Masters Running


End of October Daily Thread 10/31 (Read 636 times)


     Didn't hear a thing Tet, but I would like to run a tough 50 mile trail race tho...


    Dances with Dirt right here in good old Indiana. Gnawbone, IN that is.

    "He conquers who endures" - Persius
    "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


    The Dovenator

       Didn't hear a thing Tet, but I would like to run a tough 50 mile trail race tho...wonder if it's tougher than the Bandera 100K this January ?






      You'll find your answer here:

      "it's just like having fun, but different"

      Renee the dog

        PBJ. hang in there! 


        1 mile just to loosen the limbs before making a 5 hr r/t drive to see my Mom at the Nursing home.  Had the kids and Mr Nono in tow.  The kids wore their Halloween costumes (Sheriff Woody from Toy Story and Princess Tiana from The Princess and the Frog).  Most of the workers at the home were dolled up too, so it was festive and fun!


        Now, we're in the lull before our final event of the actual Trick or Treating.  Our kids are so darn lucky.  They'll do maybe 6 blocks? total, and come home loaded with candy.  Really nice when you figure 75-80% of the homes are vacant this time of year, and those that are inhabited are mostly Seniors who've long had their children leave the nest.  People are very kind around here. Smile


        Happy Halloween!

        GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

        GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


          Congratulations to TriMrsTramps!


          had a nice weekend here. probably not so great from my sons perspective though. they lost the championship game on Saturday night, plus the Beavers lost, plus the Seahawks lost, plus the 49'ers won. so basically, if you ask him, his entire wknd sucked. Although he was happy to hear the 7th grade football coach at his school was watching his game Sat. night (DS plays 6th grade tackle for our local boys and girls clubs) and basically "scouted" him out at Saturday nights game. Said "there's my star wide receiver for next year!".  I told David that often good things do come out of some not so great things.


          I enjoyed the wknd though (okay, not him and his team losing part), but weather was superb, I had a great time volunteering at our local HM on Saturday morning, I got in about 5 mile runs both Saturday and Sunday and I slept in Sunday until almost 8 a.m. That's a rarity!


          Since we are coming up to the end of the year and I haven't done any racing since June (and don't plan on any more this year), I've been starting to think of next years races.  I think I'll get back into the smaller local races we have here and use those as tune-up races/training runs again like I did in 2010. I've been re-thinking my plans for Avenue of the Giants in May. There is a local 30K trail run I'd like to do and it's the weekend prior to The Ave, so probably not good timing to tackle two big races like that back to back. PLUS , I can always run the Redwoods Marathon in October, which is the same as The Ave. So, now I'm thinking that might be the better option for me. the 30K trail run on 4/29/12 as sort of my bigger spring race and then a fall marathon down in the Redwoods. hmmmmm. yes, talking to myself here.


          Mary, how's Brinkley today?


          Mike E

          MM #5615

             Be nice, even to the rude folks - it kills 'em.

   said "rude" folks...never mind...


            Hey--glad to hear you're okay PBJ.


            I sure hope all the other easterners are okay and check in soon.


            Well, this has been a tough day.  Nine more people from my company were let go today.  Four were from my department...which leaves me.  While I'm greatful to have a job--I'm feeling pretty guilty about it.  These were all good people.  They were still here because they were the best.  They did the work and I managed them.  I sure hope I can figure out how they did everything.


            Anyway--I'm not sure about my run, tonight.  I'll be going out trick-or-treating with the grandkids.  Yep--it will be 35 years in a row that I have taken either my kids or my grandkids out trick-or-treating.  It should be fun.  Oh--PICTURES!  I can take some more pictures!  You lucky people.


            Okay--that's it--see ya.

              ...good luck mikeE////.......think IndispensibleThoughts......

              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                Checking in after an interesting weekend. I know, I know I'm so waaay behind in reading the daily reports, and knowing what you all are up to. I apologize, but I just haven't had time. Things should slow down after Thanksgiving.


                Saturday - I'm RD of the Great Bay 5K (Stratham, NH) that was held Saturday morning. 1,000+ registered , 816 finished, new men's course record (14:36), no major glitches (well, except that some of our online registrations didn't download, even 48 hrs after those folks signed up!), and some good feedback from the racers. Don't know yet how much we raised for our non-profit. Weather was 32 degrees, very slight wind, hazy sun followed by cloud cover. We were all grateful we beat the coming storm.We've had our fair share of storms, so we were glad to have a dry day.


                Saturday night - get out the generator and set it up, just in case. Bring in a few loads of firewood, just in case. Check the website for Sunday's half: It reads 'Live Freeze and Die - this is NH and the race is on (unless the police make us cancel).'


                Sunday morning - get up at 4 (thanks to the grandfather clock, 'cause the power's gone). Start a fire in the woodburner, crank up the generator so DW will at least have some light when she wakes up, and can plug in the coffee maker (which I loaded the night before). Have a snack, check the race web site again (still good to go), pack my bag and get on the road at about 5:15. The walkers start at 8:30 - this is normally a 2-hr. drive, but I didn't know how bad the roads might be and gave myself extra time. Sure enough, the roads near here were completely snow-covered and slick with heavy winds to make it more exciting. I was going 40-45 on the highway and was passing the few other nuts out there. As I got further north, the roads started to clear - encouraging. 10 minutes from the race site, and I hear on the radio that it's canceled! I went anyway to get confirmation. Sure enough - even though the roads are only wet, and even the shoulders are clear, there's no race. And no reason for the cancellation. One of the organizers told me the police canceled about 10 minutes after I left home, and refused to wait till 7:30-8:00 to see how conditions improved. Bummer. The race announcer is a friend, and he said folks were going to hang out and then have a group run instead of the race. But I was a little worried about DW and the house. So I got my shirt (which they were gladly handing out) and headed home. Still no power, so we plugged the fridge into the generator extension cord. We spent the afternoon moving cartons from a storage shed to the office condo we just bought. Made 3-4 trips and also got more gas for the generator. The new place has a shower, and it had power, so we enjoyed hot showers (we're on a well at home, so with the pump out, we didn't even have cold water, except for the gallon jugs we bought) before calling it a day.


                Monday - went for a nice 8-miler this morning, hearing the hum of generators all along the way. Then DW got up and we went for today's showers, and spent the next few hours doing more moving, and stopping at the local library for some wifi. The power finally came back on at about 3 today. DW leaves tomorrow for a business conference, and I'll follow the next day. Never a dull moment.



                Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

                  Hi Rosy!


                  OK, if I get into a scrape I want Leslie on my side.  Whew!


                  I am down to 10 pitiful miles each week (one year with this nagging back/leg pain), but oh well.  It's kind of hard to identify as a runner when I don't feel like running, can't get any decent mileage, and have no race goals right now.  Boo!  I want my old running obsession back!


                  My son is at college and can now get around to classes and might pass a couple of those classes, too... A month ago we wouldn't have thought this was possible (huge gamble).  Brain hemorrhages suck.  Not sure I've mentioned that before (hah -- sorry for the one-note samba this past year). 


                  Happy Halloween! 


                    Econo - I totally relate on the running front. I actually made it to 47 miles in October and that is a huge jump from the last 2 mos only being in the low 30's! lol I lack motivation and desire to run, have not had any running goals for much too long now and generally struggle to get to even 2 miles w/o having to take a walk break. ughhh.


                    on another note though, I'm so glad to hear that Ben seems to be doing better and is going to pass some classes. That's really a huge accomplishment and I would say with all your preoccupation and devotion to helping him succeed (or maybe some days it was a simple as just helping him get from one class to another!) as well as other events going on, that it's no wonder running has taken a back seat for awhile and that's okay you know. Life will settle back down and then there will be more time and enjoyment for running again.


                      on another note though, I'm so glad to hear that Ben seems to be doing better and is going to pass some classes. That's really a huge accomplishment and I would say with all your preoccupation and devotion to helping him succeed (or maybe some days it was a simple as just helping him get from one class to another!) as well as other events going on, that it's no wonder running has taken a back seat for awhile and that's okay you know. Life will settle back down and then there will be more time and enjoyment for running again.




                      Got a big Big grin at reading Ben is at college!


                      And when I get mad, my face gets all hot and red, my words come tumbling out 90 mph, I can feel my pupils dilating . . .  Blush

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance



                        And when I get mad, my face gets all hot and red, my words come tumbling out 90 mph, I can feel my pupils dilating . . .  Blush



                        See what I mean?  Wow.  In a situation like you were in, I'd be like "oh, I'm really sorry to bother you, but ...oh never mind, very sorry, really a cute doggie you have..."


                        Yeah, Tammy, you're right.  I miss the running obsession feeling, but on the other hand I don't feel the least bit guilty, considering the circumstances.  I've just been pretty focused this year! 


                        MM #6177

                          I haven't caught up with the weekend's posts, since we were without power for most of it. My town was hit rather strongly by this storm; Snotober they're calling it. This was the big bar mitzvah weekend, if anyone recalls me mentioning it. The service and dinner Friday night were fine, though my SIL started receiving cancellations as early as Thursday. DS arrived home via train from Maryland that evening, though a bit late into the evening's events to make it feasible for one of us to pick him up from Newark (40 minutes away with no traffic). So we sent a car service for him and that all worked out great.


                          Saturday saw big fat flakes falling by late morning, so by the time my nephew's service and luncheon was done around 1:30pm, we had a couple inches of snow on the ground. We needed gas in the car as we were driving home, so we stopped at the gas station in the center of town on the way back. No power! So we continued down the street to another one... and were literally inches from being in the path of a huge snow-covered tree branch that succumbed to the weight of the snow on its leaves. Yikes! We made it to the next gas station with no incident, then went home to wait for the party in the evening.




