Masters Running


Tues 9/16 runs and Cooler weather...we hope (Read 520 times)


    Mary - I want to offer a belated congrats on your 20 miler also! That's fantastic. I have gone as high as 18 and really want to get back there again and be able to complete a 20 miler. That's one of those milestone distances! Lynden - for some odd reason, I had a vision of you walking 'quasi-moto' like - dragging that leg and all . . . Confused Darkhorse would have really like Mariposai's 1st running outfit at the relay. She was quite the beautiful vision! Holly - my sympathies on no coffee . . . Cry My brother, who lives in Mpls, is considering a job offer in Houston. Is it bad when my first thought is "yay - go for it! Then I have a place to stay if I want to run a race in Houston!" We are back in the heat and smoke again, so I wasn't able to run last night. But will get in a TM run during lunch today. Since I've had two rest days now, I think I'll do a speedwork session today. Then Friday I leave for a girlfriends' retreat weekend up in the mountains. Part of the Pacific Crest Trail is only about 6 miles from where I'll be staying, so I'm going to get in a trail run while I'm up there. I've never run on this trail before, but I guess it has some absolutely spectacular and breathtaking views. have a good day everyone.



    Marathon Iowa 2014

      Hi there. I missed you all. Where to begin? Um, let's see. I worked as a finance consultant (temporary position) for a company on the CT/RI shoreline border for 8 months. Lots of runs by the Atlantic. I got a new job (there's a minor tie-in to hockey, Tramps). Started 2 weeks ago. I saw a doctor about my achilles pain, who recommended a specialist, who labeled it "bilateral achilles tendonitis," then recommended physical therapy for me for a month. The PT guy is great - he understands my OCD with running. Ice is my new bess fren. I've been doing long runs every other weekend with a group of 5 other runners - training for the Hartford marathon (2 are first timers). Who here is doing Hartford this year? Long-suffering Mrs. PBJ wants to host a pre-race pasta dinner - any interest? I'll tell you about the road rage incident later... -PBJ

      Top 'O the World!

        wildchild, any mountain with a name like Mt. Carbon does not conjure up a scenic picture in my mind. More like a huge mound of coal that they plan on removing someday. Good luck running up and over it! !
        ahem! you could be right! posted from
        Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group
          Hi there. I missed you all. -PBJ
          Hi Joe! Welcome back. Glad life has settled down a bit for you...Now get well physically! There's a thread about Hartford gatherings-both here and at KR. Are you running Hartford? Now that you have your sub3 marathon under your belt (and busiman will get it this year), it'll be fun to see you get back into it. I'll be out on MainSt in SW, if you need anything. Meetup will be at CitySteam, as race take care
            I got a new job (there's a minor tie-in to hockey, Tramps). -PBJ
            Good to hear from you. We want details. Smile

            Be safe. Be kind.

            i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

              This is Special that PBJ is back! You sure have been busy! Holly.... hope the power comes back soon. If you do a nice hard workout you'll have a cold shower for the muscles Smile [pathetic on] Still healing.... 3 miles run/walk wearing an AirCast in 35 min..... for Tory.. [/pathetic off]

              Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

              King of PhotoShop

                Many years ago Bud Grant left as head coach of the Vikings. People adored him. They hired a coach named Les Steckel. Viking fans did not adore him. In one game a witty fan showed up with a big sign that said, "More Bud, Les Steckel". So today I say, "MORE PBJ!" Joe, I'm on the DL with a minor recovery issue, but there are tons of your old friends doing Hartford. Peek in on all the threads and say hello. Spareribs


                  Cindy, that is too funny! Mt Carbon is a hill with an outhouse on top, and the good environmental citizens of Colorado want it removed to protect the view! It looks like the summit of Mt Carbon is at 5772 feet, and the lake below is at about 5560 ft, so about a 200 ft climb. Not so bad. Should be a fun trail run.

