Masters Running


THURSDAY Oct. 9 Boomers Runs and Cinnamon Donuts (Read 586 times)

The Jogger

    I realised that was a doughnut on a second take, our doughnuts look different over here. Nice run Mary, I think our pace/HR seem to be about the same effort v's pace. Tim, bet you can't wait to taper! do you taper? so full of energy! Tramps hope you feel better tomorrow, Holly coming up to the eerie time of year, nono hope you stay on your feet, nice run Peter great pace on the hills.Denise bad place to have a twitchie nerve Smile AA on my trail today was sunny with a gentle breeze, excellent, Tall you make a great coach, I bet. Did an 8.5 hilly trail today, two ladies out on their horse's I was running up the hill and they said,'we're impressed' I said said it's woody thats impressive as he run along ahead of me. Good job they're English :-) Anyway 8.5m 01:34:38 @ 11:08 pace AHR 146 67% Good Runs All Roy
      (So what would a Brit doughnut look like and still be a "doughnut"?) What a beautiful day for a mid-morning run. Same weather as Mary's, but with the sun up in the brilliant blue autumnal skies, breaking through colorful leaves overhanging my Paint Creek Trail, fallen leaves crunching underfoot, and just a scattering of other runners and bikers occasionally spotted. I felt so good that I made it an LSD 10-miler at a 10-minute pace for my longest run of the year. Just what I needed to lift me up today. In a few hours I'm leaving with my DS to drive to Nashville for my brother's wedding. 52 years old and he's finally tying the knot, then leaving for Jolly Old England to take over the Newcastle Film Festival (he's been Artistic Director of the Nashville festival the last few years). I'll have to get over there for a visit sometime. Here's hoping for the same running experience for everyone else!

      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


        Beautiful day in Central IN. Heading out to the trail under sunny skies and 60-something deg. Yesterday was a rest day. Now, back at it. 10 days to the HM... Should I start the carb-loading? Oh, yeah, I've been doing that for 30 years. Wink TC "My life is one big taper!"
        I hear ya friend. We run long distance so we can carb-load, right? Will run this afternoon. Today is deep breathing day for me before the storm. Will get a massage, get my hair cut and a manicure. Vanity day for my butterfly wings, I guess. twocats, dying to see how you decided to embrace your training week this week. Good luck on your HM. Did convince DW to run it too? Holly, you are so disciplined with your training. I should shadow you. My sweetie invited me for an uphill walk last night...that was not fun three days marathon postpartum, specially the downhill part. You are looking good dg

        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


        One day at a time

          Doug, I hope you have a good time at your brother's wedding! How exciting. A greta 5.0-mile run with my RP today - felt great! Did it in 53:51, whoo hoo. Smile I encouraged her to go as long as she could without walking, and she made it the entire way! I think we're both back on track now. Then I met my friend Kim, who is starting C25K. We did 2 miles in 25 minutes - 5 minutes walking, and then alternating between 60 seconds running and 90 seconds walking. She was pushing her baby in a jogging stroller and did great! It's been almost exactly two years since I started C25K, so I'm going to enjoy doing it with a newbie. It blows my mind that I'm helping someone else do what I never thought I could do!
            roch, have a good trip and a good time at your brother's wedding. teresa, way to be a help and a role model for your friends. Nice long runs for enke (I enjoyed your random thoughts), bike (with 5K PR in the middle), and Peter. Good job on the speedwork for busi and Holly. This morning it was about 50 with just a light wind. I did 8 miles in a bit over 1:18 for a 9:46 pace. With a similar starry morning, temperature, and pace, I guess I had a virtual run with Hopeful A good day and good runs for all. TomS

            The Jogger

              Here Doug have a doughnut [IMG][/IMG] In Belfast were I grew up, we use to call your doughnuts, gravy rings....... roy

                Mary! on the day I'm pulling my self up by my stretched out bootstraps, now there's constant flailing by cinnamon donuts! Wink. It was a wow morning here too. Nice run, nice heartrate! Bob, as always, you amaze me. I'm glad all parts are in working order. Poor Tramps. I hope it goes away soon. Way to hang in there. Nono, I'm glad you like the Frees.. I don't hear about a lot of people wearing them, but in anything else I feel like an elephant. Glad you mentioned the vamp.. I hadn't thought about that. I'll keep that in mind when looking for alternates. a friend of mine got arrested with Grace Slick. Smile this was a very long time ago. Smart choice you made. I wiped out on wet boards once. graceful is not my middle name. Erika, funny about the i-pod. You listen to solarmix 6 a lot, don't you? i'll have to try that. i've just started running to music, only on Fridays. not sure if I like it.. downloaded some things that just don't work. So far I've only liked solarmix 8 & Dave's Propellerheads. (for running). thanks for the encouragement the other day. You too, DickyG (DG) 5.02 miles, 9:43 average pace, don't know the max because i know the 4:20 reported is a big lie. ahr 16?, mhr 180. went a little better this morning, but i'm still slower than i was for a while. not sure why. then 2 sets on the weight machines, stab. ball set, stretches. I haven't had time to finish what's been written so far, hope to get back in a bit.