                          About an hour or so after we got home, the power died. Power lines were being felled by falling tree branches all over town, and it was becoming rather treacherous to venture outside. That's what you get for living in a tree-lined suburb, eh? Whodathunk that could be such a dangerous neighborhood...


                          Now my SIL still had power, so that was the good news.... but the bad news was that the facility where the party would be that night did not. Have I mentioned before that my SIL tends to attract bad luck? oy...


                          So the party was off for that night. After tons of frantic phone calls (and multiple updates on FB to let all many of the guests know), it was decided that the party would be moved to 4pm on Sunday, same location. Though power had still not been restored there by the time we went to bed Saturday night... and neither at our house as well...


                          Sunday. More frantic phone calls. A new location! 40 minutes south and west of us, rather than the next town over, and about 100 less guests... but there would still be a party! OK, so I had left Sunday open for my long run this week, but obviously I'd have to skip it. No matter; I had woken up with a cramping groin muscle that was pulling on my quad terribly and could barely walk... thank you karma!


                          So are you all still with me? Wink We get to the new party facility just a few minutes after my SIL and her family, early enough for the family photos. She is livid. Why? Because when she had just gotten there, the power was out in that place too! This is way too much grief for anyone to handle, even her... needless to say, as soon as we got there, the power was restored. I'd like to think it was our positive karma, helping out....


                          And the party went on! Everyone had a great time, including the extra guests that we were instructed to invite ("bring all your friends!")  so that the food wouldn't go to waste. Actually, from anyone's viewpoint other than the immediate group, no one would ever know there had been any hitches in the plan at all. As I always say (and my SIL always ignores), things work out.


                          Since I didn't get to run over the weekend, I did my long run today. 12.25 miles in just a shade under two hours (groin/quad felt fine). I'm a little nervous about this coming weekend's long run of 18 miles, though. Not the distance so much as when I'll have a chance to do it. I can't do it on Sunday since I'll be in NYC watching MrOM run his marathon. That will be less than a week between long runs. It is what it is, I guess.


                          Congrats to Mrs Tramps!

                          Hi Rosie!

                          Hope everyone is doing well and is safe with this crazy weekend's weather!


                          Needless to say, it was a wacky good time. Smile

                            Just cause I knew you all wanted to see my avatar today.

                            And Econo said "boo".  I hear you on the 10 miles a week.  I think 18 is the highest mpw I've gone in several weeks.

                            I had a busy weekend cleaning and re-organizing stuff.  My two least favourite activities.


                            Tramps, huge kudos to your Ironwoman.  I can't even wrap my head around the idea of 14 hours of sustained cardio.

                            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."



                              Tramps -  sorry your Iron woman is telling you to "man up."  Hope we can still be imaginary friends?  Smile  Tell her I'm looking forward to her RR.


                              Sorry to hear the woes from the east coast - PBJ, Jay, and OM. I wonder if Karin and Twocat were affected too?    Hope no one had any major damage.


                              Skip - you know I was just giving you grief that the lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math? Our receptionist at work won $300,000 this weekend in the Colorado lottery!  I wonder if she'll buy us a new trailer and bobcat. (still no news on the insurance.)


                              Too busy at work to RAL so I'll RAW. Beautiful day here, 65° and sunny.  They're predicting 4-8" of snow in town and 6-12" in the mountains on Tuesday night so I'll enjoy the shorts weather while it lasts.


                              MikeE - the snow will hopefully be mostly gone by the time you get here on Friday night. It's supposed to be 50° on Friday.  For Ryan's race on Saturday, it's only supposed to be in the 30s with a 30% chance of snow.




                               As I always say (and my SIL always ignores), things work out.



                              OM, this is my philosophy too.

                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                                Hey All,


                                Tet - no I have never raced more than a HM west of the Mississippi.  One of my goals for next year though is to run at least one "west coast" ultra - CA/OR/WA and maybe two or three.  Some buddies and I are entering the lottery for Miwok 100K with R2R2R as our backup for May.  There's a 50K near Portland with gorges & waterfalls that another NY ultra friend suggested.  And I received some nice suggestion here a few months back (SOB, McKenzie River, Forest Park).  But the White River 50 just looks spectacular.  I know it will be hard - most of the western races have a lot more climb/descent than the eastern races do and on top of that many are at altitude.  I'm not looking to win my AG at any of these, just finish within the cutoff.  So I am seriously interested in White River 50, especially if you can convince some of the Western Ultra Goddesses to join the fun.


                                Timbo - no she's not.  She had to switch to JJ100 for fam schedule conflicts.


                                Carolyn - I know you were (BTW I was not).


                                Oh yeah, running.  I didn't.  I took a rest day.  And the earth continued to turn.


                                Peace Friends,


