Masters Running


Thursday, May 5th runs and stuff (Read 793 times)

Go Pre!

    So sluggish today. One of those morning runs I actually wanted to end. i tried real slow, pick ups, strides, something to try and get the sluggish feeling to go away. I made it through the planned 6 miles but finished with a sigh of relief.


    Of course, by the time I was showered and dressed, I was feeling great and so glad I ran.


    I need - NEED - to start getting more sleep.


      Bill (note the correct spelling  Wink    Wink  , fortunately I only have "H" to deal with, not H&H. I'm so used to relatively no humidity here that when I go back to MN next month, if there is any noticeable humidity the day of the marathon, I'll be sunk.

      I ran the intervals (well, can't quite call them intervals. can't even call them tempo segments really) right about the middle of the run. I ran about 3 miles to warm up, did the intervals and still had another 2.25 to finish up the run to get in my 10 miles. yeah, I can definitely tell I need to gradually get used to the warmer temps. it's like a light switch happened here. went from low 60's to 80's in about 2 days. today feels nice at mid 70's.


      I think a variety of factors are at play here. first being the heat and the late time of day I went for a run, I didn't eat much for dinner the night before. I think I just had toast and cereal? I haven't had a solid nights sleep in a week(since getting the puppies), so probably a bit fatigued from 6 nights of broken sleep too.


        I haven't had a solid nights sleep in a week(since getting the puppies), so probably a bit fatigued from 6 nights of broken sleep too.


        Tammy, I get puppy duty late at night which suits me fine because I'm still up anyway, but DW gets the privilege of waking up in the middle of the night.  Fortunately, now it's just because Maddy wants out to pee, not for attention.

        "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me


          they are doing better and actually slept for a 6 hr stretch last night. We were trying to keep them up til about 11:00 thinking they'd sleep til at least 6 a.m. which is when I get up. But they woke up at 5:00. One started whimpering a bit around 2:00,which woke me up, but I think she was just dreaming.  When they do wake up and need to go out, both DH and I go outside with them, so we can each watch one - as they tend to go off in different directions to do their business. I'll go back to bed then and try and sleep a bit longer and DH will stay up with them, since they don't want to go back to sleep. but it seems I don't fall asleep until about 20 min before my alarm goes off, and then I feel even worse. I'm thinking in another week or so, they should be sleeping about 7-8 hrs a night.



          The Dovenator

            Must have been interval night last night. I was supposed to do 400's also..... I did a 5 mile slow warm-up, then in the middle of my first interval my hamstring seized. Ouch! I hobbled an additional mile back to the car. That will teach me NOT to do speed work the three days after a very hilly marathon (and 10 days after a 50k). I called my coach last night and told her to quit pushing the speed thing on me.....I'm focusing only on volume for the next few weeks (1 more marathon and a 12-hour in May)

            "it's just like having fun, but different"



              I knew there was a reason I didn't get a puppy.  It is bad enough when he starts barking at midnight.


              Opie!!!  Hey, why aren't you Governor of OK yet?

              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

              Top 'O the World!

                no puppies for me, unless you count the grandkids who usually wander about during the night! But, just because all three dogs are adults, doesn't mean they don't have their individual foibles personalities & such. One snores & MUST sleep with me. One just moves around ALOT during the night. One is currently fascinated with a racoon that has been frequenting a backyard tree for the past couple of weeks....& she has a loud, booming voice when talking w/said racoon! In consideration of the sleeping neighbors ('cause her racoon conversations tend to occur btwn midnight & 3am) DH & I take turns going out to bring her back in...


                Things are feeling quite a bit better today so, I took the big hill at a brisker clip than the past cpl days...not that I'm setting any speed records mind you & everything around here is a hill...still, kept it to just a short warm up & did a P90X dvd.  Got through it well & still feel pretty good! Smile 


                Mother's day looks like an 8-10 mile trail run...hmmm, where to go? & lunch out somewhere.

                Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

                Petco Run/Walk/Wag 5k

                  with all the puppies out there keeping folks up, I think I'll take the twins. They slept almost 8hrs last night.


