Masters Running


Monday, July 18th runs 'n such (Read 586 times)


Marathon Iowa 2014

    Good morning everyone,


    Shall we start with some animal talk this morning?


    Now that the PBJsters areout of state, Long-Suffering and I got to go on a date.  Well, sort of a date.   We brought Sophie and Lucy (our dogs) with us to the ice cream shop.  I ordered a vanilla custard mix-in with malt, graham crakcer and white chocolate.  I shared with the girls.  They take very nicely from a spoon.  Hope I didn't gross anyone out at the picnic tables.


    Anyways, yesterday, Long-Suffering and I went to the track for 45 minutes (she's back on the C25K).  I'm very proud of her - it was really hot out there.  After the track, I continued on the roads for 1:40.  Lost a lot of water.  Today - lift, step, spin.  Back at it.

      Good Morning PBJ and all who follow

      That's great animal talk and yesterday was National Ice Cream day! All good and lucky dogs. Way to go Long Suffering too!


      No bears for me this morning, just the usual rabbits, chipmunks, dogs out walking their owners, and all manner of bugs. Ran an easy 6 miles and lifted weights and did some core work after.  Flying out to Ohio later today.


        7.3 miles in the soup this morning.  Seems silly to complain about the heat when all I do is sit in a chair all day in an air conditioned room, so I won't say how I am not looking forward to this heat wave that so far has no predicted end to it.  Each morning I look at the long range forecast and every day is the same.




          I'm sure your doggies appreciated the cool treat PBJ. Give your DW a pat on the back for toughing out a run in the H&H


          It's too bad your neighbor wasn't burning his marijuana plants yesterday Leslie. At least all of that "smoke" drifting in your house might have been a little more enjoyable Big grin


          Safe travels Karin!


          It sounds like we're stuck in the same weather system Dave. Did you weigh yourself before and after your run this morning?

          I'm not complaining here, just stating a fact: We have not had a week of temps in the 90's with humidity over 80% in over 20 years. That's what is predicted for this week. Wimped out this morning and went to the Y. I did 5 whole miles on the eliptical and 4 on the bike! Felt great to be doing something other than walking. Grandpa got some great pictures of Will and Ben in the pool yesterday. One of Will eating a grape popsicle that was dripping down his tummy as fast as he could eat it  Will try to figure out how to post them later. Could I have those instructions again?


          The US should have won that soccer game yesterday Sad

          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

            It's too bad your neighbor wasn't burning his marijuana plants yesterday Leslie. At least all of that "smoke" drifting in your house might have been a little more enjoyable Big grin


            But then she would have gotten the munchies, which would make her need that shed even more to burn off the extra calories.  Wink


            Good thing we had root beer floats last night in honor of National Ice Cream day.   I haven't had one of those in years.


            I got out of bed at the last possible moment today as I was up with Hudson's mom last night during the thunderstorms.   If we go down to the family room, turn the TV on and pull the blinds closed, she does better.  


            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



              ... temps in the 90's with humidity over 80% ...

               Around here, that's called summer. Smile


              Not bad out today, though.  Managed 4 tempo miles as part of a 10.5 miler.

              Be safe. Be kind.

              Mike E

              MM #5615

                Good morning everybody!  I had a pretty busy weekend and, while I read everybody's posts, I never had the chance to post. 


                Saturday was a lot of fun--it started with a local race that the high school cc coach puts on and, since I couldn't run it, I went to help out...and watch my kids and grandkids run.  There was a 4 mile, a 2 mile, and a 1/2 mile kid's run.  My son, who is down from Alaska, ran with his wife and their two dogs--they ran the 2 miler.  My college son came home from the camp he's working at to run it--he ran (and won) both the 4 miler and 2 miler.  My son-in-law ran the 4 miler, my daughter ran the 2 miler, and three of their four daughters ran the 1/2 miler.  Two of them are twins and when one of them saw that the other one was going to beat her she wanted to quit.  Well--I have a really hard time with the whole "quitting" thing so I might have crossed my grandparent boundries here but, she was crying and she was refusing to finish because she was so embarrased, so I just put my arm around her and walked with her across the finish line.  Everybody cheered for her and all was fine.  After the race, we went to breakfast and then spent the day on my daughter's boat at one of our few thousand lakes in the area.


                Yesterday...Women's World Cup...pretty dissapointing.  Because my dad was stationed in Japan 53 years ago, I was actually born in Japan so everytime Japan wins something, I try to feel some kind pride...for some reason, I never do.


                Oh--I met some of my Ragnar teammates, yesterday, too.  This is a very organized group and they seem like pretty fun people.  Now, I just hope I can run by then.  I think I'm going to give my heal another week and then try to ease back into it.


                Okay--that's it--have a great day!


                  Being a huge soccer fan I really enjoyed the fun and anticipation of the game between Japan vs. USA and Paraguay vs. Brazil. I was chasing DH up on a Mt. Top as he did his research work  while the games were going on via text messages, but I was kept informed by my family back home about the result. I am sorry that USA did not bring home the tittle. I guess there was a huge party back home yesterday because Paraguay won Brazil!


                  Holly, great 20 miler! Eriak, you 10/15 looks mighty good too.


                  I miss AAmos, too!

                  As for me? It is going to be a day of TOTAL rest! Wink. I am trying to get in to see my massage therapist today.

                  "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                    I almost feel lost.


                    I've been scanning the dailys but thats about it.


                    I've backed off the running a bit. Getting a very strange type of pain that has been difficult to pinpoint. It only hurts when I run, nothing else causes the pain. I took a few days off and this morning the only reason it was noticeable was becasue I was looking for it so I don't think it's anything serious. We'll put 3 days in a row of easy 5's in and see what happens.


                    I leave Saturday for RAGBRAI...Can't wait !

                      Morning All!  


                      I thought every day was National Ice Cream Day!!??


                      Safe travel to Karin!  Enjoy your visitor Holly!  (I remember when Karin used to travel to Syracuse. <sigh>Wink


                      Mike E. - Sounds like a delightful family affair!  


                      A very soggy 9.6 for me.  Felt a bit sluggish on the way out but ran the Canal and then made the climb up through the forest and onto the Serengeti only to find a major T-cell had slipped up on me while I was in the woods.  An upland savannah is NOT the place to be running in a lightning storm.  The light show was a mile and half away and I figured my best bet was the shortcut trail across the grassland even though that had me running toward the storm.  Made it across and plunged back down into the old growth (man was it dark in there!) and out the gravel chute just as the storm hit.  Torrential rain - reminded me of Tropical Storm Tamster at Hartford in 2005.  Remember that PBJ?  My shoes filled up with water that would squirt out with every step.  (adding 5lbs of weight to each shoe I think.) The roads and Canal path flooded and a lot of the run home was through 2"-4" of standing water.  Lightning makes for a good motivator though.  Never got closer than a half mile.  Good to be home safe in my nice dry apartment.


                      I hope you all enjoy your day, whatever it may bring you!



                        Slo_Hand - had to look up RAGBRAI - Sounds like a great adventure!  No wonder you are excited!



                          I might have crossed my grandparent boundries here but, so I just put my arm around her and walked with her across the finish line.  Everybody cheered for her and all was fine. 


                          What a great grandpa!  Well done, Mike.


                          JLynne - Ha!!  The Sheriff's Dept has a group called CAMP (Campaign Against Marijuana Planting) that goes around the County look for grows, busts 'em, then burns the plants.  I don't know how they burn them, but all that smoke's gotta go somewhere . . . . Wink  And the neighbor was up bright and early burning again this morning.  Yuck.


                          Ice cream sounds so good!


                          I overslept this morning, so decided to concentrate on one workout instead of splitting it up.  Did an hour of core/strength training and will either go to the pool after work or go home and do the stationary ride.  Probably pool since The Hub is suppose to be home tomorrow for two nights.  This week is going to be kind of stressful, especially Wednesday.  I keep asking, but I'm asking again - we could use some prayers and positive vibes.


                          Enjoy the day ~

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            What a great grandpa!  Well done, Mike.



                            I thought so, too!


                            Monday mornings are lazy, motivationally, for me these days, so I puttered around on the computer, uploading photos to and made some preparations for tonights dinner.


                            30 minutes of light weights and core.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              ...Welcome back Slo//...............easy does it.........





                              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....






                                 and remember

                                you get a butterfly hug when you rest!

                                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard
