Masters Running


Feb 5th Runs and Stories (Read 483 times)

    Enke - Overall good news. Yea! FYI - I am a Food Network junkie! I could watch it all day and do on those Saturdays when I'm puttering around the house, cleaning, etc. I've gotten some really great recipes off their website, especially Alton Brown's recipe for shrimp cocktail. OMG! Yum-mee!

    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

    Trail Runner Nation

    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

    Bare Performance


    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      I agree - overall good news Enke! Especially the wine drinking part!! Wink I think I'll have a glass in your honor this evening after my run.


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

        {{EGH}}} I know how you feel but there is still time for the shin to come around. I'm a believer that most injuries like that resolve themselves within 6 weeks. I'd agree with Tim that messing around with it can make it worse. I'd try light running if possible and don't touch it. Of course we usually try this and that for a couple or few weeks and then see a Sports Doctor when it might be faster to see one right away. Good luck with it. {{CNY}} didn't know you are that sidelined.. and I thought you were invincible. Hop it heals soon. <holly's>>> Enke.. good news (?) Maybe there is a version of the Gamin that has paddles (ok...bad joke ...). Seriously, it's great the Dr said to run! 4 Magical healing Miles with Tory in 38:24 (9:36 pace. AHR 139). Breezy 35°F at noon then X-training (planks and leg work)</holly's>

        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


          Like many of you I ran 4 in a 11° morning (wind chill of -3°) and not wearing a red dress. We're doing 13 on Sunday and the prediction is for close to 50°-SHORTSCoolCoolCoolCool.

            Alton Brown
            I liked him better before he started growing his hair out (whilst balding on top) a la Kelsey Grammer or Phil Collins. Because the problem is, AB also wears glasses. So he just looks like Benjamin Franklin with his long-on-the-sides hair. Who wants to intentionally look like Benjamin Franklin??? In running news, 4.5 easy miles this morning, 4.6 easy miles w/ 8 strides this afternoon. And lifting. Fizzy lifting.



              Easy 10.1 @ 8:22.

              Be safe. Be kind.

                You peeps are too funny. Food on the Telly and Tammy's little skit for Holly had me smiling largely. Enke--sounds good. Do you have a date set for the cardioversion or is it only if you have another episode? Tim and Karin running again, good news. Not so sure about the red, Ribs. I think you're more of an Spring. A red with salmon undertones might work. I believe Carolyn and I have warmer temps than Bruger, even. We're up over 60 right now. I did 6 at lunch, battling a bit of DOMS after Sunday. grins, A ps: I had fun today. I bought DH a Red Sox ticket for the Patriots' Day Game. Since it's a single, I found one in the Infield Grandstand, 3rd base side. Big grin
                Masters 2000 miles

                  <obscure> You know what else not to put on the telly? A penguin. </obscure> Amy sighting!



                  Trails are hard!

                    Why, would it explode or something? Enke--sounds like good new overall. although cardioversion doesn't sound like fun, even being asleep for it. you might want to check with cardio again about the pills--some do slow down heart rate, some don't. my original one (Atenolol) did, and I thought I got moved to the rythmol because it didn't have that side effect (among other reasons) Glad you get to run, though. Running never brought it on for me (well maybe once, but it went away quickly) eta: also yay on having wine again Leslie--that last line confirmed the "Junkie" description. I will admit that DW and I usually end up watching the RR hour as I'm getting home from work. Kevin

                    Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.




                      Wow, Amy's back, AND she's talking about baseball! All is right with the world. Smile Oh, yeah, I forgot to post my run: 4 easy miles at lunchtime, 62° and sunny. I'm starting to get my weird runner's tan with the white feet.

                      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                        Ah, yes, Meg. It is true. I don't get cable like that at home (local stations only for better reception), so when at this gym I like to watch it. I like Rachel Ray and "Healthy Appetite" done by a woman with short hair who smiles all the time while she talks. I can't remember her name, and that smiling thing is a little annoying, but I sure like her show. Today, however, my timing was such that I saw the tail end of Rachel, and the very beginning of that other show, and in between was Barefoot Contessa. Not a huge fan of hers, sorry. 5 miles at easy peasy 8:47 pace. At the end, I was doing some stretching there on the belt (off, of course) watching the show, and banged my knee hard on the bar in the front. Ow. That was stupid. ETA: Amy... what'd you do Sunday that has you sore?
                          Aamos, cardioversion is only if I go into a-fib again and can't get out of it on my own after several hours. Good point Stumpy, I will keep that in mind about the different drugs. I'd rather not get shocked, even if I don't remember it. Nice to have Tim as my palpitation buddy. It is hard to explain what it feels like to people that don't get palpitations. Like a furry little animal doing back-flips and karate kicks in your chest.

                          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                            4 what I will call tempo type miles right now @. 8:45 pace Glad to hear all thee heart problems around here are getting settled. I have a Physical next month and don't want to catch anything around here. Wink Ribs running in a red dress? Not sure I want to see that but I notice all the wimmin do? Do women like cross dressers like men like lesbians? Just askin ! Wink Big grin Hopeful' Break times over lady. Wink Nice weather this weekend hope you enjoy it. Good runs everyone Larry

                            Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                              . . . like men like lesbians? Just askin ! Wink Big grin
                              Now, why is that, Larry? Huh? Wink The Barefoot Contessa makes things too complicated and she's too into measuring everything. And what's with all the guy friends she has? Anybody notice a seemingly particular trait with most of 'em. Not that I mind, I'm just saying . . . My two favs - Guy Fieri and Giada De Laurentiis aka "speegeetee." Okay - Off to a meeting (((sigh))). All this talk about wine has made me a bit thirsty . . .

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance


                              Renee the dog

                                Fifth, he said I could have wine again! One to three glasses a week.
                                Oh for goodness sakes. A week? He's obviously not French. Yes Did you remind him of what you've been through? Wink

                                GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                                GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!
