Masters Running


Feb 5th Runs and Stories (Read 483 times)

Marathon Maniac #3309

    I’m getting pretty discouraged now. My shin is not improving. I had to stop doing shin strengthening since that seemed to aggravate it. I don’t know what this is. I’ve had periostitis/MTSS before and it got better much quicker. It was also much higher in the shin – it was the result of running in shoes with too much stability. This time, it’s low on the leg, just above the ankle where the calf meets the tibia. Every time I get up from my desk at work I have to limp my first few steps and then it calms down and I can walk normally with soreness. No impact exercise since Saturday morning, the last two days I’ve done nothing and it still hurts. I think my May marathon is quickly going down the tubes. If I take another week off, lose all that fitness, and then start jogging slowly, slowly add miles, it’ll be March before I can start training and then I’ll only have like 8 weeks before the marathon. This sucks. It sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks. MTA: I appreciate all the suggestions for things that will help. I know them all. Pool running is not an option. The pool at the Y is VERY busy with swim teams and scheduled programs.
    My 2 cents worth, from my own experience. I would personally - completely leave your shin jacking with it with stretching and strength exercises at all. Years back, I had a serious bout of ITBS and was desperate like you are now. I stretched - yanked - pulled - pushed...and my ITBS simply would never go away. Then I decided to leave it completely alone, and I was back running easy in about 1 week. Just some food for thought, OK, And hope the best for you, as I, and everyone else knows how frustrating injuries are...when you simply just want to run. Chin Up TimBo

    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


      Righto. Had chicken sausage and spinach stew for dinner last night and will have the rest for lunch today. Also have a bowl of baby spinach and greens with olive oil and balsamic vinegar as a salad. I added an additional calcium/D tablet per day and an extra glass of milk. To your point, Very interesting read here on the reaction of the tibia and bone growth with these types of injuries: Conquering MTSS BTW, my new swedes and jammer have shipped. Thanks for those tips. If I can't run, maybe I can swim like hell. Sorry for my rant this morning. Just needed to blow off steam. If I can't walk w/o discomfort, i have no idea when I'll be able to run. Could be 4-6 weeks and that would kill the Spring marathon.
      Kewl ! Tip on the swedes......cut off a piece of the rubber band strap and use that for the nose piece vs the string and tube they provide you. That way if you need to make adjustments it's much easier and much more comfortable. Google it and you should find examples of what I'm talking about. Additionally, they require suprisingly little tension to make a seal. You should hardly notice the pressure against your eye sockets. And finally, your gonna fill them with water a couple of times. You will quickly learn to look straight down when you push off vs looking ahead. Big grin Don't lose hope on your Marathon Plans........I'm not a marathoner because I become a slave to my training schedule and I get in a real pissy mood if I fall off of it so for the sake of my marriage I've been sticking to the halves and less.
        Ribs in a red dress ... I'm glad I'm nowhere near Dallas anymore ... I wouldn't want to see that and I wouldn't want to be tempted to run that race ... Quite a cold day today. North wind howling too. I think this calls for a nice fire in the fireplace tonight ... I went to the gym early this morning for some x-training. Hopped on the rowing machine and proceeded to cross the English Channel for 1/2 hour or so. Then I got off it ... And could hardly walk I had such rubbery legs. Weird feeling. It passed within a couple of minutes but that was strange. Never get that from running. Went onto 1/2 hour of core work. Bill

        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        Marathon Maniac #957

          Mary – I love puppy pictures! Reminds me, I need to take some more of Daisy... Sue – you’re right about the potty training. Daisy is about 15 weeks old and still not completely housebroken. I’d love to let her have the run of the house, but don’t trust her yet. CNYrunner is running again - yay! 3 degrees again this morning, and I just didn’t feel like going out in it. My winter fortitude (which wasn’t high this year anyway) is quickly diminishing. So I popped in another DVD and did this on the TM. 1 mile WU (2 min. 7.5 mph [8:00]/1 min. 6.0 mph [10:00]) x 11 1 minute walk (1 min. 8.0 mph [7:30]/1 min. 6.2 mph [9:40]) x 5 Plus CD made 7 miles total. I’m taking tomorrow off work because DH is having knee surgery in the morning. We have to be at the surgery center at 6:00 a.m., surgery is at 7:15 and he should be ready to go home by 10:30. Is it bad that I considered just going home during the procedure so I could get my workout in? Roll eyes

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


            I went to the gym early this morning for some x-training. Hopped on the rowing machine and proceeded to cross the English Channel for 1/2 hour or so. Then I got off it ... And could hardly walk I had such rubbery legs. Weird feeling. It passed within a couple of minutes but that was strange. Never get that from running. Went onto 1/2 hour of core work. Bill
            We do an adventure race which begins with canoeing. When you exit the canoe you feel like your running on rubber bands. The explanation here is that for the last hour your legs did nothing but provide some braceing. All the blood flow was directed to your upper body. So when you suddenly call on your legs there is nothing there. On a rowing machine there is typically a larger leg component than there would be in a canoe but I suspect it is a different muscle group. Probably much the same thing a triathlete experiences going from the bike to the run. It is a weird sensation.

            Marathon Maniac #3309

              Is it bad that I considered just going home during the procedure so I could get my workout in? Roll eyes
              Hey, you could do that...and he doesn't even have to know Wink Smile Wish your DH the best! TimBo

              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                You know, I bet Ribs will actually look quite hot in a red dress. And yes, I feel weird saying that but I think he can actually pull that off. I think you need red shoe laces in your running sneakers, Ribs. Glad to hear you haven't had residual pain, Timbo. Very relieved to hear that. Holly, I would probably have the same thought. So, either that's not bad, or we are both just bad. Sometimes I like being bad Evil grin CNY, good to hear you are getting back into it. I'm going running on my lunch hour today. I thought I would take off early yesterday and get in a longer mid week run, but once I started looking at the amount of work I had and the amount of time I had to do it in, I realized that taking off early just for the sake of running was not in my best interests right now. Have a good day everyone.


                  Holly- I would ask myself what would make for the best Seinfeld episode, make sure DH was completely under, then hit the streets running. DH: "Holly why are you so red and sweaty?" Holly: "I was very nervous for you." You get your workout in, DH knows you are concerned, Happy Valentine's Day for Holly for being such a caring spouse. I call it a win win. If you need any fashion tips on what to wear for your Valentine's Day date I happen to know that Ribs does some amazing consulting work, especially when it comes to fashion. For me another I stayed in the early morning club and did 8 miles in 6º this morning. I will go to the gym for the rest of my workout after school today.


                    Ribs, I can't wait for the red dress pictures! That race sounds like a hoot! TimBo, I'm so glad to hear you're pain-free after that 10 miler! I hope there are only ugly women at the Y tonight when you're running... Evil grin Teresa, I hope your DH's surgery tomorrow goes well. You can't leave your kids alone overnight with your DS16 in charge? We're doing the college shopping thing, too. We're thinking of going to California for spring break to check out Cal Tech and Stanford. Any masters live near either of them and want to meet for a run in late March/early April? EGH3, hope you figure out what's up with that shin. You might want to be careful with lots of spinach - it's high in oxalate, which can cause kidney stones, especially in combo with lots of calcium. At least that's what they told my dad when he got kidney stones. Karin, glad you're running again, but sorry to hear you have to bail on Boston. Sad Holly, good luck to your DH too on his surgery tomorrow. If you live close to the hospital, I see no reason you couldn't go home for a run while he's recovering - what else are you gonna do? Just sit there and read magazines in the waiting room? If it's in an OK neighborhood, you could also go run laps around the block, or find a local park. It's gonna be in the 60's again today in Denver. This is just wrong - it's February 5th! I'll just try hard to HTFU and get out there at lunchtime... Cool I think it's hard enough getting up very early to run, but especially in the winter when it's so cold. Do any of you try to switch to lunchtime running in the winter to take advantage of the daylight and relative warmth? (I said relative, because I know Erika runs at lunch.) I love lunchtime runs in the winter, and spring and fall too. In the summer I run after work.