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  I said said it's woody thats impressive as he run along ahead of me.
                  Of course, just HOW impressive depends on HOW FAR your Woodie runs ahead of you..... Big grin

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    with the sun up in the brilliant blue autumnal skies, breaking through colorful leaves overhanging my Paint Creek Trail, fallen leaves crunching underfoot, and just a scattering of other runners and bikers occasionally spotted. I felt so good that I made it an LSD 10-miler at a 10-minute pace for my longest run of the year. Just what I needed to lift me up today.
                    Sounds lovely - nice run! Enjoy your trip.

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                      Tallrunner, let's not start on the treadmill bashing. If I didn't run on the treadmill, I wouldn't run at all some days! Tramps, I think it was Enke with the time comments...hope the tummy trouble passes quickly. Teresa, that's wonderful, sort of a "pay it forward" kind of thing. Doug, at least your brother hasn't been in a big hurry, right? Have fun... Deb, I ended up listening to mostly solarmix 8 last night, but 6 and 8 are my favorites. #2 comes in handy when I need to do intervals or am in a really pissy mood... Evil grin Cold here this morning!! 8F downtown, but not colder than 15 at my house. But it's clear and the mountain range looks gorgeous out my south-facing window. Wow... my view from work is definitely an office perk. I might run outside tonight after work, but (Tallrunner don't read this...) the treadmill in the basement is so handy when I have so much going on at home. Need to start packing for my trip... leave at 6 a.m. on Saturday and so much to do still!
                        Tallrunner, let's not start on the treadmill bashing. If I didn't run on the treadmill, I wouldn't run at all some days!
                        Yeah I'll have to agree with you on this one Erika, although I hate the treadmill with a passion I am also very thankful that I can use one when necessary, especially during the winter months when darkness and bad weather both cause some serious safety issues for runners. Without the ability to run on a treadmill even those damned 20 mile long runs at times my training would have suffered seriously on many occasions. I'm sure Tall feels the same way and was giving someone a bit of grief for the fun of it...not that I would ever do that! Wink
                          Yeah I'll have to agree with you on this one Erika, although I hate the treadmill with a passion I am also very thankful that I can use one when necessary, especially during the winter months when darkness and bad weather both cause some serious safety issues for runners. Without the ability to run on a treadmill even those damned 20 mile long runs at times my training would have suffered seriously on many occasions. I'm sure Tall feels the same way and was giving someone a bit of grief for the fun of it...not that I would ever do that! Wink
                          Treadmills are for Americans Big grin Us Canucks prefer going out snowshoeing or running beside our dog teams when the weather gets rough. Not enough of our homes or igloos have electricity as it is so treadmills are a huge luxury. Maybe our inability to train indoors has impacted our ability to win Boston. Maybe that's why it's been so long since a Canadian has won Boston. Oh wait, I guess it's been a while for Americans too... hmm...Well the snow's already starting to fly outside and temperatures are dipping into single digits and I have very little smoked salmon stocked up...better get fishing. Can you do that on a treadmill. Crazy Canuck... Tall

                          Recent Best times: None recently

                            Treadmills are for Americans Big grin Us Canucks prefer going out snowshoeing or running beside our dog teams when the weather gets rough. Not enough of our homes or igloos have electricity as it is so treadmills are a huge luxury. Maybe our inability to train indoors has impacted our ability to win Boston. Maybe that's why it's been so long since a Canadian has won Boston. Oh wait, I guess it's been a while for Americans too... hmm...Well the snow's already starting to fly outside and temperatures are dipping into single digits and I have very little smoked salmon stocked up...better get fishing. Can you do that on a treadmill. Crazy Canuck... Tall
                            You said it first Tall ... you are one Crazy Canuk ... and a FAST one at that! Wink
                              I scored some negative environmental points today when I drove up to Cougar Mtn to run. It is only about a 10 minute drive, but all uphill, hate to think of the unnecessary pollution I caused. It was a chilly 42F, so I wore shorts, cause I'm tuff. Mine was the only car in the parking lot. I laced up my trail shoes and set out to do the 5 mile loop that was the same as the trail race I did there in May. I took a wrong turn and inadvertently shortened the course to 4 miles. The trails seemed trickier since they were strewn with big wet maple leaves and such. I felt like the only soul on the mountain. Nature called so I went off into the bushes to take care of business and moments later another runner came by with her dog. Roll eyes I don't know if she saw me but the dog clearly became alert and was about to flush me out when the owner called him. Whew. Legs felt surprisingly good. Holly Shocked Big grin Enjoy the cool weather folks!

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                                I don't know if she saw me but the dog clearly became alert and was about to flush me out when the owner called him. Whew.
                                Hmmmm it must have been a male dog...yes? Roll eyes LOL