Masters Running


Monday, July 7th Dailies (Read 733 times)

    Good morning, all! Dave - thanks for being brave enough to start the daily - good job!! Vista - come back and visit - we'll miss you! Twocat - I'm with you on the muggy conditions - I don't remember CT being quite this muggy at this time last year. 16 hot and humid miles @10:14 pace on the trail yesterday. Fortunately, it was mostly overcast and the sun didn't show up until we were driving home. I thought I felt good enough to do 20, but decided to quite while I was ahead. I don't know if it was all of the extra holiday food or what, but the long miles this week felt so much better than 12.5 the previous week. 7 muggy hilly miles @ 9:51 pace this morning. There was heavy fog that I thought was getting progressively heavier until I realized it was just my fogged up glasses ;-). Good runs to all!

    Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

      ...........Tomwhite: What a great story! Now go take a bath...
      Big grin

      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

        Here's a really good article about running in the HHH from the International Herald Tribune. I spent most of the weekend on two wheels once again: Friday with my DW riding the beautiful new "Riverwalk" along the Detroit River, including a lap around Belle Isle (Detroit's "Central Park" equivalent). Then Saturday a 42-mile charity ride that included a ferry crossing and ride around Harsen's Island (Lake St. Clair) in absolutely perfect weather conditions. And, finally, another 14 hot, sluggish miles with my DW yesterday on a local rail-trail. One upcoming problem: if I ever get back to running this summer I'm going to look strange in my running shorts since I've developed a definite "biker's tan" with the shorts that come down just above the knee. Smile Good running (and/or riding), everyone!

        Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

        "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

        King of PhotoShop

          Yes Dicky, I was kidding, and the reason is that I often do the exact same thing. I think of times I ran many years ago and ask myself, "Why am I going so slow? I did this way faster in 1984!" Breger that is an important point, the mention of "mature" runners. The fact is that as we age we just don't recover as fast. We cannot hammer every day. Perch, as for the way Pfitz has that long day after a hard run, people have to figure out if that works all right for them. There are people in their early 40's here who could not do those back to backs and people in their early 60's who could do them fairly easily. Here is what I have observed about Pfitz. When people do one of his programs for the first time, there is a pretty substantial injury risk, but the second time through it seems to go a little better. You and Breger are yourselves good evidence of that because you are stronger for one, and for another you are now experienced enough to know what you are capable of and what will put you on the DL. For people new to running, the hard-easy approach is a useful and safe way to do it. Spareribs

          Marathon Maniac #3309

            As Ribs has me on a Marathon training plan, I now realize the healing benefits of these 3 or 4 mile recovery runs. Till this point with "my own" training plan, I thought such short runs were a waste of time...not anymore. Oh yeah, I have officially chose my first Marathon this Fall - Nov 1st.... Is this the time I should get one of those shirts to wear that says "3 months ago this seemed like a good idea" when I get to mile 20 and start to "feel it" Big grin. And no, I wouldn't wear a shirt like that in a race Smile My first choice was actually the Columbus Marathon and was excited about meeting Holly and her family, as she graciously offered me to stay in her families home. But it is about 3 1/2 hours away and the race is on Sunday and would be a difficult ride back home AFTER running a Marathon.....why have a Marathon race on Sunday? I can't think of one benefit or advantage of a big Sunday Marathon with people commuting to the race and needing to get back to work on least in my case. Sorry Holly, it would have been fun, but there is always next year Smile Joey Joey Joey, you better at least check in and say hi now and then....or better yet, don't leave at all . But whatever you decide, I wish the very best for you and your endeavors. ( though I think you are taking what happened the other day a little to personal) Have a great day all, Tim

            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

            Renee the dog

              1 mi -- just a warm up for tonight. I'm afraid I won't have time for all 5 tonight, so I had to go by the old house anyway, so I ran over, put out the trash and came back in 8:26. Now, it's just 4 tonight, and I think Renee will be able to go with me the whole way if the coolish weather holds. Yippee! Everywhere I look right now (not just RA), lots of drama/angst/whutever you want to label it. My only suggestion to anyone feeling that is BREATHE. That's all I got. Wink

              GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

              GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

              Marathon Maniac #957

                Tim - that looks like a great marathon. Hey, maybe I'll do that one next year, and we could meet up for some post-race food and chat. I'll be interested in hearing about your experience there this year.

