Masters Running


Saturday Nov. 22 Runs, etc (Read 678 times)

    Morning all. Good luck to all the runners in Philly tomorrow....I really wanted to run that. Maybe next year. Stay warm, runners, and stay sane, those who are sidelined.....I'm out for a chilly 7-miler after two treadmill workouts earlier in the week. Walt MTA.....7.6 @ 8:32 m/m.....but it was 17 F out (didn't realize that)'s too early for snotsickles. (ewwwwwwwwwwww)

    Marathon Maniac #3309

      Good morning Walt....hope you have a good run. And thanks for the start off this Saturday Morning. Well, I am at work today to get caught up on paper work, and to be also to get my mind off running. I guess I have finally realized I am down for the count for quite awhile. As I have said before, I never really considered myself an injured non runner. I felt like a few weeks off, and I would be fine and back out on the roads training again...but obviously this is NOT the case. OK, I have taken the first step by not being in denial anymore. The next step is to decide to rest and doing nothing, or find some cross training that won't aggravate my foot. I am leaning towards total rest and think my foot will heal up faster doing nothing...but doing nothing will be hard to, but after an adjustment period I guess I will be fine. Then I will be on a diet too like many of the wimmin here to keep my weight in check (geez, and through the Holiday season too Angry) Thanks for all the encouraging words the past few days. It really has made a huge difference knowing others have gone through the same thing, and have come back stronger than ever. Well tet Buddie, day 20 over and working on the true taper / "non" running starts. And BTW, you are a great and funny guy, thanks. Thanks Tamster Smile Hope everyone has a good day and runs and such....and remember, embrace and enjoy "The Gift" Runner "Wanna Be" TimBo

      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

      Hill Runner

        Good morninig guys, A cold, sunny morning here in the Piedmont 18F when I started my run....just the way I like it! 10.18 miles of hills @ 8:57 pace...I had an icicle on my moustache when I finished...LOL but it was invigorating! I see that Jdmom3 is posting again...welcome Meg! {{{ARF}}} Good runs to all today!

        Upcoming Races:

        Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
        Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
        Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

          I had to go back to yesterday and see for myself.. yup.. jdmom3 really did post. That's exciting! How are you doing Meg? We all agree... injuries just plain suck! When you're injured it's hard to remember running well and when you're running well it's hard to remember being injured. Injuries are also a way to rebuild to a stronger base after the forced down time. Tim... heel spurs are not an issue, it is the torn ligaments/fascia that have to heal.. Heel spurs are really like a ledge but when they do the MRI looking at it from the side it looks like a sharp point. I've got a great MRI shot of mine. Can't imagine that it ever went away and I have no heel pain after the PF healed. Brisk here like Peter had.. 2 mile warmup with Tory at 9:20 pace then 4 mi at 7:54 Total 6 mi in 50:07 (8:21 pace, AHR 156). Wore my Boston Marathon Jacket for the first time on a run.... nice and toasty.

          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

            I've had a twingy hamstring this week and all this talk of injury is making me a little paranoid. Today's a rest day and I may dial back tomorrow's run a bit just to be safe. Healing vibes to all the non-runners. Best of luck--and good weather--to all the racers: 11/22 tselbs - Bad Axe 5K Turkey Trot, Bad Axe MI 11/23 TanyaS - Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathon, Nashville TN 11/23 pfriese - Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathon, Nashville TN 11/23 srlopez - Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathon, Nashville TN 11/23 TomD - Gobbler Grind Overland Park, KS 11/23 Barefoot Rick - Gobbler Grind Marathon, KS 11/23 Sarge - Cleveland West RR Club Half Marathon, Cleveland OH 11/23 SueT48 - Philadelphia Marathon, Philly PA 11/23 nj joe - Philadelphia Marathon, Philly PA (1st!) 11/23 rbbmoose - Philadelphia Marathon, Philly PA 11/23 tetsujin - Shoes-for-Kids Fitness 10K (aka tammy's birthday run), Seattle (Thanks for keeping the race thread going, Ilene. I consult it every week.)

            Be safe. Be kind.

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Good Morning! 15 slow miles for me today, the first 7 miles outside in 17 degrees and the next 8 miles on the TM because DH left early and I had to be there for DD. The TM time had several stops and starts as I dealt with DD issues, thirst, and potty stops, but I got the distance in eventually. I’m okay with that, though. I’m not training for anything right now, and just getting the miles in without hurting myself is my main goal. I’m just grateful to be running at all, however slowly. {{{hugs to the injured runners}}} Good luck to the weekend racers!