                  I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                    Tom S: Nice 8-miler and congrats on son's upcoming wedding! I assume you're buying the newlyweds a new Ferrari? My current shoes now have about 575 miles on them...I know that's too much but they still feel fine. I have one more pair in the box. In the meantime, I really want to try on the Adidas Adizero but nobody in town carries it...I'm gonna have to make a few calls and probably drive to Greensboro or Roanoke. After the rain finally quit, ran 4.2 miles in a respectable 38:08 (9:05), although the humidity was 98%...what's even better, I ran the entire course without walking...haven't done that in quite a while. We also were without power this morning...for 14 minutes... DickyG
                      You just described my situation, except it is my left leg that wobbles. I can run on the TM in front of a mirror and see this as plain as day. Left foot pronates, right does not.
                      Enke, this morning I was in downtown metropolitan Newburyport and saw Rick Bayko, who ran in the 1972 U.S. marathon trials and has owned and operated the local running store for decades. I buy all my shoes from him, so I greeted him and told him how my new Nike Max Air shoes were working out. I told him that my stable left leg was better with the neutral Nike shoe, but the wobbly right leg was hurting worse without the stiffness and support of the Saucony Stabil. Rick told me a story about a longtime runner friend of his who got up early one morning for his run and dressed in the dark. While running he noticed that he had never felt so comfortable before. He looked down at his feet and realized he had put on running shoes that didn't match. It turned out that one leg liked a different kind of shoe than the other leg did. Rick concluded, "So experiment. You just might find you are like him. But it can be an expensive way to buy shoes." By the way, all this talk about Mariposai in her cheerleader outfit is very distracting. I have work to do, you know. Also by the way, great to see PBJ back. Not only do I look forward to many wise and witty posts, but his screen name reminds me it is time for lunch. Dark Horse
                      I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        We also were without power this morning...for 14 minutes... DickyG
                        Big grin You know, the most annoying thing about this power outage is that the houses across the street never lost power. As we huddled in our darkened living room last night, playing Clue and Trouble and drowning our sorrows with bottled water and Oreos, we gazed longingly through the window at the lights across the street.... PBJ!! Good to see you! Perch - so sorry to hear that....I had so hoped that this would be a quick-healing thing for you... Sad

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                          Power outages suck. We have them here all the time. Seems like three times a week I come home and all the appliances in my kitchen and laundry room have the "PF" indicators on. And I don't think they mean a foot injury... I spend way too much time resetting the clocks on the stove and microwave. They should all have battery backups! 16 years ago we had an unusually early heavy snowstorm. I heard it was the leftover of Hurricane Inikki that tore through Hawaii on it's way north. We also got cold temps so the snow didn't melt (which the first few usually always do). That was the one year when the Equinox was canceled, although several diehards ran the course anyway... in 6-8" of snow. The leaves were still on the birch trees and the heavy snow weighed them down so they bent down to the ground in any open area... like power lines. We were without power for 3 days with temps below freezing. Some were without power for a full week. We still have bent trees around the area. It was an interesting time... fired up the wood stove and our cats were so excited to see the wood stove without plants and clutter on it that they both jumped up on it... and burned their feet! We had bloody paw prints around the house for days after. Sure hope you get power back soon and thank goodness the weather/temperatures are mild! Hey Rochrunner, it's easy to get the last word when you're a night owl on the far west coast time zone! Yeah, a PBJ fly-by! Stick around and post for awhile, will ya?

                          Trails are hard!

                            good afternoon to all. I did a quick (relatively speaking) lake loop this morning before heading back once more to White Plains. right now I'm waiting semi-patiently for the field tech that is supposed to be here by now to commission the control system we've just installed. Problem was, none of the folks that did the designing ever set foot on site before hand, so we had to do a fair amount of redesign on the go. hope it all works! Holly--your home owners insurance may cover the lost food. we had a freezer get turned off by some workers a while ago by tripping the circuit it was on for several days and then turning it back on, so we ended up with a freezer full of frozen thawed, disgusting food. we did an inventory and got at least a little reimbursement.

                            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                              My apologies to Holly, Tim, and others who have been without power for a while. While we really did lose power for a few minutes this morning (who knows why), I feel that my remark could have been interpreted to mean that I was making fun of those who are without power...I didn't mean it that way...I still apologize. PBJ: I've only been posting here for a rather short time...I have, however, heard many folks refer to a run as a "PBJ special"...maybe you...or someone...could fill me in. DickyG

                              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                                Hi PBJ! Nice to see you posting again! Awe Perch - nice of you to think of Tory like that. I miss your adventures with Tory in the mornings. Heal quickly!! Dicky - a PBJ special is his signature 8 mile run done in about an hour. Makes me mad - 8 miles seem to take me forever! Angry


                                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


