Masters Running


Tues 9/16 runs and Cooler weather...we hope (Read 520 times)

Marathon Maniac #3309

    Morning everyone Smile Quick post as I have a ton of paper work to get caught up on because of the damage and power outages of Hurricane Ike....even here in Indiana....I am really behind here at RA. Don't know if I congratulated Mary on her first 20 miler...if not, great Job rock Smile 12.3 miles - 1:43:30 - 8:25 ave pace as I make my final push to my Marathon in a short six weeks, hopefully in a lot cooler weather. Good news as I got re-fitted for shoes last Sat, I got fitted with a neutral shoe when I was told before I over pronated. Since the change, my gait feels natural again and my heel and Achilles pain is new shoes are Nike's Pegasus 25's and feel very lightweight and comfy. I have a slight heel lift I am using till my pain is gone completely away...soon I hope. My runner tech told me my old shoes were throwing me back on my heel, and at the same time I was trying to run mid-foot...hence my funky gait I have been talking about for a while. All this done on a treadmill with a video camera showing me before and after, which was cool to see....and free Smile Have a great day all, Tim

    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      Thank you Tim!! I take it you have your power back on today - that's good! Sounds like a great new pair of shoes for you. I'd like to get fitted like that some day. I hope Holly has her power back too. Out for 5 with Brinkley this morning. One of those morning that I really did NOT want to get out of bed, but the run made it worthwhile. First morning to actually see the Harvest Moon which was just beautiful. 48 degrees - 9:46 avg. pace - 151 avg. HR with a max of 163. This is good for me. 9:43 / 142 9:43 / 147 9:37 / 154 9:46 / 156 10:00 / 157 Happy Twos-Day everyone!


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


        Greetings! Part one of a double run day----3.4 miles at 8:42 Pace---and then 9 including the weekly 5k prediction race this evening at 6 PM. Glorious morning with that huge Harvest moon and 50 brisk degrees. I ran to the polls and voted and ran home---regular short loop with a small stop. The high temps later in the week will only be in the 60s, so the cooler weather is starting to make an appearance here and there. Good news on the shoes Tim! Nice running Mary. Sue, did you have fun at the Big E? It's only 10 miles away and we never go. We always mean to... Back later…. Karin
          Power had been restored by the time I returned home last night, which wasn't until 10:00. I was thankful, however, I had a lot of reading to do and didn't want to do it by flashlight. Socrates can be challenging enough in good light. A nice, cool 5 miler this morning as I continue to rebuild my mileage base. That is the great thing about running, even if you have to or choose to take some time off it will always welcome you back.
            A belated congratulations to Mary from me too. 20 miles is a big big deal. Cooler here, which put a little spring back in my step. 6 miles at 9:45 pace. We have houseguests this week and I'm getting to bed late and still need to be up early for work. Oh well - sleep is overrated.

            aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

            Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

              Mary Rawks! Tim get new Soles! Karin voted (for my man I hope)! Cranium is waxing Philosophic! PDR is sproinky even though tired! Going with the Title reference, it was cooler here this morning - only 77F and 77%. That might not sound like much, but after a week of 80's at 5:00 AM this made a difference for me. I ran 8 miles with 3 mile repeats with 1/4 mile rest between them. I've been feeling pretty good, so I pushed these a little. The repeats came in at 7:34, 7:12, and 7:10 min/mile pace. Those last 2 are pretty good for me - a little better than my 5K PR pace. Bill

              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

              Renee the dog

                OK, everyone in the mid-Atlantic area can thank me for the dramatic change in temps overnight. I came back from my run last night and put on the central air (it was only run 4x all summer and never at night). Apparently, that's all that was needed for autumn to swoop in here (at least at coastal NJ) overnight. But now I do feel like a complete genius for backloading my running week this week, as about 21 mi will be run in pure comfort. Starting later today after the high school cross country race!!! (Babysitter will race, we'll cheer, then she'll sit with the kids while I run). Ahhhhh, it's a good day here to match the Buffett song "Coast is Clear." Good runs to all today!

                GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                King of PhotoShop

                  Tim, I cannot tell you how many people just love the old tried and true Nike Pegasus. I ran in them for years. Good luck with them. Dark Horse likes Boston for the AL win, and I have predicted the Rays. This will make it exciting as we head to the finish. Will be good to see the Sox take at least one more from the Rays during this series and a sweep would be very sweet. The Saint and I are headed for the track soon. I'll be back later to complain about the Cowboys. Spareribs
                    I cannot tell you how many people just love the old tried and true Nike Pegasus. I ran in them for years. Good luck with them.
                    For about the last 10 years I have been running in the same shoe, the Saucony Stabil. Nothing against the Stabil, but last week our local elite runner emeritus suggested to me that the shoes were giving me too much support, and that might be why I was having pain on the inside of my left leg around the knee. His idea was that I couldn't pronate enough. So last week I tried a neutral shoe model, the Nike Max Air, and have now run in it three or four times. Too early to tell, but so far the left knee feels better and the right knee feels worse. I'm thinking my left leg doesn't need the Stabil's support, but the right leg just might. When I run, the left leg usually plants solidly while the right leg wobbles a bit. So there may be no pair of shoes that will give both legs what they need. I bet this is true for many other people, too. Dark Horse
                    I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
                      Good morning, all! OK nonoruns, thanks very much for the cooler weather! 58 and negligible humidity here this morning with a spectacular sunrise. My running has been "off" for some reason. 7 hilly miles @ 10:04 pace and 160 AHR. Heart rate should have been much lower at this pace give the ambient temp. Guess I'd better embrace the taper and back off a bit. Karin - we had a great time at the Big E yesterday - close to perfect weather. We picked yesterday because one of the herding trials was on the schedule. The border collies are awesome to watch in action. The fair food choices were endless. We sampled chowder from Rhode Island, apple pie and cheddar cheese from Vermont and, of couse, the traditional Big E cream puffs. We're considering going back just to try more food. Tim - glad you've found a good pair of shoes! DickyG - I think we share the same taste in '60's music ;-). Mary - excellent run! No run for me yesterday, but I did an hour of "sprints" last night. It was Jesse's first night in flyball class which involved the handlers sprinting down the lanes so the dogs would follow. I've never seen her so happy - she was the sprint star. Good runs to all!

                      Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                      Hill Runner

                        Good morning all, A sluggish morning for me...didn't feel like running...maybe it's the loss of blood from yesterday's physical exam. Anyway, I did force myself to get out there. 8.03 miles of hills @ 9:31 pace...stoopid HR monitor wasn't working this morning. I hate that thing. I'm feeling a little cranky today.... Smile Good runs to all today

                        Upcoming Races:

                        Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                        Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                        Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                          10 miles @ 8:06 in much cooler temps and an occasional light drizzle. Good to see people getting electricity back on. PDR—I couldn’t disagree with you more; if I don’t get my sleep I’m useless the next day. Even just an hour less than usual leaves me dragging. Karin—election? Local I presume. Nono—if that’s all it took to get cool temps I would have had you turn that @%# thing on two months ago! Tim’s post reminds me of something I’ve been meaning to mention. Our local running store got rid of its treadmill and video years ago. They argue that your gait is different on a treadmill than it is on the roads and so treadmill video is misleading, resulting in inappropriate recommendations. They make you run out in the parking lot and go out with you to watch. I don’t know enough about this stuff to have an opinion one way or another. Any thoughts? BTW, I hope none of you were planning on retiring soon. Ouch. Sad

                          Be safe. Be kind.

                            Since the houseguests are my family, I have taken yesterday and today off from work, which is allowing me more sleep than PDR is getting, poor dear. She does seem to be able to handle little sleep better than most people I know. I can deal with down to about 5.5 or 6 hours, but less than that makes the next day pretty difficult. This morning I ran 5.1 with my brother, at about 8:09/mi pace -- there were a few striders thrown in. It was a wonderful day to run -- although the humidity was 85%, the temp was only 60°F, which is IRC in my book. We went climbing yesterday (did I mention that?). My finger strength just wasn't there by the end -- we may do so again today, but I had a little trouble squeezing the toothpaste tube, so it remains to see if I will be able to get off the ground much. Smile

                            Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                              Tramps----local election/Democratic primary mostly and John Kerry running for re-election----he has a real challenger this year which is unusual for Massachusetts. He even had his campaign calling Republicans because my husband got a call about voting. Yes, red and blue in our house.... Retirement? I was already planning to work until I am 90---born in the final year of the boomer generation and all! Not sure if I voted for your guy Bill---but the library trustee ballot included a marathoner. Thanks for the weather nonoruns! Karin

                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                Good Morning! No run for me today. No power at home (still): no alarm clocks, no morning coffee, no hot water, no CPAP (night breathing machine) for DH. We live in the city, and I have never actually been without power for more than a few hours, other than on camping trips. Trying to get ready for work by candlelight is not so easy (I’m wearing one blue sock and one black sock), and the kids are climbing the walls. Schools are still closed. Hundreds of traffic signals still out, which makes the morning commute interesting. And I can’t help but mourn the loss of two freezers and a refrigerator full of food. (sigh) I am realizing how much we take the amenities of civilization for granted. I blame the full moon. Big grin If it weren’t for Nonoruns and the cool weather she sent, we would be terribly uncomfortable. Thank you, Nono! Smile

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
