Masters Running


Today we run with fatozzig....the Thursday 4/ 21 daily (Read 523 times)


    I know this day will be a hard day for our fatozzig, so why don't we all run, cross-train or REST with her today

    Since Thursday is my REST day, I ran 12 miles  tonight thinking of you, Leslie.

    Hang in there and please know that you are not alone. We are here with you.

    Butterfly hugs, to you dear sistahhh!!!!

    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


      Hey Mariposai, good idea. Sending positive vibes to Fatozzig today....   {{{Leslie}}}


      I switched my Wednesday 10 miler with my Thursday run. Was just too tired and run down feeling on Wednesday to face running all that. Turns out I was just 3.5 miles short of goal, but I was cold and mentally very "done" with the run. Good enough.


      I figured I'd take advantage of posting a picture of something I bet most of you don't see every day. Last Friday, DH and I went up to the Large Animal Research Station (also known as the Musk Ox Farm), wondering if we could see some babies up there. Nope, no babies. But we did see this guy up by the fence in the hay pile....


      And for those that may have missed this little guy, we have a reindeer farm on campus too. I run past these guys all the time. This baby was just a day or so old at the time. He's bigger and fuzzier now.


      And they grow up to look like this!


      Have a greta Thursday, everyone!

      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

        Love, love, love the animal pictures Erika!!    I bet they will make our lovely Leslie smile too. 


        Nothing again today.    My whole self was simply too tired to get out there, not to mention tired of the cold and wind.   Maybe tonight, but most likley tomorrow if it isn't raining/snowing again.     Now, after reading the Grete quote that Tramps posted last night, and seeing that our runs are dedicated to Leslie today, I wish I would have bucked up and got out there.    Sad


        I just happen to be reading the Washington Post's nice Grete Waitz obit, which includes this gem:


        “I prefer to train in the dark, cold winter months when it takes a stern attitude to get out of bed before dawn and head out the door to below-freezing weather conditions,” [Waitz] once told an interviewer. “Anyone can run on a nice, warm, brisk day.”


        The other gem?  Her meal the night before her first NYC marathon victory: "a four-course meal of shrimp cocktail, filet mignon, red wine and ice cream."

         RIP Grete!


        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



          Erika...Oddly enough, they are beautiful creatures.


          We used to have an Alpaca farm just on the outskirts of town. Those are pretty cool animals too. Now they have meat goats...noisy animals.


          Just an easy 4 mile recovery run this morning. Gorgeous ! 30 degs and not even a breeze.

            3.5 gentle miles for Leslie---quads still a bit sore, but everything else okay


            Great photos Erika! Feel better soon. You too Mary.


            Off soon to go for a hike (easy hill grade) with the kiddo and his girl friend NOT girlfriend!

              Hope all is well with Leslie.

              Erika, those are neat photos.  That musk ox looks prehistoric or something. 


              5.4 EZ miles.  Much cooler today. Ahhhh! 

              Be safe. Be kind.

              Renee the dog

                1 stiff, slow mile with Renee in some 40 mph wind.  Felt good -- spring is definitely here at the Jersey shore. Upper right hammy is tight and quads were panicking the first 1/2 mile, then they relaxed when I made the turn back towards home.  Wimps. Joking

                GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


                  6 easy miles.  Still only 30° but it was a nice clear sky.



                    My early morning return flight yesterday got canceled out from under me so I had to scramble to get back. I finally got to work at 3:45 PM. I probably should have bagged the whole day, but I wanted to get a head start on Thursday's work.  I am still seriously behind this morning.

                    For interested Bayshore Beermeisters, the Beer Fridge is humming along nicely now in the Retreat. Though I can't say the same for everything else. Anyone coming to the Partay after Bayshore will have to "Pardon Our Dust" as they say.

                    No running since last Friday till this morning. Many drywall board crunches, wallboard mud wrassling, and wood flooring squats should count as serious cross-training I figure. <I have Ouchies most everywhere>


                    3.5 easy miles for Leslie this morning at 9:20 pace.



                    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                      Looks like SLO and I had the same weather -- really great early mornign run with the dog.


                      4.25 miles for Leslie...

                      And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx




                        Good morning. The odd yellow orb is back in the sky. I never got to swim yesterday but plan to do so today, and maybe try a short run. Oddly my hamstrings are sore not my quads, plus my lower back is still acting up. I plan to spend some time on trails over the next few weeks.


                        I went to DS's track meet yesterday. 6th graders are so funny. Good thing I got there a bit before his events; he ws not so good at listening for the final call and there were not enough coaches around. he ran the 400 and did long jump. He won't do the 400 again i suspect. he was in a seeded heat and finished somewhat hear the back. he would have to overcome a lot of genetics to be a sprinter but it was good he tried it.  A little teary at the end.


                        Long jump went much better . 11' 2" on his first day.  He did not know how he placed, but there was a definite spring in his step as he walked back from the long jump pit.    In all events he has to compete against somewhat large 8th graders.


                        Spectating parents all froze to death. 40 degrees. Time for Spring...


                        Great photos Erika!  Fun to see some wildlife.  but that reindeer is cross-eyed. 



                          Looks like SLO and I had the same weather


                          Add me to that list. 30° bright sunshine and no wind made for a nice run this morning. I think God knows we need a break. Smile  I got in 6 miles, 9:20 pace for our dear friend Leslie. Special hugs and good wishes to you today.


                          Great pictures Erika. The eyes on that reindeer make me wonder what he's up to.


                          Need pictures of the Michigan getaway, Bill. Hope all your ouchies heal quickly.


                          We move a week from today. Slo, Dave if you're in GB during the Cellcom (and Timbo if you're lurking), my offer for dinner and/or drinks before the marathon is still on, just a new location. I'd love some company if you guys are up for it!

                   fatozzig 20min out and back................but I wore a REALLY Cool Hat.......





                             nothing says Spring is in The Air like a trip to the MUSK OX FARM///////

                            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                            Marathon Iowa 2014

                              Did 7 miles for fatozzig this morning.  The weather was perfect, as I was in the cardio cinema, watching Charlie and the Chocolate factory.

                                Went to the gym early today.. Trying to exercise BC (before coffee) just ain't right...

                                Anyway 46 minutes on the elliptical, for fatozzig,  then leg presses & squats


                                Thanks for sharing the pics Erika!


                                TW was it the Spring manure pile or musk smell ???  I need a really cool hat too, please describe...


                                Rare chance to cut the grass today & it really needs it. 

                                Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.
