to go, David began to make his move and his teammate followed him. With about 300 m to go, David passed the 2 guys that had always been running 2nd/3rd. and by the time David hit 200m to go, he went into high gear and widened the gap with the 3 runners just behind him and finished strongly in 2nd place, about 30 seconds behind the 1st place runner. Cody snuck into 3rd place by a split second.

                      David's time was 10.31 and he's real happy with that time as a season opener. His PR from last year was 9.59.


                      Sayhey! MM#130

                        Well Doug, that's worrisome.  Get back to us asap, ok?    It's one factor among many, right?

                        Hope you enjoy the Crim, even walking it.  What happened to Physicsboy Dave?  If he's there, please give him my regards.


                        And I do remember a very large snowfall one March 31-April 1 in the '90s when I lived in western MA at about 1000 ft altitude.  A LOT of snow.


                        Wow, Tammy, I guess it was worth the trip!  You must be so proud; what an excellent effort and result for David.  Wow.  Bears repeating.


                        So I'm signed up for the Somerville 5K and I have a ride, even!  (Appreciate Marj's hospitality so much ) Thanks so much, Kevin, for bringing it up and getting us stoked.


                        Yes, I dream about ice cream.  I have substituted Greek yoghurt for it, as my cardiac genes are yukky.


                        Have superb weekends.


                        Oh, just 6 for me this am.  Beautiful sunrise.  Maybe the eclipse is making it want to show out in other places.




                (for a piece or two of my mind)

                          Will go for a paper-bag run this afternoon: As the coiner of that phrase back in the day, I have to assure [whoever was concerned a couple of days ago] that it's a positive thing.  Coach kept nagging me to take my recovery runs slower and slower.  "If I run that slowly," I said, "I'll have to put a paper bag on my head."


                          "So do it," she said.  And from then on, would specify, "Paper-Bag Shuffle" on days when she wanted recovery pace.  So it became a thing.


                            Maybe that's what I need to be doing!


                          Cripes, Tammy!  I could feel myself straining forward with David's effort!


                          Saw this on a friend's FB page and fell in love with it:

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                            I told you they were coming!  I tried to warn everybody!  Nobody would listen!!!  The locusts, the frozen locusts are here!  I see them now . . . falling outside my window.  They look white a fluffy, but just go out and see!  They are waiting, waiting, covering everything in their evil frozen locust white. . . 


                            Of course, it all be me hallucinating a bit and it might just be snow.  I am slowly coming out of anesthesia.  I had a doctor stick a tube down my throat.  A few weeks ago I had abdominal pains.  Within a week they were gone.  But the gastroenterologist thought he should take a look to make sure nothing usual was growing in there and to get an ultrasound of the area.  Today was the look see.  My DW says they told her that my stomach was inflamed.  I am not sure what that means and the doctor was called away on an emergency so I will have to wait to learn more.  My guess is that it is inflamed because it is really mad at me for not feeding it all morning!  


                            Tallrunner good to see you posting here again.


                            fatozzig what your DH needs is one of those spill proof coffee mugs for cars!  Then he can leave the coffee wherever and no one need care!


                            SteveP you really, really should write a book.  I have said it before and it is so true!


                            Mike E I think the Foreigner song Cold as Ice might be more appropriate at the moment. 


                            evanflein there is an old prophesy one some ancient scroll they found somewhere in a remote cave.  As I understand it, the translation is roughly that the first sign of Armageddon arrival will be a guy, without any pets, but nevertheless sometimes known as Twocat mutters the phrase, "Look at that!  It is 21°.  Hey! It's pretty nice out!"  Just so you know. 

                            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                              Hi Tall! Good to see you getting back to the running. Hope your lungs made it home soon.


                              Love that picture of the Crim group! Hey Mustang Sally, say hi to Daave next time you see him for me, k? I can't believe that del Sol relay was so long ago. Sometimes it seems like just last year we were hanging outside the hospital while MC was checking on Skip... oh man, what a trip. Ditch jumping and everything.   I hope you're all on the mend now and can get back to it, too.


                              Somerville 5k sounds like fun! I love that area, and Boston, but I tell ya, you guys have had the winter from hell this year. I'm glad I'm in Alaska....


                              Woot David! Awesome race! Tammy, you described it so well I was cheering for him in that last bit! He's got great things ahead of him.


                              Ha, Twocat! You never know. As I said, it's all relative and one of thees days you just might say that!


                              Today is another gorgeous sunny day, temps in the 40's here at the house. It's our spring break holiday (the students get the whole week off, Friday is our holiday) and usually the weather doesn't cooperate. All week there've been kids sledding on the big hill on campus so the timing was great this year. I'm going out for a run soon but will need to find a less slushy route than my road, I think.


                                I told you they were coming!  I tried to warn everybody!  Nobody would listen!!!  The locusts, the frozen locusts are here!  I see them now . . . falling outside my window.  They look white a fluffy, but just go out and see!  They are waiting, waiting, covering everything in their evil frozen locust white. . . 




                                isn't it too early for the Passover plagues?
