Masters Running


Wednesday, July 23, Ghost-written runs (Read 569 times)

King of PhotoShop

    Sorry, I have to get out of the business just before it takes off because tomorrow morning is when I go to get that stent put in and I will be out of commission for a couple of days. I'll look to see if I have any new prospects when I get back. Just a word to Bill on those 800's. When you take a cutback week, you always feel like carp during it, but very often the week after that you get a sudden surge of energy. It's encouraging that you did one of those 800's and just kept going at that pace, without stopping to rest. That's when you know you are sharp. Also, I saw those times getting faster as you warmed to the exercise. Nice job Bill. 3.3 walking on the dirt track, about 53 minutes. Mainerunnah, what is your older friend doing the fiveK, tenK and half in? Would love to know more about him. Guys of that age who can do workouts like that are pretty tough. Spareribs

    Marathon Maniac #957

      Holly - did you try the arc trainer yet?
      I had to Google arc trainers to see what they were, and then I called the fitness center to see if they had one, but they said they do not, just that they have 4 different types of ellipticals (all of which I tried this morning). Too bad, because my Google search turns up lots of info saying it’s a superior piece of equipment. Tramps - Big grin Spareribs – we’ll all be lifting you up tomorrow.

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

        Mainerunnah, what is your older friend doing the fiveK, tenK and half in? Would love to know more about him. Guys of that age who can do workouts like that are pretty tough. Spareribs
        Joel is running the repeats just a bit slower than I am, but he is really doing well. I have only been beating him for the past couple of years in races as he gets older. Some of his more recent times are: 5 Mile - 34:58 (7:00) 10K - 43:36 (7:01) 15K - 1:03:56 (6:52) 1/2 Marathon - 1:36:40 (7:23) I paced him to this last year to get him to qualify for NY Marathon - 3:40:20 (8:24) New York last year, we are going back this year ... he wants to do better! He is really quite a runner who was running 2:45 ish marathons and many other very good races in his day. I so enjoy running or just hanging out with him. He is not only a superb runner but just a one of a kind caring individual...couldn't ask for a better friend. Smile
          Some of his more recent times are: 5 Mile - 34:58 (7:00) 10K - 43:36 (7:01) 15K - 1:03:56 (6:52) 1/2 Marathon - 1:36:40 (7:23)
          At 64? Holy carp! I've got to get myself an extension cord. Ribs--best wishes for a smooth procedure tomorrow.

          Be safe. Be kind.

          Marathon Maniac #3309

            Fitness center update: I arrived at 5:40 this morning, walked in and found no one at the front desk. I wandered around the place, but didn’t see anyone who looked official, so I went over to the women’s side and hopped on an elliptical. I left at 6:50, and never did see anyone who looked like an employee. I wonder, could I just work out there every morning and no one would ask?
            LOL, a few years back I walked into a Y and the same thing happened to me....I went for almost 2 months before they realized I wasn't a member Big grin Tim

            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

            I Can Go The Distance

              4 mile recovery run for me today at a 10:15 pace. Tim: I am the newest member of the Ribs School of running. I will be doing a 12 mile wave run for the LR on Saturday's and my track workout on Tuesday's. Ribs: You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. Have a great day everyone. Bruce

              "Don't give up, don't ever give up." Jim Valvano


              Trails are hard!

                Happy hump day to all!! I had a busy day yesterday and didn't make it on-line to check on things till this morning. Short version--3.2 run in the morning and then a golf outing thinly disguised as a wireless instrument seminar. Longer version--i planned on an easy run, because even if we used carts, I don't get out for 18 holes very often. my body turned it into a "nudge-nudge--pay attention to me" kind of run. First, the hammy sent a little tweaking message: "You know that roller you haven't used in ages?" and then the knee said: "you know those quad strengthening exercises you haven't done in ages?" made it through the run without any major problems and will deal with the suggestions before any more forcible reminders Smile The golf outing turned out to be a case of virtue rewarded. when I originally signed up for it, I was going to take a vacation day to do it. Then I discovered that I had double booked by telling DD that I would be at a dance convention for a performance she had choreographed. So I had to cancel the golf. Monday morning when DW dropped her off at the convention, they discovered that the performance would be that night. So I quickly ran around to see if I could get reinstated for the "seminar". When I was able to, I also found out the my fellow EE who was also going had gotten it approved as "training", so no need to use a vacation day! Big grin So I got to do both, have a great day golfing, and feel virtuous all at the same time. I'm not sure I could run those times if Jason and several other horror movie villians were chasing me with an extension cord Wink Ribs--best of luck tomorrow. hope to hear good news shortly. Kevin

                Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                  Marj and I usually do long bike rides on Wed. (25-40 miles) but since the weather was iffy none of our biking groups scheduled any rides today. So, instead we went for long runs (10 for me and 11 for Marj). As is usual these days, we ran the first mile together and then Marj took off and we would 'meet' at various points during the run. Makes it great fun to see each other along the way. Last night we headed downtown and imbibed very strong martinis. I'm not sure if this helped or hindered us today. Ribs, good luck tomorrow. In my younger days I ran with mainerunnah's friend Joel. He was fast even then.

                    LOL, a few years back I walked into a Y and the same thing happened to me....I went for almost 2 months before they realized I wasn't a member Big grin
                    That IS funny! Holly, I'd take advantage of their lax attitude... I don't think I've ever seen an arc trainer... Our club just keeps getting new varieties of elliptical machines. I can't imagine just being able to walk in like that. Our club has you scan a card with a barcode on it before the "gate" will open to let you in. It'll catch you if you're even late on your monthly payment!

                    Marathon Maniac #3309

                      Tim: I am the newest member of the Ribs School of running. I will be doing a 12 mile wave run for the LR on Saturday's and my track workout on Tuesday's
                      Cool will learn to like these workouts, and benefit greatly from them. I was kind a worried when I did my first long / wave run, but it's really a fun workout that goes by quickly Tim

                      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                        Hi masters! Smile I thought I would pop in and say HI, and give you an update on Amy. She just celebrated her 4th birthday, and it doing relatively well. Her biggest issue lately has been her tonsils. Due to her heart condition, any type of surgery is very risky, so they are trying to manage things with a strict diet, medication, and she has been taking part in a sleep study to help with her apnea. Otherwise, as her mom said, she is an active, vibrant, typical, but very tiny, 4 year old. Many thanks to all of you who have offered support. Some of you may remember, when I first met Amy, one of the things we did together was to decorate a flower pot, fill it with soil and plant a flower seed in it. About one week later, this was the result: On her birthday last week, it bloomed it's first flower. It then closed up and hasn't bloomed since. Strange, but very cool! It's the purple flower on the right. As for me, my running is coming along well since ankle surgery in May. Recently, I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Twocat and some of his friends at a race in Missoula, Montana last week. As you might imagine, Twocat is a very nice, very intelligent guy with a great sense of humor. Tough as nails too. As much as he was hurting near the end of his marathon, he just dug deep and gutted out those final miles to finish strong. I was very impressed with his performance, and getting to hang out with him was the highlight of the weekend. Keep up the good running, everyone. And to those of you that are ailing with running injuries or other health or personal issues, best of luck with your recoveries and healing. Sorry to be absent, I miss you all and hope everyone is well! Smile

                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          Oh Bob - thank you for sharing that! Amy is beautiful, and I love it that her flower bloomed for her birthday. Erika - maybe I just got lucky this morning, but I will definitely take advantage of it. I still prefer running, but I feel so relieved at this point to have an outlet for my work-out addiction until I get properly healed. Right now when I try to run I feel all weird, my gait is off and it feels sort of "weak" in that hip - just all wrong. Maybe because I've been sort of favoring it all month. I don't want to start running with a funny gait and mess something else up, so it's better to wait until I'm really ready to run.

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                            Darn, I was just going to hire Spareribs and he is taking a sick wishes with the stent! I ran about 9.5 miles this morning at a decent pace, probably 8 mm, then I swam 1500 yards at lunch. Both reasonably good workouts. I took a rest day yesterday and it helped. Monday was supposed to be a rest day, after a hilly humid 19 on Saturday and a hilly 6 recovery on Sunday, but I ended up hiking 12 miles on little sleep, so by yesterday I was beat. I dropped my daughter off at a climbing camp in North Conway then went hiking. Almost beat the rain...the Tripyramids are quite beautiful in the clouds and very green these days, though i did not get any summit views. I am training for the Maine marathon. Long runs have been pretty good, better than usual but I have had some problems with leg fatigue mid-week. Maybe an extra rest day here and there will help. Cheers

                            i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                              Bob .. Amy looks so cute! Nice seeing you posting SR. .. Can you jazz this up? REST day. First since June 1

                              Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                              King of PhotoShop

                                Bob .. Amy looks so cute! Nice seeing you posting SR. .. Can you jazz this up? REST day. First since June 1
                                Perch, you are such a running animal that I bet I can even make one of your rest days exciting! BTB, welcome back. Show up more often. Lame, just a couple days off and I'll be back with a vengeance. Spareribs