Masters Running


Thursday's Daily, 8.8.13 (Read 43 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    I don't know what is going on these days, but it seems that the more I do, the further behind I get. Do you ever have that feeling?


    I headed out into "fog" (according to the Weather Channel) at 4:15. Got to the next driveway, and it started to sprinkle. Kept going, and it kept sprinkling. Then someone up there started throwing big rain drops with all their might! I was getting pelted, and felt like ducking for cover. Instead, I turned around and ran (yes, ran) home. In total, I went less than half a mile, but was still completely soaked. What a wimp I am...



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      coastwalker hey if I had just headed out the door and got hit by a rain drop I would have headed right back in then and there!  No waiting to get pelted for me!


      Avenger Doggie what happened to those genes that say you are a carnivore?  Berries?  Really?  Your wolf ancestors will be rolling in their graves!


      Some days as of late the daily seems kind of thin.  I hope it is just summer and not a slow departure from RA.  Today I went off to run away from some zombies.  As you can see from my happy avatar none caught me!  I have one last mission to go in season 1.  At this rate though they will be on to season 10 or 11 by the time I finish season 2.  Roll eyes  Tonight I head out to Long Island (a 90 minute plus drive) to go to a third rate Italian restaurant.  Why?  It is my MIL birthday, she wants to go there and so that is where we are going.  Curious as to what they serve?  Easy.  Close your eyes and imagine the menu you see at nearly any local unimaginative Italian restaurant.  Pick from that menu and they have it.  Want a salad so soaked in dressing every lettuce leaf is a 100 calories?  You got it!  How about heavily breaded and deep fried calamari?  Yep!  Want chicken breaded and fried?  The chicken piccata is all yours! Want to add grease soaked mushrooms to that?  Just order the chicken marsala.  Yes, a wonderful dinner and only 3 plus hours of driving to get it! Dead

      Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

      Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

        Some days as of late the daily seems kind of thin.  I hope it is just summer and not a slow departure from RA.

        Sadly I think it may be.  Many people have moved to Facebook and/or Twitter for their social networking "fix".


        I ran 8 miles this morning which is a major victory for me.  My Dr. did confirm that the Med I am on would tend to keep my HR in check.  He described is as kind of like having a blanket around the heart.  In effect I am working against myself a little when I run.  HR never got out of the 130's today.  It's all good!


        One of these days I'm going to get the nerve up to do some 1/2 mile repeats.  It'll be interesting to see (and feel) how my HR goes when I push things.



        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        Marathon Maniac #957

          Good Morning!


          Jay -I know exactly what you mean....


          Twocat - you have my sympathies...


          Byll - nice run!


          I saw a bat in the predawn darkness as I ran by the river.  It was circling and swooping in that fluttery way they fly.  When I suddenly was enveloped in a dense cloud of gnats I understood why.  I had gnats in my nose, mouth, eyes, stuck to my arms and shirt.  Blech.  Better than giant spiderwebs, though.


          6.4 easy-paced miles for me this morning.  It was so humid that all our windows were wet with condensation on the inside, and outside was filled with mist and fog.  Sticky but interesting.

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


            Good Morning! I have nothing exercise related to report, but I'll do my part to overpost today so the daily isn't so thin. Wink


            I was talking to Johnny the other day and told him about the folks that are planning on the Avenue in May. He's still over at KR, with a small handful of folks, but said he'll definitely be coming down to the Avenue also. He's not sure what or if he'll run any of the distances offered, but said he'll be there anyways. it should be a fun spring marathon!


            that's all I got for now. .  . but I'm sure I'll be back later . . .


              Sadly I think it may be.  Many people have moved to Facebook and/or Twitter for their social networking "fix".





              but the Government and NSA aren't monitoring us over here..........


              as I was telling One of My Comrades from the 60's.......



              wait a minute

              there's somebody

              beating on the door downstairs,

              can't tell

              what they're saying thru that BullHorn, but I.........AAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!

              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

              Marathon Maniac #957




                but the Government and NSA aren't monitoring us over here..........


                or spouses, either......Wink

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  Happy Thursday Folks!!


                  Twocat - make sure you ask for your salad with the dressing on the side - at least you might salvage one part of the mealWink


                  Today was supposed to be a swim/run brick, but my the swim went afoul Sleepy  II was supposed to meet a guy from the triathlon group at the Lake at 6:30 but overslept ....rushed to head out the door as fast as I could and made it there by 6:37 and no sign of him.  Unfortunately I dont have his phone # so I waited about 15 minutes and decided to just head out for the run -- I'm not comfortable swimming across the lake alone, but I guess I could have swum the perimeter.....just really don't like being alone in the lake.   I left a note on my car, did a 2 mile loop around the lake, checked back at the parking lot - no sign of him - so I went back out and ran another 3.3 miles.   Checked my e-mail after and had a message from him saying - what happened to 6:30 ..... so strange - I mean, I know I was late, but really 7 minutes and you couldnt wait?? warmup or something - geez!!  Anyway, disappointed in the no swim, but at least had a great run!!


                  Have a great day my friends!!


                    Well, I am still here!

                    Very happy I pushed myself to do 8.1 miles this morning, impressive for a weekday.  That is my longest run in the past few months, so I was pretty wiped out after it.  60F, and no complaints.  Gotta get myself back into HM shape!

                    Bought a new bathroom scale. It has 0.2 pound increments.  I find that fascinating, and also motivating.  I need to lose 10 pounds to be back in my top HM shape, weight-wise that is.  And I will do it 0.2 pounds at a time!

                    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                      mari, belated happy birthday to your son.  enke, good job on longest run in a few months.


                      Good job on the speedwork for deez and ribs.


                      I hope our members are not all going to twitter and facebook.  I don't do twitter at all.  I do read my wife's facebook (with her permission) but don't have my own account.


                      This morning, it was in the low 60s and there was a light wind.  I got in 11 miles at just under an 11 min pace.


                      A good day and good runs for all.




                      MM #6177

                        I canceled my Twitter account a couple years back. There's no way I can participate in a social community that limits my character length...


                        I'm behind again. But it looks like I'm in good company, so that's good at least. Wink


                        Rest day today, which followed a short-than-usual PCR yesterday. MrOM and I are running a half marathon in Lake George, NY on Saturday. According to his training plan for Chicago (Higdon Intermediate 1), he's supposed to do a half race this weekend, so he found this race and now we're going to make a weekend of it. Supposed to be hilly but beautiful. Can't ask for better than that!


                        Good day, all!


                        Trails are hard!

                          Nice mid-week longs for Bill,  Enke and Tom.


                          Deez--whatever happened to the 10 minute rule?  Patience, patience.


                          Lining up for a busy 10 days.  This weekend in Maine, a two day trip to NC, fly to Rochester for 40th high school reunion, then drive FIL back up to Maine for his vacation on Sunday.  It will be interesting to see how the runs shake out in all of that.


                          makes Olive Garden sound special. Wink

                          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                          Singer who runs a smidge

                            You folks are a little intimidating to someone who doesn't actually run, but I'll try to help fill out your dailies.  A short intro -- I'm a scientist by day and a Sweet Adeline by night, and I don't run because I'm battling runner's knee in both knees.  I've been more or less sidelined for a year now, some days worse than others.  I'm currently trying strength training to fix them, and some days I think it helps and some days not.  It's all good.  Ironically, I'm a captain of a mileage game team over on RWOL -- I make an ok cheerleader even if I'm not much of a pacer.  So, arms this afternoon, then chorus tonight.  And my folks are coming in tonight to spend the weekend, so you won't hear from me again until Monday!

                            When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


                              Dentist yesterday, haircut today, now it is time to call the eye doctor and set an appointment.  August is the month to get the junk stuff done.

                              Today was a "I don't give a carp about anything" type of day.  Work seemed like drudgery.  I had to do an annual review of the one person reporting to me (which got done a couple hours ago without any pain.)

                              So, at lunchtime I packed up a couple bottles of water, a sandwich & snack, and headed to the Chippewa Trail (a paved trail that runs from downtown Midland to the Chippewa Nature Center 3.5 miles away.)   I ran 5+ miles in the blazing sun (30spf + visor) using the 7/2 run/walk method, and then I threw a towel on the grass and had my lunch on the banks of the Tittabawassee River.  I've got to do that more often.  It was a good change of pace.


                              I like Twitter, but I don't post much.  If you think is just a place for movie and sports stars to spout off embarrassing things you would be way off.  I get a lot of my news through Twitter.  I follow NPR, World Magazine, AP, etc. so I get short headlines in Twitter with a link back to the article should I be interested.  I follow the Buffalo Bills & Sabres too, so I know what's going on with my home teams.


