Masters Running


Sunday June 29th Daily (Read 34 times)

mustang sally

Bad faerie

    Hillypalooza indeed!  about 8 miles over hill and dale in one of my favourite parks.  I liked it there so much that I stayed and swam for half an hour in the lake, too.


    Avenger Doggie slays me.

    Sayhey! MM#130

      Agree with Holly, Mike!


      Really smiling right now, thank you David .


      Jay, hope that your leg is A-ok.


      Me too "hills,"  or 6 bridge repeats.  Hot here today, started at 6 am at 78 degrees, was 85 at the end.

      I couldn't even look at the other H but I was dripping.


      It rained Friday night before sunset so Sat am was cooler, got in 20 in under 3 hours, starting at same time (6 am).


      oh oh, stoopid baserunning.  gotta go....see y'all tomorrow!  (for a piece or two of my mind)

        I'm at 102.8 so I only have to run .2 to get a prime total!! 


        Oh, since tomorrow is the last day of June, please try to plan your mileage to end on a prime number for the month!  Here's a handy table of primes for you!  


          2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23
        29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67
        71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109
        113 127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167
        173 179 181 191 193 197 199 211 223 227
        229 233 239 241 251 257 263 269 271 277
        281 283 293 307 311 313 317 331 337 347


        Mike E

        MM #5615

          Hello everybody!


          Good luck with the 2 new doors, enke!


          I really suffered today on my 3 hour run.  Yeah, it was hot, but there was a strong wind that actually made it feel cool at times, so I can't really use the heat as an excuse.  I ran about 11 miles on paved roads and trails up to a nature center that had hills and grass/wood chip trails.  I was only about to do about a 3 mile loop though before I had to head for home.  My pace just kept getting slower and slower with every mile.  With 3 miles to go, I had to walk a bit.  Anyway--I managed 20.2 miles in 3:00:46.  I'm afraid that 50 miler might just kill me.


          Okay--I'm off to bed.  Another dang week starts in the morning...and, like my dad always said, "Mornings always come too early in the day."


            Thanks for the prime number table, Wildchild! I'll admit to being a bit challenged in coming up with primes.... Deez, make that 4.2 miles to hit 107!


            Mike, cute pictures. You sure have a crowd when the grandkids all show up. And I hear ya on struggling runs. More on that later.


            Holly, nice ride! I wouldn't have considered a Hyundai a few years ago, but I think their quality has improved tremendously, and they sure have a good warranty. We'll be looking for a new (or new to us) car in the near future. It was going to be this summer, but the garage remodel project and new roof project have put that back a bit. As for your job, it just kills me. Working in HR, I fully see a FLSA violation with your situation. Sure wish someone would call in a DOL audit on your boss. Seriously. Your job is not exempt, and what he's doing is illegal.


            Dave, I trip and twist my ankles sometimes too, but I love running trails. My problem is I have to drive to the good running trails. If I just leave from home, I'm on bike paths in full sun. Bleh. This leads into the understanding Mike E's struggling run today.


            I didn't run Friday because of torrential rains in the afternoon when I wanted to run. By the way, we're looking at one of our rainiest June's on record. Gotta love it. What a great time to demo and rebuild a garage! Anyway after taking Friday off, Saturday looked wonderful and I headed out early afternoon for a 10 mile trot. I didn't realize my legs wanted to do a tempo run! So.... 8.5 miles at 7:57 or something like that. Then ran the last two miles up the hill to home, still going at a good clip considering the incline (8:13's or something like that).


            So today, it was warmer and I wanted to get out earlier. Plan was for about 10 a.m. but I diddled around here too long and left at 11. It was already in the low 70's. We've had a cool rainy June so I'm really not used to the heat like I'd normally be this time of year.


            Started out with tired legs and it got worse from there. Took me almost 3 clock hours to run 2:02 so I really didn't do very well. Drank 2 11 oz bottles of Nuun, another 11 oz bottle of water, and two stops at the Hampton Inn for water, maybe 4-6 oz each time. Ran from mile 5 to almost 11 with no water and that was way too long. Kind of died at the end coming back up the hill to home. DH picked me up at the road below ours and took me home in the truck, about a mile short of goal. I hate it when I bonk like this. Issues:
            1) Ran too far/fast yesterday. Just because a tempo run feels good after a day off, doesn't mean it's a smart thing to do before a long run.
            2) Ran too fast today. Those early miles were too fast, even with the favorable terrain.
            3) Should've left by 10 a.m. and not 11:05. That hour made a big difference on a warm day.
            4) Probably should've had more to eat before my run. An english muffin with P/B and jam at 9 a.m. didn't feel like enough.


            So... will I learn any lessons? Probably not, but it's good to write down the stoopid things you did so you can at least try to avoid the same mistakes later. It got up to 79° today, which is much hotter than I'm used to. (That alone tells the sad tale of our cool wet summer so far....)

            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

              thanks for the incentive wildchild.

              I've got 0.8 to go so if Deez does her 0.2 for it, I'll do mine.

              Erika - even though I'm 96.6 miles shy of deez,

              I could add four miles too and still be prime but I won't'

              ps - I still bet 1967 was the wettest.

              I'm at 102.8 so I only have to run .2 to get a prime total!! 



              Oh, since tomorrow is the last day of June, please try to plan your mileage to end on a prime number for the month!  Here's a handy table of primes for you!  


                2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23
              29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67
              71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109
              113 127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167
              173 179 181 191 193 197 199 211 223 227
              229 233 239 241 251 257 263 269 271 277
              281 283 293 307 311 313 317 331 337 347

              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