                  Twocat: let me know when your in Austin so we can try to get together. BTW - what area of CT do you live in? We've lived in Enfield (72-79), Orange (86-89), Son graduated HS, UConn, and Yale School of Mgmt, and married a CT gal so we have lots of ties to the area.


                  MTA: Tom - I take the Niacin, at bedtime with aspirin after a low fat snack. Most times it works... didn't last night... sigh

                  bob e v
                  2014 goals: keep on running! Is there anything more than that?

                  Complete the last 3 races in the Austin Distance Challenge, Rogue 30k, 3M Half, Austin Full

                  Break the 1000 mi barrier!

                  History: blessed heart attack 3/15/2008; c25k july 2008 first 5k 10/26/2008 on 62nd birthday.


                    Finally have a moment to post! Well, I don't really, but I'm taking it. Lots going on here today. I love the puppy talk. But I'll admit, the older pets at the shelter do look more appealing just because they're less work. (ok, I'll modify that considering the boisterous Remy and say "usually" they're less work!)


                    No acclimating to the H&H here... we're still trying to get out of the 50's on a good day! Yesterday's run was cool and windy but I ran home from work anyway. Actually felt ok even with the headwind and hills, but got tired near the end. Figuring I'd pull a smart one I didn't turn up my road when I got to it, not wanting to go up 2+ miles of hill to get home. So ran an out-and-back on the main road (more flat) to get my 10 miles and call for a ride. Oops. Didn't think that one through very well. Nobody home. So... had to run up the damn hill anyway. Oh well, I was pushing the pace to get home in time to clean up and go out to dinner so ran 8:23 up the part that usually has me closer to 8:50's most days. Oy.  11.3 miles, 8:09 avg pace with plenty o' hills and more wind than I like.


                    Today's run will be a simple sixer, with the goal being to take it easy... Got a 5k race on Saturday with 10 miles total for the day, and 20 miles on Sunday. I guess the Mother's Day 20 is a familiar theme around here.

                       Happy Cinco de Mayo!!

                      Dh made me a margarita when I got home!

                       see, she CAN run slow when she needs to let me keep up with her....Big grin



                      I was lucky enough for her to run slow with me too.......


                      Nice to see you over here too, Opie!


                      Tammy....sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!  I only get worried if those crappy runs start getting consecutive.


                      I never get tired of puppies!!!


                      5.0 miles after work in warmth and sunshine.  Started off sluggish, but found some trails I didn't know where there.  Got back to the work gym muddy, bloody, and smiling!  JTWILI!!!

                      .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!

                        Opie!!!  Hey, why aren't you Governor of OK yet?



                        Because I'm a Democrat?  I did just finish a 4-year stint as the County Election Board Chairman.

                        "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

                          bobev I will be happy to take up your offer.  I would be especially happy if you know of some lesser known great barbeque places!  Also, feel free to ring me up when you come up north.  Who knows there is even some chance I can run!


                          Opie I missed adding my welcome too you as well! 


                          Hemerocallus hmm bloody and smiling?  I really do not think I want to know about your night life!  Shocked


                          Today I finally made it to my office at school!  Yep, drove on the highway with me at the gas and brake.  Quite an achievement if you ask me!  Big grin  Next thing you know I will be able to fly without an adult to accompany me.  Hey, every little bit closer to normal is good I figure.

                          Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                          Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                            see, missed them meetings after all 

                            Big grin Seriously, I celebrate this big success with you!!!

                            busy night shampooing living room and family room time...I am getting hard wood floors.


                            )ne hour in the gym. I concentrated on the upper body! Legs need to rest.

                            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                              Today I finally made it to my office at school!  Yep, drove on the highway with me at the gas and brake.  Quite an achievement if you ask me!  Big grin  Next thing you know I will be able to fly without an adult to accompany me.  Hey, every little bit closer to normal is good I figure.


                              Here's to "normal"!!!! Cool

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance


                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                & did a P90X dvd. 


                                I like my P90X workouts, too.  When I saw your "Tip of the Day, Don't Smash Your Face," that's exactly what I thought of....Smile


                                Twocat - yay!

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
