Masters Running


The Sat. 9/3 daily...this run is for Dr. J...CNY's beloved friend (Read 381 times)


    Many of us have met the lovely Dr. J. She is Karin aka CNYrunner's friend. What an amazing journey Dr. J has have since her stroke last week.

    Today Dr. J is going to see her daughter run her first cross-country race as a collegian, thanks to our nurturing Karin, who is going to drive her to NH.


    Today I feel like we should run for  Dr. J as a symbol for all our friends who can not do their beloved sport due to health issues.

     Dr. J's journey this week has been a true awakening for me that I need to tend to my garden of friends more closely... 


    Tell a friend you crazyly love him or her (hey...we may not have a second chance Joking)

    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

    New skirt in town

      Terrific post...thank you! 


      I'm going to take this tidbit with me as I run today, because I've been feeling demoralized all week. 


      My training had been going so well for my Oct 16 marathon...I had tucked away 3 40+ mile weeks, and 3 50+ mile weeks.  I felt healthy and fit and I wasn't overly worried about taking a vacation and then hopping back into my training program.  Perhaps I should have been!


      We took a lovely trip to French Polynesia, and stayed on the island of Huahine.  This was our 4th trip to Polynesia.  There was no road to our resort (one had to take a 15-min boat ride out of the main town of Fare). running for me! Our trip was lovely in many respects, but challenging in others.  My sister and I spent a day suffering from some perfectly terrible food poisoning.  And then Tahiti was hit by a tropical depression that caused the ocean swells to overtake the outer coral reefs and enter the ordinarily calm lagoon...waves then swamped our resort.  It was fascinating to watch as the overwater bungalows began to be dismantled but the water, but our resort flooded and we were intermittantly without power and water. And then our return home was disasterous and delayed by Hurricane Irene.


      I've tried running this week, and am so slow and achy, I can hardly remember what it felt like to run well a mere 2 weeks ago.  I'll keep plugging away and hope that things fall back into place as I recover from my trip. 


      So, today, I'm going to get out and run (slowly!) for Dr J and just feel happy that I can get out there at all!



      NO  MO MELANOMA! Help me run 26.2 miles and raise $5000 for the Melanoma Foundation of NE.  Visit this page to learn more:

        Good to see you check in, Robin, and hang in there.  OM, be careful.


        3 mile recovery run on the boardwalk last night here in VA Beach.  They call it a boardwalk even up here on the north beach even though it's concrete at this point.  I've already been to the Expo and will spend the day relaxing at the beach, including a short run for Dr. J, then will go to bed early.  I'm a mile or so from the start, and that would be a good warmup but then I'll have to wait around, of course.  I thought about walking to the start, then doing my warmup over there, but I'm unsure I'll have time for that.

        "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me


          A 6 mile slug fest for me this morning. Hot and Humid...There was a slight breeze into my face going out...when it was on my back the sweat just poured out of me.


          Happy Labor Day weekend all !

          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

            Very nice Mariposia. I am here to tell you that I cannot out run a bunch of flies, no matter how hard I was awful!!! However, I did make it home about 5 minutes before a severe storm started. I never saw a storm kick up that fast. 4 miles.


            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




              So this Half Marathon Race committee I have been serving on is finally coming together. That's good to given the race is only 6 days away. Thanks to the committee...not the RD. (I'll say no more)


              Well, with only 6 days to go the course maps finally made it to the website. I do have to admitt, as late as they are...they do look good. I put these courses together and Twocat...for the record...providing an accurately measured course is NOT easy. I've got uncountable hours in measuring and certifying these courses.


              Check out the descriptions...


              Half Marathon



                [[[dr j ]]]




                ..........34min poolrun,,,,,,,,followed by MULCHING after work,

                 these stoopid trees are dropping leaves a'ready.......akk



                then Running Sunday and Monday..............ohboyhoboy


                ..............good running guys..........

                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                Mike E

                MM #5615

                  My DW and I decided to stay in Sioux Falls for the day. Which means I get to run with the Augustana CC Team. I'm so lucky that my son is not embarrassed by me hanging around. Maybe he is but just lets me anyway. Last night four of the Augie boys were in the top six. Watching a meet in the dark was pretty cool. They only ran 4 miles and Ryan ran it in 19:36 for 5th place. Anyway, I have to go. We run at 10:00. I'll keep Dr J and all the other runners I know who can't run right now....tomorrow it could be me.

                    Karin—great that you’ll be able to chauffeur Dr. J on her b-day to Keene for the meet.  Wish her the best from all of us.

                    Mari—have a good backpack!

                    Robin!  Great to see you post.  That’s one wild vacation.  Glad you’re okay.  Take it easy and those good running paces will return.  Your base has not disappeared.

                    Slo—very professional looking maps…and it sounds tough!  Nice job.


                    16 miles for me.  Easy 4 @ 8:40 and the last 12 MP @ 7:36.  Last two miles were the fastest, just as planned.  I like this workout.  It’s long enough to get some good quality in, including training the brain to stay focused, but it’s short enough to not feel wiped out at the end. 


                    I brought a gel to practice and ended up squirting about half of it on my shoe. Oops.  Apparently I need more practice.  Roll eyes

                    Be safe. Be kind.

                    New skirt in town

                      Thanks, Tramps...this morning's run was proof that, as you said, my base hasn't totally disappeared.  This was the first day that I felt some ease return to my running, and I even allowed myself 2 miles at tempo pace, which was probably stupid, but I just felt like it.  6.33 miles in 56:32 (8:56 pace).  I feel like I could take a nap now, but at least I feel like I had a wee bit of sproink returning! It was 73 degrees out...I should have headed out earlier.


                      I have 16 miles on tap for tomorrow, and I plan on taking it reallllly slowly!


                      Tramps, be careful where you fire those gels!



                      NO  MO MELANOMA! Help me run 26.2 miles and raise $5000 for the Melanoma Foundation of NE.  Visit this page to learn more:

                        Thanks for the inspiring words Nancy. Thinking of Dr. J today!  3 easy warmup miles for Dr. J.


                        I'm pretty bummed out right now. They cancelled my Harbor Springs HM on Oct. 8. Something about traffic control issues on M-119. The race was supposed to start not 1/2 mile from my place in Michigan. And I'm running so well right now and was looking forward to racing in cool weather.


                        Bummed Bill


                        PS: Golfed this morning and played pretty well considering I hadn't played since May..

                        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                          I only ran 4 miles today for Dr J.... but it was 86° at 9 am! (where is September?? I didn't move up to Michigan for this!)


                          Robin.. I find it takes about 4 weeks to get primed after a brief layoff and your rest was actually strengthening (remember your body gains the strength during the recovery days, not the workout days).  You should be feeing great 2 weeks before the Marathon!


                          ...but what a disaster of a vacation!


                          MTA:  Wow Tramps!  12 miles at 7:36!  Hoooza!

                          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova




                            Your training is going very well. I had to give up my goal of getting under 3:20 this fall...Go get 'em !

                            King of PhotoShop

                              Happy to add my miles for Dr. J.  Glad to see she is improving too.


                              Robin, what a story!  That base will not erode, and having a few sluggish runs after a downtime, especially with all that tiring travel, is not unusual.  You'll bounce back in no time.


                              Tough news Bill.


                              Tramps, you are running so well.  Think back to when you first used to post here and all the progress you have made.  That is one great workout today.


                              The Saint, Riblet and I went to White Rock Lake to run the Dallas Running Club 5-mile Breakfast Bash.  Just after the start, a guy coming up behind me says "I don't care what my time is today, as long as I beat Spareribs."  Wiseguy.  Of course he's a young fast guy and beat me by some huge number, but it sure made me smile.  Great friends at this club. 


                              So we had about 900 runners because of the free chow at the finish, and the Saint bagged a 5th in her AG.  Riblet ran well but not enough to place, and I got a 2nd in my AG.  We're all pretty happy with the day.  Spareribs

                              Mike E

                              MM #5615

                                Wow--some great runs, already, today. Sorry about your race, Buhmed Bhyll. So, the coach told the guys to take it easy on, today's run. They went out talking and joking around and "taking it easy". The freshmen turned off the course to get 5 miles and I went with my son and another guy for 8 54:39. I'm tired.