Masters Running


Thursday 11 April 2024 (Read 36 times)

    Quick start.   4 treadmill miles for me since it was going to rain, but it didn't yet.  I should have gone out.

    Off to my church group.  Have a good Thursday- or a greta one would be even better! 

    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

      • KSA - sorry about the TM misque.

      No problem in Seattle as hazy clouds are already clearing for another nice day. Sorry i did it to there but circuited down to one of the many nearby pockets to find another tent enclave so will try to make up for it with an arboretum run this afternoon. The trouble with living in rain country is that, when it doesn't,  you feel obligated to get outside before it does.

      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

      Marathon Maniac #957

        Rainy day here.  40 minutes on the recumbent bike.

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


          Thanks for the start, KSA.

          Leslie--always sad when health problems strike. I hope he finds good medical care.

          Stumpy--[in my best schoolteacher-ish voice] Did you make enough cookies to share with the rest of the group?

          Steve--When you mentioned Art Ramble (great name), I immediately thought of what I assume is his theme song...

          ♫ "You want a Ramble to the break of dawn." ♫  (Sadly, not one of Bob's best efforts.)

          Dave and Doug--I need a Sabres loss and a Red Wings' win tonight. Thanks. Also looking for a BC win in the Frozen Four tonight.


          Yesterday's ride was fine but today's "run" was another struggle. I'm attributing my lack of running mojo to the need to acclimate to the warmer temps. Warm and humid with steady showers for a 5-miler run/walk. I was soaked.

          Be safe. Be kind.


            Happy belated 90th, Henry!  And great "card" from Wildchild. Leslie, sorry to hear about your high hamstring issues.  I seem to be having a mild version of the same or similar issue.  Do you know good exercises for it, beyond glute bridges? Squats seem to make it worse. I am not even sure it is caused by running. But I think related to the overall weakness that developed on the left side when my knee was bad.


            I ran 5 miles on the rail trail this morning.  The stretch i was on was free of snow, just one week after our most recent big April snow.

              Hey friends - worked those 3 12 hour day shifts in a row this week and now am starting a fabulous 6 day stretch off work!!

              Might go in to the Boston Expo tomorrow with a couple friends but haven't decided for sure yet - sick of driving in and out of Boston this week but the pull to go to the Expo is real this year!!

              As much as I am tired of this grey, drizzly weather, I really hope it doesn't warm up too much for the runners on Monday.


              5.5 miles with the SoleSister crew then a mini celebration for the end of March/April birthdays

              Church and prayer group breakfast to celebrate one of our members birthday this week - lots of celebrations!!

              Also going out to dinner tonight with a bunch of women from church which I am really looking forward to - don't really like eating out twice in one day, but can't pass up spending time with friends. Enjoy every moment we can in this life.


              Leslie - so sad to hear about your co-worker, will definitely keep him in my prayers


              Marathon Maniac #957

                 April snow.


                Two words that should never go together....

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."



                  Two words that should never go together....


                  True!  But it has been a thing the last couple of years, along with November snow.  Then the normal winter months are up and down and weird.

                    Leslie, sorry to hear about your high hamstring issues.  I seem to be having a mild version of the same or similar issue.  Do you know good exercises for it, beyond glute bridges?


                    My PT turned me on to E 3 Rehab, which has a great 27 min video and another good 10 min vid that explains high hamstring tendinopathy and gives a good recovery protocol.  Moe also shared good resistance exercises.  My suggestion would be to take things carefully in the beginning.  I went too gungho on the exercises the last few days and paid the price, and that's one thing the E3R videos don't talk about - easing into the exercises, depending on your level of pain/discomfort.


                    If you think HHT is where you're headed, start getting a handle on it now because it's definitely something that can get worse with time or, like me, you do something that seems benign and suddenly it's gone over the edge.  And it can become a chronic issue.

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance



                      Hi Masters. I've been trying to keep up w/ the dailies, but then can't remember much of it.


                      Happy Belated Bday, Henry!


                      It's a rainy day here, also. I snuck down to the office gym at lunch and got in about 45 minutes on the treadmill (walking). I could hear the rain this AM and my bed was comfy so...


                      For some reason, now I'm thinking about cookies... thanks Stumpy 



                        Thanks, Leslie!


                          Lamerunner, after consulting with my favorite PT, I stopped doing bridges and did this routine instead:




                          I noticed a big difference after just a few days. I hope it helps you, too!


                          It was raining when I got up this morning in NH, so I waited until I got back to CT to run. 5.5 miles in a hazy sunshine.


                            Rain here too which made it a good day for power yoga.  I can’t do the whole practice without a break but I made it farther than last time before resting.


                            Looks like the rain continues through midnight but I transplanted daisies and day lillies yesterday so I’m thankful they will get a good soaking.  Tomorrow I have a date with the lawnmower!

                              Looks like I missed Henry's birthday. Happy Belated Birthday Henry!


                              Leslie, that's pretty awful news about the attorney at your office.


                              I've been at the cabin with MBE for a couple days, working remotely.

                              I did a 5 mile mountain hike yesterday, I think it is 1100 feet accumulated elevation. There is a bench sort of close to the top of the loop. When I was younger and ran this trail a lot, it would take me just under 30 minutes to reach the bench. Yesterday, hiking, it took me 56 minutes and change - that's slow!    I could tell I was still fatigued from whatever stomach virus I had on the weekend.

                              But today I did the same 5 mile mountain loop, and it took me just over 51 minutes to reach the bench, and I felt pretty good. Nice to be felling better.


                              With this Saturday 's weather looking nice, I might do a local, solo, overnight backpacking trip. It would be only 3 miles of flat terrain to a campsite along a river (easy peasy). I'd hang out and read a book that day, then hike out Sunday to the car, switch to day pack and hike to some falls and back before heading home.

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."



                                Enke, that solo backpacking sounds nice!  I'll have to try to do that this summer.


                                We usually get a lot of snow in April.  The warmer air holds more moisture than when it's really cold, like in January and February.  I am a little tired of it by now, but at least it keeps the fire danger down.


                                I went for a 6.4 mile trail run this afternoon, and saw my first few wildflowers!   Lovely day, sunny and mid 50s.

                                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.