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                      Ribs EGH3, hope you figure out what's up with that shin. You might want to be careful with lots of spinach - it's high in oxalate, which can cause kidney stones, especially in combo with lots of calcium. At least that's what they told my dad when he got kidney stones.
                      Hmm, I forgot about that. I was actually quite aware of that a couple years ago when I had kidney stones on 3 different occasions. One requiring a trip to the ER in an ambulance. Drinking lots of water. Undecided


                      King of PhotoShop

                        EGH, sorry for your difficulties. The urologist who treated me for kidney stones (and I had them 3 times) went ape when he learned I was taking a calcium supplement. He suggested that it was okay to get more calcium but to get it organically and not in pill form. And you make a good point about drinking lots of water. Breger, you are about 6' 11". No way you would look good in a dress. I on the other hand, expect to look stunning. Of course I will wear my red running shoes! What's the matter with you people? Karin, good to see you at it again. Alex, it sounds reasonable to me that you will get some hardware in that division. It should be simple enough to look at last year's results and see what the Clydesdales did in your AG. Good luck. Spareribs
                          Morning, Gang - Ribs - My SIL and BIL are members of their local Elks Club. A few years ago, as a fund raiser the local Make-A-Wish, they put together a calendar with each month having a different honey. Only the "honeys" were the men - in dress3w, wigs, make-up, shoes, jewelry, the whole shebang. It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. My BIL was Ms. March, I believe. They sold a ton of calendars and made quite a chunk of change for MAW. Teresa and Holly - Keeping your hubs in my thoughts and prayers for speedy recoveries. EG - I'm kinda leaning toward the "leave it all alone for a week" suggestion. No stretching, nothing. Just let the shins chill for awhile so they can regroup. Was suppose to do 4 miles this morning, but I got to my cool down spot, looked at the ole Garmin, and it read 3 miles. Wha . . .?? I actually stood there for a few seconds trying to figure out what had happened. The light bulb finally went on, and I remembered turning around at the 1.50 mark. What a bonehead! Oh well - it was a good run: Av/Best/HR 1. 10:01/8:56/136 2. 9:22/7:56/151 3. 9:15/7:47/159 Went to my first HS basketball game in, oh, 24+ years last night. Had a great time, and the last period was fantastic. Unfortunately, the team we were rooting for lost by 1 pt at the buzzer. Black eye

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                            Great, next thing you know, you'll all be telling me to not take 6 Aleve every 4 hours Clowning around. I've been following the "do nothing" rehab strategy the last two days. It has been quite refreshing to get 9-10 hours of sleep each of the last two nights. Tomorrow, it's just do upper body weight work. No squats or anything weight bearing on the legs. Thanks all. Black eye


                              Tim - thanks for the hug - and congrats on the pain-free run! CNY - good to see your post - I've been missing your daily updates. You've been my inspiration. Sorry to that you are pulling out of Boston. Lou - you are good - 12 degrees with wind is awful in my book. Teresa and Holly - prayers and best wishes to your DH's for successful surgeries and speedy recoveries. (((((EGH's shin)))))))))) Breger - so they really do put fireplaces in Florida homes?????? Yoga was great today - I needed the mental release.

                              Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous


                                CYrunners, great news about your back to running journey!!! Holly, I would do jsut that, but wait until he is taken to surgery before you go out, just in case they need you there for something. Good luck to DH. great workout girl! teresa, wishing the best for your DH surgery. Glad to hear that the insurance company is going to pay for it. That Tammy is one lucky gal.

                                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard
