Masters Running


It's the Monday Daily, 1.20.14 (Read 43 times)


    Mornin' everyone!


    I hope you all have a good MLK Day.


    Good luck with the achilles, C-R. I hope it heals quickly.


    Stumpy, Yes, you've been down that road to the Wentworth CC before - as you recall, it is part of the course of the Seacoast Half. I'm glad you're company is growing, and that you got a nice gift for your hard work. Nice run yesterday too.


    Nice 12-mi. stabilizer workout, LaT!


    Good mountain 5er in the fog, Enke. I hope you get your long run in today.


    Good 12er on the mountain for you, NHLA. I'm glad you took advantage of the nice weather while you had it.


    A 55-mi. week is very impressive, Mariposai - congrats!


    That's a lot of shoveling, Steve! Yep - spring is getting closer (but not close).


    Glad you got to spend some quality time with DD, Tet.


    I agree with Deeze, Holly - there is nothing sluggish at all about a 17-miler!


    Skiing, hiking and running in the White Mountains - what a great weekend, Lamerunner! Glad the ribs are getting better.


    I'm glad the Ribs is getting better too!


    Nice follow-up to Saturday's run, Deeze.


    Yesterday, I picked up my last pair of the now discontinued Mizuno Musha (I checked online, and can no longer find them in my size). With the others I have in the closet, it'll be Fall before I have to start shoe shopping again. After checking out the local roads late yesterday, I knew there'd be too much of a risk of black ice this morning, so I stayed in. Whenever I drive in our neighborhood and there is slush/snow near the side of the road (and if there is no one running/walking nearby), I always drive over that slush/snow to try to break it down and clear it for me and the others who work out on those roads. Does anyone else do that? Am I too obsessive about wanting clear pavement? We go below freezing tonight, and will be in the teens for most of this week. I'll be bringing in more firewood when I get home today...


    Have a greta Monday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Good morning Jay ans those to follow.  I never thought about trying to drive over the snow in a way to make running/walking easier.  I don't know if conditions were ever in place where I could do something like that but I'll be keeping it in my mind now.


      The day started in the 20's.  By the time I had my coffee and got out to run it was 17°.  We are supposed to get a gradual drop until it gets into the negative numbers tonight.


      I ran 6 miles and felt great.  I had a guy problem I never experienced before and it slowed my last mile and a half.  Part of me got cold and apparently started to withdraw to warmer confines which is an uncomfortable feeling.  I checked a few times to make sure everything was still there.  I tried adding a layer of warmth with an extra glove but half a mile later the glove was making it's way down the inside of my pants. 


      Back to work.






        Does anyone else do that? Am I too obsessive about wanting clear pavement? We go below freezing tonight, and will be in the teens for most of this week


        Nope, not obsessive at all. From someone who's taken a lot of falls on ice, clear pavement is a good thing. Supposed to be below zero here again for the next several days. At least the days are getting longer.


        Thanks for your great recap Jay. And glad you have a good "stash" of your favorite shoes.


        Some great football games yesterday. The post-game interview with that Seattle player (forgot his name) was scary!! I have two step daughters. One lives in Denver and the other in Seattle. The trash talking has already started


        7 miles on the track at the Y this morning, then 20 minutes of core and stretching.  Speaking of daughters, #2 is getting married this Friday. In Mexico. Can't wait to get in some warm weather for a while! We leave tomorrow morning so y'all behave until I get back.


          Jlynne - we hear you.  That's why we're in Costa Rica for 10 days wearing shorts and t-shirts


          so far lots of walking but no running

          King of PhotoShop

            Morning Jay and others.


            I can testify about how strong a runner Mariposai is. You cannot tire the woman.


            Good job Holly.


            I've been cooking up a storm lately with both sons home, and now I've accumulated leftovers, so with everyone back to work tomorrow I think tonight will be a simple seafood and pasta light alfredo and salad.


            My RP comes home from Bermuda today. If you recall she raced a one miler on Friday, a tenK on Saturday and the full marathon on Sunday.  She wisely took it easy in the first two races, then on a hilly course yesterday ran a 3:48 for first AG and 9th overall. Very happy for her. Of course training with me is what did it.


            My Club's 5-minute per day exercise challenge is taking its toll on me.  5 minutes of squats yesterday seemed to make my legs tired today, so ran only 4.  Then I did 310 pushups in 5 minutes, not all at once of course. Separated sets of 50 and 25 with other stretches.  Tomorrow is lunges.


            Gorgeous day here in N. Texas.  Will be in high 60's today, not a cloud in the sky.  Spareribs


              Hey Jay, do you use anything for traction on those icy days? These are what I use and they work great. You'll still slip a bit on glare ice, but they work great on the slick packed snow we have around here. And my DH loves to drive down the slush/snow piles to spread them around, especially on warm spring days so they melt faster and don't freeze into ridges at night. That's what he says, anyway.


              Lamerunner, I sure hope you don't have a cracked rib. Getting an xray? Probably a good idea. Nice multi-sport workouts you've been getting!


              Holly, you got it done, and that's what counts. Remember the rule of crappy workouts? The next one should be pretty good.


              Enjoy Mexico, Jlynne, and congratulations to your DD. And I'm sure Henry and Marj are enjoying Costa Rica... soak it up while you can, frens!


              Our temperatures are warmer than usual, but yesterday was colder than I was expecting. I know, I shouldn't whine, but last week the forecast for the weekend was low 20's both days. Yesterday's run was in 6 to 8 degrees with a breeze from the NW, and damn I almost froze my face off! Needed the balaclava, which was safely tucked away in my drawer at home. Oh well, got it done, as they say. 10.4 miles, just under 8:20 avg and actually was pretty consistent splits.


              Today though, is really warmer already! It's almost 30° here at the house! I'm so glad to have the day off, and was actually thinking of going in to the office to get some clean up done when it's quiet, but nah, I don't think I'll do that!

                ...Since my store is NorthFacing  nothing gets rid of the Ice (except stuff that EATS carpeting) so I KittyLitter the hell out of the parking area,


                works great,

                and vacuums up with no carpet damage

                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                janie b good

                  310 pushups?  RAWR!  lol.


                  I did 2.92 miles outside in the cold!  how impressive am I? *snort*  ... honestly, it felt good to be on the street -vs- the t'mill.


                  happy Monday to all!

                  goodness is its own reward; for more tangible outcomes, you need to try badness.

                  MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                    nothing gets rid of the Ice (except stuff that EATS carpeting) so I KittyLitter the hell out of the parking area, works great, and vacuums up with no carpet damage

                    I couldn't get my daughter to talk about anything but football when she was down here for yesterday's game but, now that their Christmas kitty has made me a cat fan too,. I'll have to ask her what they do with their old kitty litter.


                    ps tom - I'm still giving you credit for every marathon since you helped me through my otherwise marathon-ending aging knee in February 2009. It's not much like running anymore but it's still fun, if not more.  .

                    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                      I couldn't get my daughter to talk about anything but football when she was down here for yesterday's game but, now that their Christmas kitty has made me a cat fan too,. I'll have to ask her what they do with their old kitty litter.

                      .  .


                      I sure hope tomwhite doesn't use old kitty litter on the ice.  That would be pretty nasty.




                        Got my 10k at lunch and my knees are feeling kind of weird. Seems ok now but very odd. DS wants to run tonight so we will hit the indoor track for a few miles. We get another 2-4 inches after midnight tonight. Yay. I get to shovel some more. 


                        Glad you found those shoes Jay. I always check eBay for discontinued ones. Sometimes you strike gold.


                        Dave - windbriefs Best $19 underwear purchase you will ever make. Moving on now.


                        Mexico jlynne - Sounds nice and hope the wedding is great.


                        Nice Ribs. Pretty soon you'll be the star at the local "gun (bicep) show"


                        Kitty litter also is great if you get stuck in snow or mud for tire traction.


                        Enjoy the heat wave evanflein.


                        Off to get my flu shot. Yeah I procrastinate on some things.



                        "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                        "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                          I sure hope tomwhite doesn't use old kitty litter on the ice.  That would be pretty nasty.

                          remind me not to go running barefoot around Tom's place

                          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)



                            Howdy folks,
                            I'm home from Thailand, and checking in to see how you're all doing.


                            Jeanne, enjoy the trip to Mexico and DD's wedding!

                            Marj and Henrun, have fun in Costa RIca!


                            We enjoyed the warm temps in Thailand, but oddly enough I ran in  a skirt today in Denver since it's in the 40's.  And I really like the lack of humidity here!


                            I did an Enke today.  I tripped on a curb crossing the road, and fell face first on the sidewalk.  I scraped both palms, and my right leg and elbow.  Only a little blood, on the elbow.  It figures that on a trail run I'd fall on the only pavement part.  I haven't been running much while I was away -- most places had too much traffic to run safely -- but we did a whole lot of walking and hiking.   Now time to ramp up the miles and readjust to the altitude and time zone!

                            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                              Welcome back, Carolyn.


                              Warm here too; upper 50s.  Snow and cold arrives tomorrow though.


                              13 yesterday, 5 today.

                              Be safe. Be kind.


                                Mexico sounds good! Heck, any place that is warm and has water sounds good to me right now. Normally I don't mind the winter since it allows me to ski, but since we don't have any snow I am feeling ready for warmer weather.


                                11 miles today part of it on the Orchards in bloom route. I passed three runners all training for their first half! It is so awesome!!!

                                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard