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                Easy 3 miles on treadmill just to loosen things up for tomorrow's half. Feeling pretty good no injuries to speak of but on Thursday I developed a blister on back of left heel. It's enough to be bothersome and I'm worried what will happen during the half. I have very little experience with blisters, DW says to put on band-aid tomorrow but I'm afraid it would come loose and cause other problems. I used new socks Thursday and also it was the 1st time these shoes have hit the treadmill. The shoes I was going to wear have been used about 5 times with no problems but the bad rub seems to be unique to these shoes, at least while walking. Suggestions please! Confused Good luck Marathoners Smile

                Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


                  A 74-year-old blind woman's 1 cent debt to a Massachusetts city has been settled. People from across the country called Attleboro City Hall last week to pay the 1 cent balance owed by Eileen Wilbur for an overdue water and sewer bill. Antonia Viveiros, a former city councilman who does not know Wilbur, wrote a check for one penny. Mayor Kevin Dumas said the whole situation was blown out of proportion. Dumas stated "we would never try and go after a citizen who owed us one penny...I misread the balance...I thought she owed us a dollar." Kevin:
                  DickyG--does it help if you call it a Chanukah bush?
                  Actually, when my children were younger...and 99% of their friends were not Jewish..that's exactly what we did. I'd say its a pretty common practice now. Mariposai: Like everyone else, really sorry to hear about your FIL..if he is anything like mine, I'm sure you are great pals. Craneium: The Dexter story...hilarious..that needs to be filed away for inclusion in your autobiography. Dexter sounds like a real-life Bluto from the Popeye stories. Tammy: I'll (FINALLY) get around to reading your RR..saw some of the posted looked strong and confident...and you know what tomorrow is... Amy:
                  To the gym! Beyond the treadmill! To the elliptical!!
                  Hi-Yo-Silver...up, up and away! Jeanne:
                  Today was a rest day for me, so I spent the morning helping at one of the homeless shelters here. It's hard to describe the kind of life these people have. I know many would say their problems are self-imposed, but it's still sad to see people live like this.
                  Very well said! Evryday: Big 6 mile hill run for you yesterday...I sure can't do that. Enke: New cross-training lexicon...brilliant! It's on my fridge... Holly:
                  15 slow miles for me today, the first 7 miles outside in 17 degrees and the next 8 miles on the TM
         are the new Dexter. 4.2 windy frigid miles for me...terribly slow 39:58 (9:31)...had to walk some during last 2 miles when I was going uphill and against the wind. The fireplace will be used today! HR was 141 ave. 150 max..about the same as yesterday...and I wore it upside down. DickyG
                    {{{Mariposai and her DH}}} DickyG, I really enjoy your wit. I'm sitting here shivering -- it was 27°F on average during the run. I was dressed appropriately, but after the run I've cooled off and had some gatorade and I can't get warm. A hot shower will help. 13.2 progression this morning -- I was getting a little nervous as I hadn't broken 10 in the past two weeks. Last week I was foiled by the wind -- it was as windy this week, but I chose a route which was more even -- i.e., it wasn't in my face for 5 miles straight, so I could tough it out. miles@pace(HR): 4@9:16(140), 3@8:54(148), 3@8:25(155), 3@7:58(167) Overall 13.2, 1:54, 8:41/mi, AHR 151 Go racers! I want to try that monkey marathon in Nashville one of these years.

                    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


                      At 6:00 AM, it was 9 degrees here so I wimped out and went to the Y. 8 miles on the dreadmill, 9:41 pace. I tried to run the last five minutes at an 8:00 minute mile pace but thought I was going to fly off the back of the treadmill and only made it 3, but I sure got my heart rate up there! The next stop was to the store to buy a turkey (they had a coupon in the paper - 48 cents a pound). Tim, you want to meet wimmin - the meat department was swarming with them! The store clerk couldn't throw them (turkeys, not women) in the meat case fast enough. It was almost comical - I kept looking for the hidden Candid Camera. Sarge - go buy some liquid bandaid. That stuff works really well on blisters and cuts. Hopefully, that will stop the blister from causing you any pain during your run. Good luck to all the racers this weekend!

                      flatland mountaineer

                        Gorgeous fall morning in Nebraska, clear calm 28 deg on its way to 56. Got in 3.1 miles to salvage something of a running week. We finished fall corn harvest yesterday a month late due to corn that wouldn't dry down and miserable fall weather. Thinking of doing a turkey trot 4 miler in Ft Collins CO, I am far from racing shape but what the hay. Good Luck to the weekend racers!!

                        The whole world said I shoulda used red but it looked good to Charlene in John Deere Green!!

                        Support Ethanol, drink the best, burn the rest.

                        Run for fun? What the hell kind of recreation is that?  quote from Back to the Fut III

                        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                          Well tet Buddie, day 20 over and working on the true taper / "non" running starts. And BTW, you are a great and funny guy, thanks.
                          thank you very much timmy for your good humor that really helped me deal with bein' so depressed this month at the cancellation of one of my favorite marathons earlier in the month (freebie United We Run NYC Sister Marathon on leafy, barefoot-friendly bike paths that, so it seems, got cease'n'decisted from affiliating with the NYC mary and fizzled w/o a big licensing fee). As a weekend fitness runner often on extended tapers, especially in the winter when there's not so many events to entice me to put on my sneakers, . . . I mean take 'em off, this is the first time I've ever had a nonrunning taper-buddie and it's really helped to be able to check the daily everyday to see if you were still tapering too. I'm really sorry that you're still on the DL and may be for a long time, maybe even giving up running through some of next year too. If so, you can be sure I will be be joining you again for the whole month of December after next weekend's Seattle Marathon and, after the annual New Year's Day Resolution 5K Run and shirtless plunge <>with some of the local goddesses i hope)>>> into Lake Washington, through January, and also February, if necessary too. Divechief's done long injury tapers at least two times after various marathons for up to six months but he really is living proof it can have very special benefits. <>arf/arf)>>> In the meantime, maybe you're already a good swimmer but, with an Ironman in your future (I know you are thinking half but please plan on the full sometime too; if I can, you can), most of swimming power is in the shoulders so, maybe pool run a little bit, but make developing a powerful stroke your goal for the next few months and just let your feet drag behind. Well, it's been a pleasure but, with her taking time to run the first five miles of the inaugural Eugene Marathon with me for real and spiriting me up at the mile 20 goddess aid station - and Portland too, I've been looking forward to ending the current four week taper tomorrow with a virtual tammy run (she doesn't want anyone to know it's her birthday, so don't tell). Why don't you dedicate something tomorrow to her too and maybe start thinking about something in the future you can look foward to too. <>SeattleRnR-tammy&tim/ilene&tim/mariposai&tim/evanika&tim/arf&tim/holly&tim aamos&tim/enkika&tim/franci&tim/marilynmonroe/TBA)>>>
                          Easy 3 miles on treadmill just to loosen things up for tomorrow's half. blister on back of left heel. the bad rub seems to be unique to these shoes, at least while walking. Suggestions please!Confused
                          doesn't seem like such a great idea to run in those shoes for 13.1 miles no matter what else you might wear (or not). With regard to the TM, many of my runningbarefoot buddies use the TM in the winter too to avoid ice and snow on their soles plus there's a lot of shoddies running at inclines of 1-2% to avoid heel striking and get used to the mid/forefoot landings recommended for injury-free running by Posetech, ChiRunning, Mindful Running. Incidentally, though many gyms claim to require footwear of some sort, the LIfeFitness reps in Seattle said barefoot is just fine (otherwise, just put on socks, aquasocks, etc.) ====================== nonrunners anonymous - COR 11/21/08 (Friday) lamerunner - 11 erika - 19 twocat - 19 timbi - 20 tet - 27

                          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                            6 miles with DW this morning. It sometimes amazes me how we build things up in our minds to be one thing and they turn out to be something else entirely. I was not thrilled initially when I saw the wind chill was 12. Put on the appropriate clothing and headed out the door and had a fantastic run. i really need to keep today in mind next time I don't want to run.
                              Actually tetsujin209 I am not so sad to say I have as of today officially dropped out of the 40/0 club! Next step: work my way back to the 40/40 club. So, Holly you better be saving me a spot over in the thread! I plan to be back sometime in December. Big grin In the meantime 5 miles with my DW at a blazing 10:00/mile pace. Wow I never thought 5 miles was such a looooong way! biketm hang in there! Running injuries have one really big advantage over most other sports injuries: they heal and heal fully. It is really frustrating now and will be again when you start up again but eventually you will come back and run as well as you ever have yet again.

                              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                                I love reading everyone's posts ! To all you Harpeth Hill Monkey Marathoners, I hope you'll post a RR! {{{healing vibes to all injured, or otherwise out of commision runners}}}}} It was 19 degrees when I set out on my 8 mile run. Warm and toasty in my fleece jacket but felt like I weighed 200 and could only do 5.2 miles. It wasn't the jacket, it was the wine and pizza last night. Here is my Saturday so far: 7 - 8 - ran 5.2 8 - 9 - lifted weights 9 - 10 - yoga class 10 - 10:45 - swam a mile Now to watch Vandy clobber UT. Happy Weekend !!