Masters Running


Wed Nov 12 Runs and Workouts (Read 521 times)

    Good morning, everyone. Where's Roy? I hope Woody didn't swallow his garmin Smile Geez, sometimes I think it takes longer to record all my metrics and post the results than it takes to do the run itself. Well, some of the post-run time I spend is stretching so it counts as part of the workout, I guess. A little warmer today at 39°F so I got to wear shorts, but Tim will be disappointed in me that I wore gloves and long sleeves. 8.2 miles, 1:12, 8:47/mi, AHR 146 Good runs, all!

    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

      7.0 miles at a peppy 9:19 pace. Not sure where that came from. Yesterday I was tired and slow. My running is very random, and I've about given up trying to understand it. Woody! Drop it!

      aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

      Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

        Give it to Roy right now, Woody! Nice run there PDR! I'm still feeling a little tired from the Race so I decided an easy recovery run was in order. Nothing achey, just some tired legs. I'll take it easy all this week and kick back into it next week. 5 recovery paced miles in 47 minues. H&H back with a vengence (75F and 87%) so glad it was a recovery day. Bill

        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

          I think Woody is very sensitive and yelling at him is not going to do any good. Here Woody, give daddy the Garmin .....good boy Woody!! Nice to see PDR posting so early today!! Cold + rain vs. warmth + extra sleep = zero miles


          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


          The Jogger

            Morning Gang Nice to log on and have a laugh with you lot after a nice run. Yes, it's now part of the routine before the run, Woody, fetches the garmin Smile Nice perky runs for Lou and PDR,hot run for Bill and well deserved rest for Mary. Went up the woods today for an undulating trail run. It was like a stag party, they were all over the place, so long as I wasn't swinging from their antlers or anything else but I did remember what Tramps told me about deer in rutting season so not to worry mmmmmmm Big grin Anyway, 5m 51:41 @ 10:20 pace (would have been quicker if needed) AHR 148 69% Good Runs All Roy

              Good morning everyone. 4.5 miles in the rain (and cold) at a 9:41 pace. The snow they were predicting stayed north of here, so a little reprieve for now. Just saw on the news that a 56 year old woman gave birth to triplets for her daughter who had a hysterectomy. She's my age - that could be me. NOT!!! Big grin Have a great Wednesday, everyone.

              Marathon Maniac #3309

                Morning Gang... Lou, not disappointed at all about you wearing gloves...I'm just a nutty/ idiot Roll eyes Nice longer runs for you and Mrs Beer. Bill, you are running super well right now, WTG !!! Mary Mary Mary....Geez right now, I would love the Cold + rain and many miles ...slacker Tongue Smile Roy, you are one funny guy....nice trail run for you! Way to get out there and get it done Jlynne, good run!!!. "Just saw on the news that a 56 year old woman gave birth to triplets for her daughter who had a hysterectomy" Shocked Enke, how are you doing? Better I hope. Well, one more hour on the dreaded cycling dreadmill...which is getting old already Angry ....I need to run, and the "non" running thing is getting less funny by the day....but am trying to be positive and light hearted about it. Off for some more x Rays later today to get a better look at my foot, and then see what my options are now. What's really bad is, when I got home from work last night I got dressed up to run...but sat down and thought about it, then didn't....geez, feels like I just lost my best friend or something Sad Day 11 and still winning, Twocat and Erika.... Well, need to get payroll done, so will check back in later. Have a good hump day all, Tim

                Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                  Nice perky runs and a deserved easy one for Breeger.. nice race! Beautiful run in 41F. Nice round numbers: 6.0 miles in 54:00 min for 9:00 pace. A few strides at full speed along the way.

                  Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                    good morning! Perch, your soleus is better? What's full speed? Mary, your appt. sounded like it turned out well. phew. I'm as usual behind on the news.. Enke, did you see your doctor yet? I hope you can at least get answers. Sometimes that's the hardest part. Roy, video tape it for us! nice runs today. a couple of days off for me, just random exercises through the days. I may have done a little too much Sunday, & at the end of my run had about a mile walk back to the car, drenched, in the cold & wind. Well, cold & wet or germs... regardless of the cause I'm a little sick. It's actually a relief because my heart has been acting really odd, didn't want all that to start again. I think I can blame the bug. Smile back to work today for a little, then back to the gym tomorrow.

                      Gray, cloudy morning in the mid-40s; rain’s a-comin’. 5.2 easy miles @ 8:19. AHR was just 125 (61% HRR), which was nice. I couldn’t help myself; I sneaked a peak at Saturday’s marathon weather forecast. It calls for a warm day with rain and an early morning thunderstorm. This could be an adventure! Shocked

                      Be safe. Be kind.

