Masters Running


Fryday July 6 Daily Thread (Read 375 times)


MM #6177

    Thanks everyone. Yeah, the absolute correct word is RIDICULOUS. The point is that I've asked this guy three times now to be included on the information list, and three times now he hasn't. THAT'S what's offending me, end of story.


    As for the music thing, that's a tangent that got taken out of context, and made worse by my sarcasm. Forget I ever said anything.


    That said, I'm looking forward to tomorrow's run. It's a course I did a couple months back. Looks like this:


      Good afternoon. Great Higgs Boson joke! I have texted it to my nerdy son. OM,hang tough. I second the vote that Mr.K is badly organized; I would try not to take it personally. Some folks just cannot communicate. Maybe he needs help organizing??  I like to do long runs in small groups or alone.    


      Elliptical today after three straight days of running. 65 minutes, about 10 miles, then a couple of legs weights and abs. There was a good tennis match on, one of the Wimbledon semifinals. Fun to watch.


      Great running everyone! Karin, that relay sounds fun. I will look for it next year. Cool that you get to run with your DS. Mine will do XC but is less serious about the summer running ( but he is still midle school, and growing a lot).


      Happy weekend.

        OM—ditto the “go run with the group if you want: sentiment.

        Stumpy—yeah, trout slaps!  I’d forgotten about those.


        For the scientific record, I heard a slightly different version:

                Higgs Boson walks into a church and the priest is stunned.  He shouts,  “Out of here, you blasphemer!  How dare you claim to be the God particle?”

                Higgsy says, “Hey, without me you can’t have Mass.”

        Be safe. Be kind.

        Marathon Maniac #957

          OM - seriously, I would approach the guy and say, very pleasantly, "By the way, I've asked you three times to be in the distribution list, but I'm still not receiving the notices.  Is there a problem I should be aware of?"  I expect it's very likely that he just keeps forgetting, and he will be apologetic.  You know what they say about the squeaky wheel.


          DH has wimped out of the concert due to the heat, so DD will be going with me instead.  Another family we know is bringing their DD, a friend of our DD, so she is extremely happy.


          I stopped at the hardware store to buy a spray bottle to fill with water.   Joking

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


            Late to post today. Got 7.5 in at lunch and donated a pint this afternoon. Now we're off to watch Brave.


            That's a great H-B joke. Snerk.


            OM - both our running clubs want everyone possible to come so you can join us and trust me, you will never be dropped from our mailing list. Like other's have said, just show and run. Eventually K will update the list or your friends will forward or let you know the locations. This guys doesn't sound worth the trouble to get worked up or even give a second thought on your part.


            Send some of that rain and cool weather our way Wild (after it puts out all of those nasty fires in CO).


            Have a great weekend all.

            "He conquers who endures" - Persius
            "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


              It will be 77 tomorrow and 84 on Sunday.  I am actually looking forward to my long run this weekend, to explore further down the forest roads - I must be getting my mojo back!  DH is going to hike Mt. Ellinor, well after riding his motorbike to the upper trailhead.  Makes me want to get my license again....  Everyone have a great weekend!!


              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."




                 Enkephalin, is that you?????????? wow!!! ohh the mysteries you unfold on us one layer at the time!


                OM, chin-up and stop considering yourself a lower class runner!!! are not, and a runner is a runner, regardless of their speed.

                You do what your heart dictates, but you better feel good about it after the fact! Smile


                Holly, you make me laugh so hard with that trout slap...howw funny..ohhh how I miss those silly CR days. Enjoy the concert with your DD


                Well, today is tango lesson number two...I too am kind of thinking to not drive the half hour to do this lesson, but lesson one was sooo much fun that I may just have to venture out!


                Taperboy, nope, nobody knew that son was taking this trip. A shocking surprise to all...just the way he wanted it.


                Spareribs, destiny, ohhh destiny. How grand that you two met up. Good luck in the race tomorrow. You lucky boy to have so many races near you. 

                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                   Happy 30th Two Cat.


                  OM..Principals before personalities. If you are a member of the running club and the clubs run is something you would like to do. Now if the dude asked you to leave, I'd go all spider monkey on his punk ass.


                  Don't get out of the house more Dave...There's weirdo's out


                  Tag and I did an evening run with scissors. The trail is cleaning up well and I see others are starting to use it too. If any one lost a sock on a northern Michigan trail. Message me a description and your home address. There are a few places Tag can get to a creek and after 45 min, I jumped off a culvert into Shrinkage Creek. I've yet to get used to the cold, however, I stayed in longer. Out of the side of a small hill, there is water gushing out. In the middle of a drought, there is crystal clear water pouring out, I'd guess at more than 40 gallons a min. Where the water empties from the culvert to the pool, it's a cold effervescent. Now I know what an ice cube feels like after it realizes it's been dumped into a glass of diet soda. Any way 1:22 altogether. We were quicker on the way out as the bug repellent may have rinsed off. It's funny, Tag was more sproinky after the run than before it. I suspect he's cooled off sufficiently. 


                  MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                     Taperboy, nope, nobody knew that son was taking this trip. A shocking surprise to all...just the way he wanted it.


                    I woulda liked to have been there to see what grandpa butterfly and the relatives thought of that!

                    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                      (skidding in just before closing, carrying a trout). Yes? I heard my services were needed. Roch, snerk!

                        <whap!> and a trout slap back atcha!  Smile


                        No run today, but spent hours with my sister moving my parents out of their house. She and her DH have done a lion's share of the work, I've gotten off pretty lightly. But today we moved enough of their "essentials" that they could spend the night at their new place. My dad is not enjoying this process at all, but my mom is really happy about it. They've lived at that house for over 52 years and my dad is so attached to it. But there are steep stairs to navigate and it's getting harder for both of them to deal with that. The new place is for retirees so everything is geared to senior living without it being an assisted living facility. They have an elevator and no stairs to deal with. But... how do you put 52 years worth of stuff into a small 2 bedroom apartment? It's not an easy process...


                        Got home too late and tired for a run. Just as well as my leg wasn't happy with all the back and forth, up and down I did today. Probably smart to take a day off, even though I didn't want to. Spent over an hour weeding the garden though, so it's all good.


                          (((((Erika))))) I suspect it's also your childhood home.

