Masters Running


TUES 11/11 Remembrance Day (Read 533 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Fran! Hi-yah! Long time no see!

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      Hi Holly! I have been lurking off and on as much as I can. I have followed your move, marathons and injuries and have been quite impressed! I've been running mostly 5k's all year with an occasional 10 miler thrown in but have not been inspired to boost the mileage as my time is limited. My two grandsons keep me hopping and I found out recently I've got twin grandsons on the way, so things are going to get really hectic! Thanks for the shout and stay injury free! Fran

      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

        Glad you explained your pictures Tim. Funny you are running shirtless and the guy in the red singlet is wearing gloves. Well I went to the dermatologist and had 3 spots scrapped and burned off. I asked if there were any activity restrictions and she said no. Then after she thought for a moment said "unless you want there to be". I said no - I'm a runner. Come to find out she is too and has done one marathon - Chicago. Now I'm done for 2 weeks when I go back for some pre-cancer spots. After that I am hopefully done for this year AND next year too!! Thanks for the good well-wishes! Fran- twin grandbabies is so Kewl!! Congratulations!!


        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


        Marathon Maniac #3309

          Mary, thanks for keeping us updated...I'm sure many here had you in their thoughts today, including me Smile Yeah gloves...wussie Big grin Tim

          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

            5.0 miles 42:03 (8:25) - Avg HR 126 Max HR 139 Cloudy, windy & 42 degrees ... brrrrr! Lot of yard work today...and the freaking tractor broke down so I had to work on that for a few hours...oh well that's life! Wink It's pretty cool out here in the Northeast and with the strong wind coming off the water it feels so much colder, oh brother I can just feel winter coming. Sad

            Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

              Lot of yard work today...and the freaking tractor broke down so I had to work on that for a few hours...oh well that's life! Wink
              Here I thought you were going to say ..... the freaking tractor broke down so I had to get out a Rake and do it MAN-ually. Wink


              "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
              It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."





                Happy Remembrance/Veterans Day to all of you! Thank you to all our veterans. Dark Horse, I'd like to read your speech too. Roy, Woody sounds like a kewl dog, and smarter than average! My dog, Ladybug, knows how to open the front door - it has a lever-style handle (not a round knob) and she jumps up, puts her paws on the lever, and leans her body weight against the door. Too bad she can't let herself out - that would be handier. Tim, I like your 3rd photo - the others look like you're trying to HTFU! S-caps in your mouth, huh? Nono, that's so cute that your daughter likes to run around the block with you when you're done your runs. You're a good role model! QuickyG - nice run today! Nice tempo miles for Holly, Tramps, and Sarge. Fran, I think twin grandsons are probably more fun than twin sons! You'd get double the fun without double the work. Mary, glad your dermatologist visit went well. You should have taken her up on her offer for some restrictions - like you can't do any cleaning or heavy lifting for a couple of days! It's a beautiful day here in Denver - 52 and sunny. I overdressed for a lunchtime run, as it was only 48 and cloudy and breezy when I headed out. I wore long pants and a lightweight long-sleeved top. Should have worn shorts and tee shirt! Oh, well, I didn't really overheat. I did a 7 mile trail run at about 10:58 avg pace. Work is very slow right now. Several of our clients have put projects on hold because of the economy. Hope this doesn't continue too much longer.

                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                  Mary - the doctor should have added "no dinner preparation" to your restrictions! Must eat out for at least two or three nights. Great news about your appointment. Mainerunnah, sorry to hear about the broken tractor. Great attitude on your part. You must be practicing the Frank Costanza mantra: "Serenity now!" Wildchild - how about sending some of those 50 degree temps our way?
                    6 more miles on the treadmill, at 8:40 mile pace. Dark Horse
                    I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

                    Marathon Maniac #3309

                      Happy Remembrance/Veterans Day to all of you! Thank you to all our veterans. Dark Horse, I'd like to read your speech too. Roy, Woody sounds like a kewl dog, and smarter than average! My dog, Ladybug, knows how to open the front door - it has a lever-style handle (not a round knob) and she jumps up, puts her paws on the lever, and leans her body weight against the door. Too bad she can't let herself out - that would be handier. Tim, I like your 3rd photo - the others look like you're trying to HTFU! S-caps in your mouth, huh? Nono, that's so cute that your daughter likes to run around the block with you when you're done your runs. You're a good role model! QuickyG - nice run today! Nice tempo miles for Holly, Tramps, and Sarge. Fran, I think twin grandsons are probably more fun than twin sons! You'd get double the fun without double the work. Mary, glad your dermatologist visit went well. You should have taken her up on her offer for some restrictions - like you can't do any cleaning or heavy lifting for a couple of days! It's a beautiful day here in Denver - 52 and sunny. I overdressed for a lunchtime run, as it was only 48 and cloudy and breezy when I headed out. I wore long pants and a lightweight long-sleeved top. Should have worn shorts and tee shirt! Oh, well, I didn't really overheat. I did a 7 mile trail run at about 10:58 avg pace. Work is very slow right now. Several of our clients have put projects on hold because of the economy. Hope this doesn't continue too much longer.
                      Carolyn, I wasn't at the HTFU part yet, but only looking after my hydration and fuel needs..the water station was in my sights. The HTFU was at 16 miles and happy there are NOT pictures of that...foot fell off and duct tape would not hold up. Goodness girl.....the head dowm, look at the head down, LOL Icing my foot down Tim...but ALMOST went for a run tonight...stoopid Tim

                      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                        Here I thought you were going to say ..... the freaking tractor broke down so I had to get out a Rake and do it MAN-ually. Wink
                        OK now that was pretty funny! Big grin But actually I did break out the rakes (yes plural) and did do alot MANually. However if you saw my yard you would know whay I don't do it all manually. Besides the tractor broke down while I was towing my boat up from down back by the river, not good but I nursed it back to my garage and half it half torn apart and ready to put back together after I got a replacement bolt for it...yup one lousy bolt that's it...and about 3 hours of labor to get to it! Now to put it back together..but that's another day. Wink

                          what is up with the double running DH???????????? Preparing for a race or something?

                          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                            Hey Stoopid Tim! You almost broke your non-running streak! Ha! Way to go letting Twocat and me get the advantage! Ha! For me, I got up early and did half an hour on the elliptical, half an hour on the stationary bike and 15 minutes of upper body weights before I had to head back to my room to get ready for a full day of meetings. Then we ate way too much at Wild Ginger in downtown Seattle, and had dessert wine and cheese plate at the Palace Kitchen, then back to the hotel. I'm bushed, but very full. Going to try getting up early tomorrow again for another workout before (another) full day of meetings and catered lunches. Urp. Hi Fran! Good to see you post! You're one of the missing folks I think of every now and then (whatever happened to....?). Mary, hope everything is ok and you can put all this scraping and picking stuff behind you! Thanks, DH, hope you had a good dinner and enjoyed the day in your honor! (Tetsujiin, I sent you a text msg... don't you ever check your phone??)

                            Marathon Maniac #3309

                              Hey Stoopid Tim! You almost broke your non-running streak! Ha! Way to go letting Twocat and me get the advantage!
                              Hey, I said "almost"....I am still ahead of you two Tongue Smile I really really know I can't run right now, but admit it's getting tough Angry Tim

                              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!