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                Hill Runner

                  Good morning all, A rest day always follow a LR day for about "mature runners"....LOL Dicky it's a 1986 Porsche 944 turbo..although many purists will never consider any "water-cooled" Porsche a true Porsche... Big grin The truth about these cars is that many older ones such as mine are really NOT expensive to purchase...the trick is being able to work on it yourself instead of paying the mechanic $100 an hour... Big grin That the real obstacle with owning these cars... Good runnin' to all today

                  Upcoming Races:

                  Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                  Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                  Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                    Joey - you are a dear, dear man, but I really believe you are making a mountain out of a molehill here. IMO, you're taking this whole thing way too seriously. If you must take a break from RA to pursue other goals, that is well and good, but please don't feel like you have to go.
                    Ditto. I don't really get your reaction to this. Hope to hear more from you. I hope I didn't scare you off! I'd feel terrible. No running for me today. I thought I'd lay low since I'm on a liquid-only diet for the day in prep for my first-ever colonoscopy tomorrow. (Oh, joy!) Bad genes---father had colon cancer, older sister's already had pre-cancerous polyps--resulted in my doc insisting I get this done at the ripe old age of 45. Yuck.

                    Be safe. Be kind.

                      Joey - I'm with Holly and Tramps and others here -- no worries, just discussion. Nobody here and nothing said here should make you nervous. But like Bill said, if you are busy of course we all understand that. Best of luck with that book and everything else you are doing!

                      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


                        Vista/Joey - I hope you read down at least this far. I really don't my first ever "new topic" post on this forum to be known as the one where you left. I could not live with the shame. Were all cyber-neighbors and you can't just quit talking to your neighbors.



                          I would like to know what constitutes a hard day? I try to have a easy day before and after a hard day but it becomes harder as I want to do more quality workouts during the week. My problem right now is that I want to start hill workouts on Thursdays. Typical schedule for me is: Sunday Long Monday x train ( Biking & weights) Tuesday Easy and short Wednesday Medium long ( at least 1/2 @ MP) Thursday Easy and short (want to do hills) Friday OFF rest Saturday MP Sunday long I believe I can handle the extra load or do you think I should back off the MP miles during my Wednesday run when I pick up the hill workouts. I like my weekend with MP Saturday and long Sunday because I believe it gave me the endurance I needed in my last Marathon. It works out to 3 ,30 mile weekends before taper. These are big confidance boosters for me. I book end my weekends with pretty easy schedules to insure a good weekend of quality runs. Monday x train and Friday rest. I know a lot of you here run more miles and more days than me but I have had to re adjust my 7 day a week schedule that i used to run to less because I was consistantly getting overuse injuries. These are important descussions and we all learn so much from them. Thanks for any input. Larry

                          Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                          King of PhotoShop

                            Larry, can you give us a bit more detail on what you mean by "long" and "easy" and "short" and "1/2 at MP". Also the mileage on Saturday and Sunday especially, where it looks like you have back to back tough days. I have no opinion about your week absent more information. Spareribs
                              Oh yeah, I have officially choose my first Marathon this Fall - Nov 1st.... Is this the time I should get one of those shirts to wear that says "3 months ago this seemed like a good idea" when I get to mile 20 and start to "feel it" Big grin. And no, I wouldn't wear a shirt like that in a race Smile Tim
                              Tim, congrats on taking on the challenge! You'll start to feel it alright. But it'll be such an amazing feeling!! See the beauty and keep a smie on your face during this experience. Good luck!
                              Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
                                I must have missed all the drama from before, nothing new to me though. For me today 12 miles at a comfortable pace. Time to tear more stuff out of the kitchen, the cabinets are shipping soon.