Masters Running


Chilly in South Florida; Wednesday 1/4/2012 Daily (Read 404 times)

    A chilly and very breezy 42° this morning made for a cold run.  It was tough leaving the warm heating blanket, but I bundled up looking much like Erika and went out.


    This is 10 days before my next Half Marathon and 10 days is a good time for the last speed workout.  The last few weeks I've been running 3 x 2 miles with 4/10 mile recovery between each repeat.  I was going to do that same workout again, but I decided instead to do an HM time trial to gauge where I'm at conditioning wise and run 6 miles continuous at (perceived) HM pace.


    I was a little disappointed when I saw the paces, but that's what I have apparently so it's all good!  I'm sure the first 3 were slow because I probably wasn't fully warmed up in what was a cold run (for me).


    8:41 (that's not even MP!)

    8:27 (that is MP)






    So I will probably target 8:05 or so for my HM.



    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


    Rose Colored Glasses

      0531. 21F. (Half of Beerger's "chilly" temperature)


      3 miles.... with... Ralph!  He is on the road to recovery. (9:34; 9:04; 9:00).  Then he swam with the group and I did some planks and stretches and chatted with some friends upstairs.

      Darn Hokies!  Should have NOT tried for the 4th down conversion in the first half.  Should have just kicked that field goal... that was a turning point in my eyes.


      What bothered me most about watching the game was that the ESPN announcers seemed so biased.  It was blatant. Heck, one wore a gold tie and one wore a blue tie.  I got so fed up with the commentary that I went to bed during the 4th quarter. Missed the exciting part, I guess.

      Oh well. We only lost to two teams this year. GO CLEMSON!


      (congratulations wolverines)


        I'd say nice run there Bill. It takes me about two miles to get warmed up in cold weather so I'd say your spot on.


        It's January and I am still getting outdoor track workouts in. 8x800's last night with 6 recovery miles this morning.


        It was already dark when I got to the Jr. High Track. Parents were starting to pull up to pick up the kids finishing sports practice. I had one person who thought they were doing me a favor by leaving thier headlights on shining on the track. (They had pulled in, parked and turned off thier headlights until they saw me walk on the track) All it did is blinded me when I came down the backside running towards the parking lot. Kinda sucked because there were small patches of ice on the track I had to watch for.


        Skip...I am LOVING the Pugsly. It ain't gonna get you anywhere fast but it will get you anywhere!


        MikeE...Very very glad to hear no one was hurt!


        OM, CR, Enjoy Disney!


        Rose Colored Glasses

          Oh!  And thanks for the reminder, Slo-hand!  

          Good luck to all of the Disney Runners!  My DD, (lilmissrocketscientist), is going to be running her first marathon there!  And SisterRose will be running it, too!

          DD was running very well, ran her 24 miler in Blacksburg (read: Hills) in 3:30.  But. Now. She has been complaining about a very sore foot. Our athletic trainer friend looked at it said she has tendinitis, including all of the tendons that meet up some way down there on the lateral side of her foot.

          SO. She hasn't been running much, she has been swimming a little, she got some "support hose" to wear. She has gentle stretches she does.

          BUTT. Who knows what will happen in Disney on Sunday?


          I hope that OM meets up with my kin.



          Mikey, glad the car accident was not worse.


          Erika. Stay warm. 


          MM #6177

            Hey everyone. Some great chilly running this morning, thanks for starting Byll. Glad to hear the RS is on the mend. Happy running to all who follow.


            I think I'm not running today. Achilles has been achy since yesterday's run and so this morning I finally broke down and iced it. I'm constantly stretching my calves these days, just to keep everything limber, so I guess yesterday's run in the bitter cold took a toll on me. What's that mantra I keep hearing? There's nothing to gain and everything to lose by running too much this week, or something like that. So no run today. Not sure if I'll have time to run again once we're at the parks, so it is what it is.


            MTA: Rosie and I were simul-posting! Smile Oh, I hope your DD's foot issue works itself out by Sunday. Thanks for the reminder as well! I'll message them both via FB, thanks for connecting me to them.

              I'd say nice run there Bill. It takes me about two miles to get warmed up in cold weather so I'd say your spot on.

               I should have mentioned that I had already run 2 miles before starting the HM part (and then 2 miles at the end).



              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                As of 7:00am I an 53 years old so I ran 5.3 this morning.  If I was Skip or Dove, I would have gotten started at midnight and ran 53 miles. Wink

                First run under 20° with my new Brooks Adrenaline GTX and they were great.  No cold feet or toes at all.  And I even sat outside on the front porch with a cup of coffee after my run.

                I read about a meteor shower that would be visible this morning, but I didn't pay attention to the details so I didn't know which direction to watch.  During the first half mile I saw a brilliant streak across the sky.  And that was it for the run.  Still it was better than nothing.

                Too many street lights in town and too many people with their houses all lit up to get a good view of the sky around here.  They would say it was for safety reasons, but I think it is from mankind's inherent insecurity.  Try to feel bigger and more important by blotting out the vastness of the universe with some artificial lighting. 




                  Bill - ran 2 miles only in 9 degrees this morning - couldn't take any more.  I'm not sure how I'll do in HM in 10 days, as I haven't been running much in the last 2 weeks.  Oh well, it will be warmer and away from work, so that's all that matters.


                  good luck to all the disney runners


                  ((((to those that need them)))



                  Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                    As of 7:00am I an 53 years old so I ran 5.3 this morning.  If I was Skip or Dove, I would have gotten started at midnight and ran 53 miles. Wink


                    Happy Birthday Dave!!!  Big grin


                    Have fun Disney runners and run safe!


                    I was out for a slow 4 this morning.   My whole rear end section is feeling that run in the snow yesterday, so my goal was to just keep moving and keep the HR down.   Without the wind the 16° felt pretty good this morning.    Brinkley was wired and wanted to go with me, so I didn't think he'd appreciate me putting the leash on B'Nellie.   Tomorrow we'll have to sneak around.


                    Hey, MikeE - want to come over and build a fire?   I didn't realize how many kitty paw prints there were until I downloaded the picture.




                    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                      Happy Birthday Dave!


                      Byll, that's shorts weather here.


                      For Leslie:

                      from a couple years ago



                      Enjoy the day friends.



                        RCG--Why oh why is DD doing a 24 mile run before her first marathon? Confused  That seems like tempting fate.

                        Speaking of tempting fate... Skip--that looks like a bloody nose/ER visit waiting to happen!  Wink


                        First icy beard run this morning; upper teens.  Just 5 easy miles (8:27).

                        Be safe. Be kind.

                        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                          Show off!   Wink


                          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                            ...Happy B'Day dave//.........


                            I do minutes,


                            gonna be a ''Challenge'' this year (new word for ''Problem'') to hit 62 minutes



                            maybe I'll bring a lunch.

                            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                              I thought you were supposed to lay on that ball and do crunches or something.


                              I had a good lunch run yesterday with another planned today.  Saw lots of runners as the wind had shifted to the south and it was pleasant.  Today it's back to the north so who knows.  Guess I'll run next to the track so I can finish up with the strides in my new plan.  It's funny how specific it is-110m.

                              "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

                              aka FlyingFinn

                                Jump up and down, Skip! Smile


                                Happy birthday, Dave.

                                Instructions for living a life:

                                Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.   ~~~Mary Oliver