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        Good Morning! Tim – I know it’s hard, but that was good restraint you showed last night. {{{Dg}}} Tramps - thunder? Yikes! PDR – I had your yesterday run today – tired and slow. Still, I got it done, and hopefully my sproink will return for tomorrow’s planned intervals. 6 miles in a breezy 40 degrees. Teacher conference for DD last night. She’s apparently one of the top students, academically, but has some behavior issues (talking too much, goofing off, silliness - where does she get that, I wonder... Roll eyes Big grin). One of the issues brought up is that she and several other little girls apparently have a crush on a certain boy. They follow him around the class in a pack, asking his opinion on everything, wanting to do whatever he’s doing at the time, OVERWHELMING him with their constant attention. The boy’s parents actually mentioned DD by name, among others... jeesh, she’s only in FIRST GRADE....I know I have a rough ride ahead with her.... Roll eyes

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                          Perch, your soleus is better? What's full speed?
                          soleus is much better, can still feel it get a bit tight so not 100% but power has returned to it. full speed = running like H3LL..not timed, maybe 0.1 mile spurt... Garmin said max was 10.2 mph Smile

                          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                            The sheriff of Los Angeles County plans to prohibit his off-duty deputies from carrying their guns while drinking because several have been accused in recent years of firing weapons while intoxicated. Sheriff Lee Baca said there has been a disturbing rise in alcohol-fueled misbehavior among his deputies in the nation's largest sheriff's department. When interviewed, one of the deputies, John "Hopalong" Cassidy, stated "If we can't tote our 6-shooters into the downtown saloons, we's in big trubble...just supposin' them Earp brothers come in again lookin' for a fight...hell, if we can't defend our own selves, even Doc Holiday couldn't help us." Holly:
                            Funny thing, as I was running across a street during a break in traffic, a woman who was pulling out from a side street, heading in the other direction, yelled out her window, “GET OUTTA THE DAMN STREET!” I was so startled by it that I laughed out loud. I was not anywhere near being in her way, so I have no idea where her annoyance came from.
                            I'll tell you where it came were out there running and in good condition. She was 99 pounds overweight and smokes 8 cartons of cigs/day. Happens all too often. Tramps: That was only 1/6 of your total wood reserves? Only 1/6? I withdraw my face, I fold. Sarge:
                            ...was the childhood home of Harvey Firestone (tire inventor).
                            Sarge, when I read this the first time, I though you said "Harvey Fierstein" (the gay broadway/movie actor who played the wife...John Travolta's movie the broadway production of "Hairspray"). I wondered how Harvey Fierstein got so much money. Mary: All the best... Maine: That figures...the day before you're supposed to come over & get my leaves, the tractor breaks convenient! Carolyn:
                            Work is very slow right now. Several of our clients have put projects on hold because of the economy. Hope this doesn't continue too much longer.
                            Unfortunately, a very common thread around the country. And I'm afraid it's gonna take a thankful you're not in the auto industry. Roy:
                            Went up the woods today for an undulating trail run. It was like a stag party....
                            Um, you know what a stag party means over here? 4.5 plodding miles in 42:00 (9:20). Wherever my speed came from yesterday, it sure went away in a hurry. One final thought...remember a few months ago when Chrysler guaranteed you $2.99/gal for gas for 3 years when you bought a car? With gas now being $1.75, do new Chrysler owners have to pay them back $1.24/gallon for the next 3 years? Maybe the auto guys are smarter than we thunk. DickyG

                            Marathon Maniac #3309

                              "Unfortunately, a very common thread around the country. And I'm afraid it's gonna take a thankful you're not in the auto industry." Yeah DickyG, and I'm in the Auto Industry....yikes right now with GM. Thanks are running so well right now, and bet you will have some speedy Marathons in 2009 Smile....BQ coming your way again I am sure. Hope all works out to meet and run with ya this Spring Smile Tramps, no looking at the forecast....that's what everyone told me Tongue Steve, glad you are getting a lot better Cool Itchy Legs Tim - Would someone please go to my apartment and hide my running shoes

                              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                                Another non-run for me today. 45 minutes on the hotel elliptical at the god-awful hour of 5:30 a.m. Then some squats and crunches and back to my room to get ready for more meetings. Should be a good day though, as long as we don't have to spend much time outside. The weather here is just awful with rain, wind, flood warnings, etc. Good day to stay inside and drink coffee!! Holly, that's very very cute. And yes, you're going to have more fun than you know what to do with when she hits 13!!! Good runs for everyone, well except Tim and I hope Twocat. And Deb, hope you haven't over done something? Have a great day all you crazy runner folks!