Masters Running


TGI Friday Mar 21 Runs and Workouts (Read 744 times)


    ripping is not a sound you should hear or feel while running BTB. well, unless maybe it's a pair of shorts . . . that's not great either though. And I guess if you are running by a couple of wimmin and you hear them say "wow - he's ripped! Blush " - that's probably a good thing . . . unless you are running like you are drunk . . . then it's not a good thing . . . Confused please tell us more . . . did you strain something? or actually RIP a muscle? Shocked



      Guys and gals.... thank you for your concern. Blush After much ice, and several glasses of wine, I'm good to go again! Wink I'm gonna call it a pulled right groin muscle. All the issues I've been having have been on my left side, the side I had my knee surgery on last year, so my right side has been doing all the work. I guess today it finally said enough is enough. The pain was instantaneous and searing. But now several hours later, I can dig my fingers in there and not find any single point that sends me through the roof, just a general pain along the inside of my right leg. So I don't think there is a tear, just a bad pull. I'll know better tomorrow, but as of now I'm guessing 7-10 days no running. I hope none of you ever has the pleasure of having to ice your groin. Shocked I wasn't kidding when I said it was a nice 5 mile walk back. Back home, I live in the boonies and run on deserted roads. Here in Georgia, I was on a nice paved running/biking trail in the woods, filled with lots to look at and a lot of people out and about doing their thing. I had a blast watching everyone, the walkers, the bikers, the couples holding hands, the friends out for group exercising and chat sessions, the speedy and the not so speedy, the kids on bikes with training wheels with their moms and/or dads cheering them on. Deer, squirrels, ducks. It was fun to have people to wave to and say hi to as they passed. It was fun to see the different reactions you'd get from them. Nods, waves, smiles, pointing, thumbs up, hellos, and silence. All good stuff. Stuff you'd probably miss if you were hammering away with your run. One person passed me several times on a bike and each time I'd get a "looking awesome" or "you are a machine" or "I'll race you" from them. Unfortunately Tammy, it was a guy. Sad Thank you again everyone. Smile In case any Boston bound boomers were wondering.... the gathering at my place during the trials goes on regardless! Big grin It's gonna take a lot more than this to keep me from meeting you awesome people. Smile

        btb - sorry to hear about your groin pull. It's good that there wasn't a tear, but that really sucks not being able to run for 7 - 10 days. Heal quickly! I'm getting excited for all the Boston runners - reading about corral numbers, bib numbers, etc. Good luck to all with your final weeks of training. I live vicariously through all of you! Interesting comment about being nice to the rellies coming in for Easter visits. We'll be having dinner with an aunt who never seems to have anything nice to say about my family. We're getting really good at "biting our tongues," because she's 83 and cranky. I tell my kids if I get like that, tell me first - then shoot me! Jeanne

        One day at a time

          btb, I'll be thinking about you, too! Doesn't sound fun. I haven't posted in a week or so because my runs have been pretty boring. This week, I've run 20 miles, with my distances ranging from 3.2 miles to 4.5 miles. Tomrorow I'm supposed to do 8.5 miles, but they're predicting another very windy day. I guess I will wait until the morning to see if I can stand to go outdoors, or if I will resort to the Y treadmills AGAIN (4 out of 5 times this week so far). DH and I contribute some to our local YMCA each year, through our business (contributors get large banners with their business logos hung around the exercise area). We met with the director this week, because he wants to highlight a business every couple of weeks. He took our photo and asked us why the Y is important to us. When he heard how all 5 of us are running now, and how I was such a couch potato two years ago, he asked if they could feature us in an upcoming monthly newsletter! If you'd told me two years ago about that, I would have laughed in your face! Big grin I love running!
            Good running to all today! btb...return to your perfection quickly. pfriese.....wasn't it the most beautiful day today? 6 easy miles for me on the trails. 70 degrees about 6:00 pm Lots of people out walking, running, biking....lovers holding hands, young people on spring break doin' the mess around. Again, I smelled honeysuckle.
            Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

              pfriese.....wasn't it the most beautiful day today? 6 easy miles for me on the trails. 70 degrees about 6:00 pm Lots of people out walking, running, biking....lovers holding hands, young people on spring break doin' the mess around. Again, I smelled honeysuckle.
              Yes it was beautiful today and yesterday, too. The wild sand plums are blooming and very sweet smelling around here. Also, I was curious, are you planning on coming down and doing one of the OKCMM training runs that are sponsored by the OKC running club? Tomorrows 20 miler will follow most of the marathon course They will be repeating this run route in 2 weeks also. These runs are open to non-members and are very well attended. Paul

              King of PhotoShop

                Home! btb: "rip"? What happened? Spareribs
                  sorry again for the VERy late post - friday 30 minutes bike, 3.3 miles treadmill - just a little start of tri-training - want to really focus on that after my 20 miler on 3/30 i've read all the interesting friday posts but it is so crazy here in work and i am whipped - so i apologize for not being able to comment on any posts except btb - hope you're feeling better soon!! and spareribs - great post for Good Friday


                    Yes it was beautiful today and yesterday, too. The wild sand plums are blooming and very sweet smelling around here. Also, I was curious, are you planning on coming down and doing one of the OKCMM training runs that are sponsored by the OKC running club? Tomorrows 20 miler will follow most of the marathon course They will be repeating this run route in 2 weeks also. These runs are open to non-members and are very well attended. Paul
                    Paul, unfortunately I won't be making any of the running clubs trainers. I had planned to try and make a couple, but it's just not to be. I do go to their website and visit from time to time and even downloaded the training schedule. That is something that I'd like to do...maybe next year I'll get it done... just to socialize with some other runners. The B on B was alot of fun for me to just run with others. I did meet a couple of folks from the OKC club and also the Edmond club. Also, met Tim there. As time gets nearer, let's make plans to meet up somewhere at OKC MM...If you're up for that.
                    Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                    One day at a time

                      It's getting discouraging - windy every day!! I don't think I can go for my longest run ever, 8.5 miles, when the wind is blowing more than 20 mph and it's 35 degrees. So I'm psyching myself up to do it on the treadmill. If it's nice weather where you are, you're lucky! Smile
                        It's getting discouraging - windy every day!! I don't think I can go for my longest run ever, 8.5 miles, when the wind is blowing more than 20 mph and it's 35 degrees. So I'm psyching myself up to do it on the treadmill. If it's nice weather where you are, you're lucky! Smile
                        Teresa, you can do it! Outside, treadmill, either way is great. Go for it!
                        Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                        One day at a time

                          Teresa, you can do it! Outside, treadmill, either way is great. Go for it!
                          Thanks! I made it, on the treadmill. I will post on the appropriate thread!